
Topic: [SCAM] BLOCKNET: The Metcalf/Prom Alt-Coin Cartel Scam Exposed - page 16. (Read 100128 times)

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
LeeWilson, you're banned.

Don't post here again.

Well, I was "officially banned" from the blocknet thread. I will give it a few more minutes to post any deleted posts that were deleted around and after my banning.
We will be able to see if these posts should have been considered ban worthy or were just questions they did not want to answer because of the repercussions.
I am still awaiting any type of response regarding Dan Metcalf pulling btc funds into his personal accounts from the ito. As well as awaiting any formation of a board of any kind on their part like their terms mentioned. I will be releasing some really nice nuggets of reality to the thread here and will most likely post it on the blocknet thread as well because that was the original intention, but I was awaiting the answers to the questions above and that you will see were posed also below.

CryptoArticles: How the Blocknet ensures its funds cannot be misspent

i heard bittrex is putting a buywall up for block. is this happening for all the exchanges or are they the only one? and what if we bought with  another coin? any offical info on all this?

Only Bittrex

They are doing it to compensate open trading on Poloniex

yeah polo dropped the ball a little bit on this deal. oh well should mean less supply of coins and higher value hopefully.

Not the case at all.  I negotiated the terms of the crowdsale for Poloniex.  I made it abundantly clear to the Blocknet team multiple times that trade would be open on Poloniex in both the NHZ and BTC BLOCK markets.  Blocknet was well aware of the arrangement.  

MobyDick_Poloniex because there seems to be a breakdown as to what is being told to the community versus what is really happening would you please let us know some more things.

When you were approached to pull down the sell wall, what reasoning were you given?

Did it violate the agreement you originally had with blocknet?

How many total block's were sold on poloniex?

How much btc did it generate?

Were these funds sent to blocknet?

If so, what btc address and who was the blocknet representative that authorized this?

Thank you.

Poloniex was not asked to remove a sell wall.  The developers selling Blocknet were able to deposit and place the wall at the price they chose and with the quantity of BLOCK they deposited.  The removal of the sell wall was entirely up to the developers and did not violate any previously arranged terms.

The total amount of BTC and NHZ raised during the crowdsale has been tallied, and the addresses funds were withdrawn to have been noted.  I have requested authorization to release these details from Dan Metcalf in an email, and will await his decision before posting them.


Dan Metcalf has given approval that the following information be made public:

Regarding Blocknet sales on Poloniex:

37.5060983 BTC worth of BLOCK was sold for BTC
14.31655727 BTC worth of BLOCK was bought with BTC

23.185 BTC was the total raised on Poloniex prior to the removal of the sell wall.

BTC raised was sent to

1PvuqFFhQg69KqsKQ96rwR1RDWqgXeqat8 and 1CDaN8NbNDjdbKtFdKiVh2MM9Gky6efncE

32450774.72149716 NHZ worth of BLOCK was sold for NHZ.

NHZ raised was sent to NHZ-PC95-K8VS-MEX5-7Z5K7

I am guessing these are not the multisig escrow wallets that were mentioned in the last couple of days.
These funds were pulled off of poloniex a week ago.
One has had deposits sent to it on and off since July hence potentially comingling funds from somewhere else.
One appears newer.
Both have multiple smaller amounts of btc being sent out of them to multiple different addresses.

Did the board vote for those transactions? Did the auditor approve?

I notice this did not get addressed. Care to address this now?

Why is ITO gathered BTC from Poloniex being sent by Dan Metcalf to his personal account(s)?

Exactly how much BLOCK was removed from Poloniex?

Where did the BLOCK go that were removed from Poloniex?

Where did the BLOCK go that were removed from Bter?

Has BTC been removed from Bter? If so, where did it go?

In your latest release of new ITO terms it mentions a board and multi sig wallet creation previous to btc removal, or did I read that wrong?

I think much peoples store the Blocks from Poloniex, Coingateway and Bter in their Wallet. Don`t forget they staking.

Next point is, that you have later to transfer the Blocks to the NHZ Assets Exchange.

Thank you for you answer, but I am not asking about BLOCK purchased by investors.

