His Pirate Pass Through was a separate program, but the money which was invested in his "low-risk" program is gone as well due to Pirate's default.
Here's the quote showing the options he offered:
1.00% Weekly -- Guaranteed Fully Insured no lock in
1.25% Weekly -- Guaranteed Fully Insured 8 week lock in
3.30% Weekly -- Direct BTCST Pass Through 50% Insurance 1 week lock in (CLOSED)
Thread: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.1068849
4.91% Weekly -- Direct BTCST Pass Through 0% Insurance 1 week lock in
Thread: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/hashkings-491-weekly-deposit-btcst-trust-account-closed-82574. (CLOSED AS OF 8/19/12.)