After all that unpleasant maths
back the your regularly scheduled tables of numbers and graphs...
Results: 2012-Jul-20 11:44am (up to block 189971)
Address Target Should Win | #Bets | Win | Lose | Refunds | BTC In | BTC Out | Refund | Profit | RTP
1dice1e6p 1 0.00002 | 10450 | 0 (0.00000) | 10180 | 270 | 51.83 | 0.01 | 16.30 | 51.82 | 0.037
1dice1Qf4 2 0.00003 | 989 | 0 (0.00000) | 920 | 69 | 7.94 | 0.00 | 5.38 | 7.94 | 0.022
1dice2pxm 4 0.00006 | 1498 | 0 (0.00000) | 1466 | 32 | 13.55 | 0.00 | 1.22 | 13.55 | 0.049
1dice2vQo 8 0.00012 | 1284 | 0 (0.00000) | 1244 | 40 | 18.14 | 0.00 | 4.15 | 18.13 | 0.034
1dice2WmR 16 0.00024 | 1476 | 0 (0.00000) | 1446 | 30 | 24.37 | 0.02 | 6.60 | 24.34 | 0.094
1dice2xkj 32 0.00049 | 3417 | 1 (0.00029) | 3405 | 11 | 106.99 | 100.40 | 1.29 | 6.59 | 93.841
1dice2zdo 64 0.00098 | 5167 | 7 (0.00136) | 5143 | 17 | 209.30 | 121.70 | 55.64 | 87.60 | 58.146
1dice37Ee 128 0.00195 | 6257 | 14 (0.00225) | 6195 | 48 | 1233.36 | 1143.24 | 40.25 | 90.11 | 92.693
1dice3jkp 256 0.00391 | 4609 | 21 (0.00457) | 4574 | 14 | 491.61 | 332.02 | 13.11 | 159.58 | 67.538
1dice4J1m 512 0.00781 | 6931 | 43 (0.00621) | 6883 | 5 | 1460.76 | 580.23 | 9.35 | 880.52 | 39.721
1dice5wwE 1000 0.01526 | 12041 | 169 (0.01404) | 11870 | 2 | 2089.30 | 1665.78 | 1.80 | 423.51 | 79.729
1dice61SN 1500 0.02289 | 7031 | 163 (0.02320) | 6862 | 6 | 2947.56 | 3355.32 | 15.00 | -407.76 | 113.834
1dice6DPt 2000 0.03052 | 7634 | 244 (0.03197) | 7387 | 3 | 3242.60 | 2968.55 | 9.24 | 274.04 | 91.549
1dice6gJg 3000 0.04578 | 7038 | 350 (0.04978) | 6681 | 7 | 4810.53 | 6361.10 | 24.99 | -1550.57 | 132.233
1dice6GV5 4000 0.06104 | 7602 | 487 (0.06409) | 7112 | 3 | 2775.87 | 2565.27 | 31.20 | 210.59 | 92.413
1dice6wBx 6000 0.09155 | 14370 | 1355 (0.09433) | 13010 | 5 | 8526.55 | 8694.98 | 7.01 | -168.42 | 101.975
1dice6YgE 8000 0.12207 | 29138 | 3640 (0.12495) | 25491 | 7 | 6098.25 | 5379.06 | 0.00 | 719.19 | 88.207
1dice7EYz 12000 0.18311 | 16210 | 3072 (0.18957) | 13133 | 5 | 6661.61 | 6807.11 | 14.50 | -145.49 | 102.184
1dice7fUk 16000 0.24414 | 42396 | 10284 (0.24261) | 32105 | 7 | 13255.13 | 12875.71 | 97.79 | 379.42 | 97.138
1dice7W2A 24000 0.36621 | 31849 | 11782 (0.37031) | 20035 | 32 | 13330.29 | 13301.97 | 212.63 | 28.32 | 99.787
1dice8EMZ 32000 0.48828 | 304780 | 148509 (0.48747) | 156142 | 129 | 93709.98 | 94614.77 | 2173.21 | -904.78 | 100.966
1dice97EC 32768 0.50000 | 127050 | 63345 (0.49888) | 63629 | 76 | 46098.86 | 44536.87 | 789.20 | 1561.98 | 96.612
1dice9wcM 48000 0.73242 | 89590 | 65896 (0.73590) | 23649 | 45 | 65018.36 | 63475.25 | 467.98 | 1543.10 | 97.627
1dicec9k7 52000 0.79346 | 157 | 123 (0.78344) | 34 | 0 | 61.72 | 60.32 | 0.00 | 1.39 | 97.733
1dicegEAr 56000 0.85449 | 51 | 39 (0.76471) | 12 | 0 | 131.38 | 93.56 | 0.00 | 37.82 | 71.213
1diceDCd2 60000 0.91553 | 22 | 17 (0.77273) | 5 | 0 | 15.59 | 15.31 | 0.00 | 0.27 | 98.235
1dice9wVt 64000 0.97656 | 5809 | 5560 (0.97853) | 122 | 127 | 5013.48 | 4820.66 | 239.20 | 192.82 | 96.154
| 744846 | 315121 | 428735 | 990 | 277405.04 | 273869.34 | 4237.13 | 3535.69 | 98.725
SD Profit before fees: 3535.69622366 BTC (1.275%)
Cumulative Fees Paid: 374.93467500 BTC
SD Profit after fees: 3160.76154866 BTC (1.139%)
Since Satoshi Dice started, there have been:
Blockchain Tx: 2249769 : SatoshiDice Tx: 1376978 (61.2%)
Blockchain MB: 952.8 : SatoshiDice Tx: 565.8 (59.4%)
I noticed a sharp drop of 100 BTC or so on the red line about a day ago and looked to see what happened.
This bet is responsible for the loss. 2 BTC on each of lessthan 1500, 2000, 3000, and 4000, with a lucky number of 920 winning all 4 bets. A 223.90897599 BTC return for an 8 BTC outlay!
Bet: lessthan 3000
Bet Amount: 2.00000000
Payment: 42.65159066
Bet: lessthan 2000
Bet Amount: 2.00000000
Payment: 63.97263600
Bet: lessthan 1500
Bet Amount: 2.00000000
Payment: 85.29368133
Bet: lessthan 4000
Bet Amount: 2.00000000
Payment: 31.99106800