All of the questions are regarding the BLOCK and BTC generated from the ito held by the exchanges and/or Blocknet group.
They know what I am asking and have chosen not to address it for over 12 hours intentionally because the ramifications are catastrophic.

It looks like if another 100 BTC (conservative estimate, it might be considerably less) is sold into the Bittrex buy wall, the ITO will, "fail," according to the ITO terms established.

Those terms continue to change.
Like adding more "surprise" coins to coingateway less than 24hrs ago.
Or pulling the sell wall from Poloniex shortly before that.
Or saying that the ito btc will not move from exchanges until a board and multisig wallets are established, but it is already happening.
Or that the board will be determined before the end of the ito...Still a little time left for that if they choose to change when the ito ends and put blame on bittrex.

I see plenty of Bittrex investors buying on Poloniex at sub-ITO price, then selling an equivalent amount of their captive BLOCK into the Bittrex buywall. Cross-exchange arbitrage.

I believe deposits and withdrawals are closed during this 48 hour so you can't arbitrage.

what he means is, they buy the same amount of btc on polo as they did on trex and then get rid of their trex stach and keep the polo stach

If they can withdraw bitcoins after selling blocks this is compleatly feasable and disgusting.

as we can see they are more interested in buying and selling at once as you noticed earlier

the question is when they run out of tokens

Well now that we can see it please DO SOMETHING. You and Synechist reach out to Bittrex and ask to stop the trading Now!.

This is completly against ITO rules and trading should not be allowed during the refund period. we cannot even check for real how many bitcoins have been sold as they are adding buys at 0.00025.

Please reach out to them and let them address this issue.

You are crying foul about the ITO now? Only when it is not in your favor?
Where was the screaming when it was know by the dev from day one that trading could occur on poloniex. That was against ITO rules, along with all of the thing I posted a few of post back.
The dev himself Dan Metcalf did the exact same thing on poloniex. He put up the buy wall when he wanted and pulled it when he wanted and withdrew btc form the sales when he wanted. He was pulling btc from poloniex 7 days ago into his personal btc wallets that was from the sell of block. And not a whimper from you. WOW

wasn't leewilson banned from this thread??

i'm pretty sure he was

is there a way to ban person from a thread? Never heard about it...
So ho shouldn't be able to even post here if he's banned?

The op can delete your posts and request you to not post on the thread anymore.
If yo continue to do so then you will be reported to the mods who have the ability to ban you from the site for whatever length of time they fell is necessary.

I was not banned from this thread.
I was however the only person to question the poloniex sell wall that was pulled and where the funds went.
Poloniex was nice enough to request from Dan Metcalf if that information was ok to be released.
Metcalf said it was ok and poloniex posted the info.
The info shows that Dan Metcalf has been pulling btc off of poloniex into his personal btc wallets which is against ITO rules.
The info also shows that Dan Metcalf pulled the sell wall from poloniex which is against ITO rules.
Not one peep regarding this from the dev, pr or community.

Many don't want me here because I keep pointing out major issues.

.......Many don't want me here because I keep pointing out major issues.
I like to ask you just one thing:  
Will you go for seppuku  , if this ITO succeeds ? ? ?

I can easily say I would without fear of losing.......

Time to find a Tantō.  Only 1.5 days left....

You forgot the rest of the sentence and the rest of the quote. I added it below.
Why would you want to only pick and choose out of the statement.
You wouldn't be trying to twist words? From a blocknet  lover? Who would have thunk it.
The fact that it broke its own rules creating a failure means you shouldn't have already gotten the job done.
Apparently you failed at that as well.

.......Many don't want me here because I keep pointing out major issues.
I like to ask you just one thing:  

Will you go for seppuku  , if this ITO succeeds ? ? ?

I can easily say I would without fear of losing could you do the same?

And why would that be determined by investors?
My claims are that the powers that be are not what you think and that the rules keep changing.

No, you can't accept the challenge and here is why. According to the ITO rules the ITO has failed. Period. Going back and moving the goal posts on a regular basis does not make it succeed.
The terms as laid out were not met and actions went against said terms. Even after the terms were changed, the new terms were not met and actions went against said terms.

So feel free to spill your guts now. Literally and figuratively.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Another journalist brave enough to raise questions about the Crypto Illuminati.

Wonder how long it will be till the smear campaign against this one begins.
hero member
Activity: 896
Merit: 1000
Avatars are overrated.
fuck a blocknet....thats all im saying  Grin
But why? I don't understand what all the hubbub is about.
Janislee or whatever had a startup that caved so he removed himself from the xc team a while ago. Good right?
The blocknet ICO was canceled. Good right?

Can someone boil down the current concerns into bulletpoints so that they can either be addressed directly or exposed?

topic deleted.. get it yet ?

i see one comment deleted on the Blocknet ANN topic too and it's self modded.. so uhhhhh ??
I don't. I'm sorry. :/  Aside from being moderated shitty in your opinion, what are the technical issues? In bullets please so that they can be addressed. Or are you saying that if you post that material it will get deleted? Should I switch to IRC for a chat?

I have posted on the blocknet thread and here regarding just the most recent revelations of deceit.
It was not addressed by the community or op/pr in either thread.
Feel free to address it  in the blocknet thread.
But that is all about the ito that got canceled. So it is a non-issue now right? And to be clear, I am not saying that I have the answers because I don't. I am saying that if you want questions answered you simplify the question as much as possible. In order to do that, bulleted concerns would be helpful. At that point it would be easy to take the real boiled down question over to IRC for an answer right? Just simplify and ask directly. So again, does anyone have some concerns that they want to list out that are CURRENTLY prevalent? I swear, communication will be the downfall of alts.

I guess I am just not seeing the big picture. Sorry. Sad

You're kidding right? I guess you did not read my posts and the questions within:

Here is my post word for word from the first link:
I notice this did not get addressed. Care to address this now?

Why is ITO gathered BTC from Poloniex being sent by Dan Metcalf to his personal account(s)?

Exactly how much BLOCK was removed from Poloniex?

Where did the BLOCK go that were removed from Poloniex?

Where did the BLOCK go that were removed from Bter?

Has BTC been removed from Bter? If so, where did it go?

In your latest release of new ITO terms it mentions a board and multi sig wallet creation previous to btc removal, or did I read that wrong?

Here is my post word for word from the second link:
That is the hope, but currently the dev himself is not following protocol:
"The Blocknet Foundation’s board will be formed before the end of the ITO period. This is of course necessary before
funds can be transferred from exchanges, since a multisig address must be created using the addresses of every
Board Member. "

Funds are already being transferred, see for yourself:

It is already going to be an accounting nightmare from the looks of it.
And none of the transactions were approved by a board of any kind.

These were provided to you after you originally asked for a bulleted list.

Your response was to ask for the same thing again (bullets) *that is about as concise as it can get. why are you dodging?
And then to have the question asked in IRC and not on the thread *i am certain the public wants to see the answers and they deserve it. what do you have to hide?
Lastly you bring up current issues as if what I provided is not current. *It is hot off the press and yet to be answered.

The above clearly shows you are either incompetent or just trying to steer things your way with misinformation all the while dodging the facts.
IRL this happens from time to time as well and I always say the same thing. "You are either a liar or and idiot, which one is it?"
I would post the answer from IRC if I asked it. Not saying I would be the person to do that, I just think this thread has gotten so convoluted that the questions are too diluted to even get an answer(s). I am trying to encourage clarity. I might be incompetent for which I have apologized for. I have no need to dodge anything since my only stake in the game is in the coins I am invested in not the ITO since I didn't invest in that (I have a rule not to invest in ico/ipo/ito). I think you are getting a little angry at me though... All I wanted was some clarity on the concerns so that I can get the answers from the correct place to ask them, which imo is IRC. Again, did not invest in the ITO. I just hold a majority of the coins associated with the blocknet and the concern here has me questioning if I should be concerned with my investments or if they are not affected by the already canceled ITO. How is the average xst/sdc/fibre/ssd/lxc/etc... affected by this, basically? No need to flip tables man.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
fuck a blocknet....thats all im saying  Grin
But why? I don't understand what all the hubbub is about.
Janislee or whatever had a startup that caved so he removed himself from the xc team a while ago. Good right?
The blocknet ICO was canceled. Good right?

Can someone boil down the current concerns into bulletpoints so that they can either be addressed directly or exposed?

topic deleted.. get it yet ?

i see one comment deleted on the Blocknet ANN topic too and it's self modded.. so uhhhhh ??
I don't. I'm sorry. :/  Aside from being moderated shitty in your opinion, what are the technical issues? In bullets please so that they can be addressed. Or are you saying that if you post that material it will get deleted? Should I switch to IRC for a chat?

I have posted on the blocknet thread and here regarding just the most recent revelations of deceit.
It was not addressed by the community or op/pr in either thread.
Feel free to address it  in the blocknet thread.
But that is all about the ito that got canceled. So it is a non-issue now right? And to be clear, I am not saying that I have the answers because I don't. I am saying that if you want questions answered you simplify the question as much as possible. In order to do that, bulleted concerns would be helpful. At that point it would be easy to take the real boiled down question over to IRC for an answer right? Just simplify and ask directly. So again, does anyone have some concerns that they want to list out that are CURRENTLY prevalent? I swear, communication will be the downfall of alts.

I guess I am just not seeing the big picture. Sorry. Sad

You're kidding right? I guess you did not read my posts and the questions within:

Here is my post word for word from the first link:
I notice this did not get addressed. Care to address this now?

Why is ITO gathered BTC from Poloniex being sent by Dan Metcalf to his personal account(s)?

Exactly how much BLOCK was removed from Poloniex?

Where did the BLOCK go that were removed from Poloniex?

Where did the BLOCK go that were removed from Bter?

Has BTC been removed from Bter? If so, where did it go?

In your latest release of new ITO terms it mentions a board and multi sig wallet creation previous to btc removal, or did I read that wrong?

Here is my post word for word from the second link:
That is the hope, but currently the dev himself is not following protocol:
"The Blocknet Foundation’s board will be formed before the end of the ITO period. This is of course necessary before
funds can be transferred from exchanges, since a multisig address must be created using the addresses of every
Board Member. "

Funds are already being transferred, see for yourself:

It is already going to be an accounting nightmare from the looks of it.
And none of the transactions were approved by a board of any kind.

These were provided to you after you originally asked for a bulleted list.

Your response was to ask for the same thing again (bullets) *that is about as concise as it can get. why are you dodging?
And then to have the question asked in IRC and not on the thread *i am certain the public wants to see the answers and they deserve it. what do you have to hide?
Lastly you bring up current issues as if what I provided is not current. *It is hot off the press and yet to be answered.

The above clearly shows you are either incompetent or just trying to steer things your way with misinformation all the while dodging the facts.
IRL this happens from time to time as well and I always say the same thing. "You are either a liar or and idiot, which one is it?"
hero member
Activity: 896
Merit: 1000
Avatars are overrated.
fuck a blocknet....thats all im saying  Grin
But why? I don't understand what all the hubbub is about.
Janislee or whatever had a startup that caved so he removed himself from the xc team a while ago. Good right?
The blocknet ICO was canceled. Good right?

Can someone boil down the current concerns into bulletpoints so that they can either be addressed directly or exposed?

topic deleted.. get it yet ?

i see one comment deleted on the Blocknet ANN topic too and it's self modded.. so uhhhhh ??
I don't. I'm sorry. :/  Aside from being moderated shitty in your opinion, what are the technical issues? In bullets please so that they can be addressed. Or are you saying that if you post that material it will get deleted? Should I switch to IRC for a chat?

I have posted on the blocknet thread and here regarding just the most recent revelations of deceit.
It was not addressed by the community or op/pr in either thread.
Feel free to address it  in the blocknet thread.
But that is all about the ito that got canceled. So it is a non-issue now right? And to be clear, I am not saying that I have the answers because I don't. I am saying that if you want questions answered you simplify the question as much as possible. In order to do that, bulleted concerns would be helpful. At that point it would be easy to take the real boiled down question over to IRC for an answer right? Just simplify and ask directly. So again, does anyone have some concerns that they want to list out that are CURRENTLY prevalent? I swear, communication will be the downfall of alts.

I guess I am just not seeing the big picture. Sorry. Sad
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
fuck a blocknet....thats all im saying  Grin
But why? I don't understand what all the hubbub is about.
Janislee or whatever had a startup that caved so he removed himself from the xc team a while ago. Good right?
The blocknet ICO was canceled. Good right?

Can someone boil down the current concerns into bulletpoints so that they can either be addressed directly or exposed?

topic deleted.. get it yet ?

i see one comment deleted on the Blocknet ANN topic too and it's self modded.. so uhhhhh ??
I don't. I'm sorry. :/  Aside from being moderated shitty in your opinion, what are the technical issues? In bullets please so that they can be addressed. Or are you saying that if you post that material it will get deleted? Should I switch to IRC for a chat?

i just typed some shit out and deleted and started over again because i already explained and it's gone..

good luck

this place is corrupt i am fed up with explaining how they are corrupt and having my comments deleted.

my advice is get out of this Altcoin shit asap people
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
These zealots are so blinded that they do not even care that the btc already generated, is being thrown around willy nilly by the dev.
Of course against their own rules they drafted for the ito.

What will the excuse be this time?

The same as saying Dan Metcalf is a reputable/successful business man and when you ask for the name of the company they give a false name.
When you tell them the company name is false they then say that Dan Metcalf's business are private information.  Roll Eyes

Using that info to lure in buyers and then it being false is called fraud.  Kiss
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
fuck a blocknet....thats all im saying  Grin
But why? I don't understand what all the hubbub is about.
Janislee or whatever had a startup that caved so he removed himself from the xc team a while ago. Good right?
The blocknet ICO was canceled. Good right?

Can someone boil down the current concerns into bulletpoints so that they can either be addressed directly or exposed?

topic deleted.. get it yet ?

i see one comment deleted on the Blocknet ANN topic too and it's self modded.. so uhhhhh ??
I don't. I'm sorry. :/  Aside from being moderated shitty in your opinion, what are the technical issues? In bullets please so that they can be addressed. Or are you saying that if you post that material it will get deleted? Should I switch to IRC for a chat?

I have posted on the blocknet thread and here regarding just the most recent revelations of deceit.
It was not addressed by the community or op/pr in either thread.
Feel free to address it  in the blocknet thread.
hero member
Activity: 896
Merit: 1000
Avatars are overrated.
fuck a blocknet....thats all im saying  Grin
But why? I don't understand what all the hubbub is about.
Janislee or whatever had a startup that caved so he removed himself from the xc team a while ago. Good right?
The blocknet ICO was canceled. Good right?

Can someone boil down the current concerns into bulletpoints so that they can either be addressed directly or exposed?

topic deleted.. get it yet ?

i see one comment deleted on the Blocknet ANN topic too and it's self modded.. so uhhhhh ??
I don't. I'm sorry. :/  Aside from being moderated shitty in your opinion, what are the technical issues? In bullets please so that they can be addressed. Or are you saying that if you post that material it will get deleted? Should I switch to IRC for a chat?
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
fuck a blocknet....thats all im saying  Grin
But why? I don't understand what all the hubbub is about.
Janislee or whatever had a startup that caved so he removed himself from the xc team a while ago. Good right?
The blocknet ICO was canceled. Good right?

Can someone boil down the current concerns into bulletpoints so that they can either be addressed directly or exposed?

topic deleted.. get it yet ?

i see one comment deleted on the Blocknet ANN topic too and it's self modded.. so uhhhhh ??
hero member
Activity: 896
Merit: 1000
Avatars are overrated.
fuck a blocknet....thats all im saying  Grin
But why? I don't understand what all the hubbub is about.
Janislee or whatever had a startup that caved so he removed himself from the xc team a while ago. Good right?
The blocknet ICO was canceled. Good right?

Can someone boil down the current concerns into bulletpoints so that they can either be addressed directly or exposed?
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Has there been any discussions about PR changes?

Andreas Antonopoulos has suggested that PR was an issue.  Additionally, the two existing members of the XC Foundation have officially resigned citing PR concerns.  Other community members and myself also have major concerns about PR.  The public and your investors are telling you there is an issue.  Fortunately there are actions you can take which will help remedy the situation and return confidence to your organizations.  Making changes is vital and I look forward to seeing the actions you take to ensure that XC and BlockNet are considered reputable and respectable organizations.

Removing the dev and pr would just be a start towards "reputable and respectable".
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
fuck a blocknet....thats all im saying  Grin
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250

Anyone who wants to ensure the ITO funds aren't refunded can place buy orders above Bittrex's buy wall

If you want to minimise the risk that we'll not make the minimum threshold, outbid Bittrex!

You just made me sell my 10 BTC BLOCK with this one

This entails that you bought block but don't want the Blocknet to launch.

(Or at least, that you want to increase the Blocknet's risk of not launching.)

Which is irrational.

No, this entails nothing. Just the fact that you're not being professional about this anymore
And for real? You are coming with this answer? I can't believe this.

I'm qawzsx, I was banned for defending this project right and left, I have at least 80 BTC in XC, but I don't like those facts:

- I don't like how you're talking lately
- I don't like the fact that we don't have a dedicated xc thread
- I don't like that xc is getting no attention from the team right now

I the attention is right on the MONEY, which I don't like ofc.

So don't tell me what's rational and not.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
just wait Bob and his mod buddies will have this removed in preparation for their Pump..
sr. member
Activity: 462
Merit: 250

A scandal has affected the Litecoin community and is going to explosed…in a face of those who are holding or are about to buy XC

Jasin Lee became recently the biggest scammer in Litecoin history by scamming more than 2,000,000$ with a fake/fail ASIC project ( Fibonacci),2702.0.html

This guys is also FULL MEMBER of the XC dev team:

You should re-considered the INTEGRITY of these people and really questioned wether or not this project is just an other pump and dump coin  Wink


You cheeky fudding bastard, Jasin Lee is no longer part of the XC team:

"Statement on XC's relation to Jasinlee

Hello all

We would like to state the nature of XC's relation to Jasinlee.

Jasinlee is not an official member of the XC Team, as has been reflected on our website for some time.

Jasinlee chose to remove himself from the XC Team out of concern for the effect that ongoing misperceptions about his troubled ASIC project might have on XC.

As such, XC is entirely independent of Jasinlee’s various projects, and clients of the Fibonacci ASIC project have no basis for associating its outcome with XC in any way.

We consider this matter resolved. Now concerning a separate matter, that of public perceptions of Jasinlee’s character and actions, at no point has the XC Team had reason to lose faith in Jasinlee’s integrity of character or doubt his intentions, whether toward XC or toward Fibonacci. Furthermore Jasinlee is entirely confident that a resolution will be reached. As such we have confidence that Jasin will resolve the outstanding issues with the Fibonacci ASIC project. Furthermore we believe that current arguments to the contrary are poorly substantiated and largely speculative, and therefore lack sufficient warrant. Given their severity, these allegations are thus of a highly unethical nature.

Finally, regarding Jasinlee’s past role at XC, he is a thought-leader, and we are grateful for his insightful and energising contribution and presence. However Jasinlee did not make any contributions to XC’s code and has not had access to it. Thus he has not been a developer for XC."

When that guy speaks about ethics I wanna puke. They are openly endorsing scammers and yet he keeps talking about ethics.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™

There's something called respect. Even on the internet.
You lack of respect.

You gotta return back to the reality. I haven't invested in this ICO nor I know what's going on. Most of stuff I saw here are too hard to follow, because of 15 groups talking bullshit with newbie accounts.
Not taking anyone's side, especially yours. You're a racist/fascist, a stubborn troll, someone who has no meaning in life and harasses people online.

You're a paranoid f*, lol.

your attempt to discredit people with your comment and the next one following it failed miserably.. try again.

How? By saying:

Can't believe how much time some people have dedicated to this topic.
I'm amazed.

Here's my answer:
your attempt to discredit people with your comment and the next one following it failed miserably.. try again.

Hope you don't think that the entire world is spinning around you? Nor that everyone is against you.
But yeah, you're one of the most paranoid/attention whoring people I've seen in this forum. You're lying yourself and trying to prove something which -MIGHT- be true, but you're attacking everyone who comes with a valid argument. - That's a sheep, my friend.
Even your typing style gives me a headache.

And hell yeah, the only thing that matters is the damn buck. This is how some people work. For some people this is a profitable business.
You're mad for some reason, I don't care why. Just don't direct your bullshit to me like that. You don't even know me.

There will always be sheep and the ones who take their money. Turn around you, check the world outside. Wake up.

I hope I made a new enemy today. The ones I've got have rusted a bit.
Truth hurts.

Peace out.

PS: "Bitcoin"= Network. "bitcoin", the currency itself. Thought you'd knew that after so many years in Bitcoin forum.

You can read.

Respect ?
It's earned.. i don't give respect until you earn it.. no matter who you are (some guys think it's mandatory if your a mod etc)
and you lose it by supporting shit coins and making poor excuses trying to defend them.

And KeyserSozeMC what in gods name thinks you deserve respect by coming here and pissing in the effort of others to lookout for each other ?
People have stuck their neck out to help expose thieves and scammers.. THOSE are the guys i respect.
I have respect for people that grow a pair and do the right thing.. regardless of the money involved.

What was it you said i quoted that deserved respect ? you name ? Why ? i don't get it sorry.
Was it what you said ? Because sorry i don't respect people who hang around here copying and pasting FUD whining and crying.
If you want to contribute to the conversation then find something intelligent to say.

And i am entitled to say what i want as much as anyone.. i earned the respect to do so.
I have taken the abuse battling scammers every step of the way while many of you KeyserSozeMC kicked back quietly making money off them.
(KeyserSozeMC should i look at your post history and see what fine coins you have supported ?)

You are entitled to your opinion but you not entitled to expect to be respected for it.
Your not getting any from me for name calling either.. look at the nasty foul mouth garbage you typed out i quoted.
I may be paranoid and justly but i would never say shit like that to someone online with any real seriousness.. you are a vile nasty little man.

Paranoid ?
If you are not paranoid on the internet and specifically in Crypto you are an idiot period.. i REALLY hope i don't have to explain why  Roll Eyes

I am lying trying to cover it up ? Feel free to prove it Wink

Everything is about me ? Who said it was ?
Attention whoring ? Not at all.. many of you hang on my every word, nagging me by asking me questions, sending me PM's etc, then whine when i reply back.
Feel free to skip over what i say rather than quoting me with a wall of name calling and accusations of lying.

The difference between me and you is i earned respect and i encourage others to speak up while you actively try and get people to be quiet.
And i can assure everyone if i see someone lying no matter what it's about i will be in line early to jump on them.. what it's about or sides don't matter.

Bad Grammar and spelling ?
At least i don't ACT like a small child with name calling. (see the brat's drivel i quoted above)
sr. member
Activity: 456
Merit: 250
In a few month, we might realise that this Smear-Campaign was actually positiv. As it shows of what the altcoin world is made of.
One of the thruth about altcoin is, that a few small groups have been  stealing from others with all their lies and manipulations.
This is exactly why they there was so much FUD, as Blocknet is a threat to their robbery.
It was time that a project this like sees place, a lot might in the next month starts reconsiderating their thoughts about altcoins.
And I am very pleased as it seems that Blocknet will win the fight.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250

A scandal has affected the Litecoin community and is going to explosed…in a face of those who are holding or are about to buy XC

Jasin Lee became recently the biggest scammer in Litecoin history by scamming more than 2,000,000$ with a fake/fail ASIC project ( Fibonacci),2702.0.html

This guys is also FULL MEMBER of the XC dev team:

You should re-considered the INTEGRITY of these people and really questioned wether or not this project is just an other pump and dump coin  Wink


You cheeky fudding bastard, Jasin Lee is no longer part of the XC team:

"Statement on XC's relation to Jasinlee

Hello all

We would like to state the nature of XC's relation to Jasinlee.

Jasinlee is not an official member of the XC Team, as has been reflected on our website for some time.

That is not the point. Of course XC devs are now going to say jasinlee is not with them anymore. But do you want to believe that? As if he was working on xc and those asic scam and his team has no clue what's he doing during all that time? no, its only the xc devs trying to save their sorry as xc coin which will be dead in the water. Oh, and jaisnlee is such a saint that he cares that XC might be hurt by his scammy ASIC project. That's why he stepped off XC Dev seat.
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