
Topic: Hashkings Lending,Deposit 1.25% INSURED, ALL PPT ACCOUNTS CLOSING ON 8/19 (Read 93810 times)

sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 335
Come to think of it, lending bitcoins is really quite a great idea not only for borrowers but for the people who lends as well. Not only that their profit increases, they also help pther people to start their own business or other activities.
Activity: 114
Merit: 12
I apologize for reviving this thread. I have only recently come back to BTC after being out for so long and a google search does not show whether he was brought to legal justice or equally as appeasing. "gone missing". I would take either.

What ever happened to this fraud?
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
Here you go:



FRANKFORT, IL 60423-6505


Real People Realty / South & West Suburbs (More)
Sam Theofanopoulos
7262 W Benton Dr
Frankfort, IL 60423
 708-822-4450 cell phone

Note that I haven't personally verified this as I have no horse in this race, but I do have some reason to believe it's correct.
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
I'm interested in lending out BTC 50 under the conditions of the 8 week 3.5%. Two questions, though:

  • After the 8 weeks, what happens? I get the 50 back?
  • I take it interest payment will be weekly?
  • will you (have you already) disclose(d) your identity publicly and/or to me personally?

1)After 8 week you will receive the 50 back with all your interest.  This special locks you in for 8 weeks so there is no weekly interest payments. 
2)I have not disclosed my identity publicly.

I have reasons to believe that this is Sonny Vleisides of BFL.

You are incorrect. If the picture that has been shown on forums is truly Sonny, hashking is not Sonny. 
I thought hashking had already been doxed.  He is a greek guy (or at least of greek descent).  He runs a Real Estate office somewhere Northern Illinois if I remember correctly. I want to say Rockford, but I don't think that's right. Maybe Woodstock/Freeport? I actually had a bunch of info I had provided to someone on forum to help track him down.  Not sure whatever happened to that stuff.
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
I'm interested in lending out BTC 50 under the conditions of the 8 week 3.5%. Two questions, though:

  • After the 8 weeks, what happens? I get the 50 back?
  • I take it interest payment will be weekly?
  • will you (have you already) disclose(d) your identity publicly and/or to me personally?

1)After 8 week you will receive the 50 back with all your interest.  This special locks you in for 8 weeks so there is no weekly interest payments. 
2)I have not disclosed my identity publicly.

I have reasons to believe that this is Sonny Vleisides of BFL.
Activity: 117
Merit: 10
Activity: 2086
Merit: 1035
It is somewhat humorous to watch all these lazy scammers run once the jig is up.

Now all the touting of "7% weekly returns" is all but silent.

The biggest problem here was that no one convinced Hashking to put his soul up as collateral.

I'm sure the guy who was selling Voodoo curses could work something out to go after him  Shocked
hero member
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000
I'm still waiting for Pirate to give me my coins back.... soontm
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1004
It is somewhat humorous to watch all these lazy scammers run once the jig is up.

Now all the touting of "7% weekly returns" is all but silent.

The biggest problem here was that no one convinced Hashking to put his soul up as collateral.
Activity: 2492
Merit: 1491
LEALANA Bitcoin Grim Reaper
It is somewhat humorous to watch all these lazy scammers run once the jig is up.

Now all the touting of "7% weekly returns" is all but silent.

Activity: 10
Merit: 0
Has anyone recovered any of their coins yet? let alone made contact with HK?
I'm willing to pay btc to anyone who can give me some decent info on him or help me recover some of the coin.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
Came to the forum for the hell of it, assuming this thread was dead. Such great news! I await any updates of Hashking's downfall.
Activity: 117
Merit: 10
Filling the SEC tip form atm , hope it is the right one ;-) Glorious day!

I suggest all of you to do the same - especially US citizens.
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1016
Hey Hashking, you and pirate might end up being cell mates.
Least you'll have plenty to talk about.

LOL  Cheesy
Activity: 2324
Merit: 1125

I'd agree on 20%, which would be around 300$. It was 150BTC.

Anyway here are all personal detailes of HK , ready to pass to SEC by someone fluent in english and not bad in US law.

Hashking's a female? I'm sure those close to 'him' when 'he' was active on OTC/IRC seemed to think he was male too.
Activity: 117
Merit: 10

I'd agree on 20%, which would be around 300$. It was 150BTC.

Anyway here are all personal detailes of HK , ready to pass to SEC by someone fluent in english and not bad in US law.
Activity: 117
Merit: 10
You are next HK

Stand your ground is not going to protect you against the feds.
full member
Activity: 562
Merit: 100

Re: UK - I remember one had to join a many months long waiting list for the 'privilege' of maybe eventually getting a land line phone installed back in the '80s, even in central London, before Magie kicked some complacent arses in to actually even first hearing about the concept of customer service & open market competition.

As opposed to now, when you have to phone your service provider and get put on hold for 15 minutes while they get through to their technical department, who then try to reach BT Openreach, who pass you back to your service provider, who promise to call you back....

[EDIT] sorry we're going off topic, it's a British thing mixing banter with business....
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
Putting Hashking on your dartboard I can understand. But what's wrong with Maggie?   Cry

There was a coal mine and a steelworks in the town I grew up in until the early 1980s. Now there is no work and lots of heroin addicts.

Some of my people, here in Argentina, also could tell you some of what was wrong with her, but meh....

Though personally I feel that her causing the fall of the torturing/disparisido Argentinian military fascist junta of that time was a very beneficial side effect of defending the rights of auto-determination of the Falkland Islanders for choosing to not have to live under such despicable, corrupt invaders - which gov are even now one of the world's greatest incentives for bitcoin as they f-up their economy with endemic corruption & continue to rob their citizen's money as always.

Re: UK - I remember one had to join a many months long waiting list for the 'privilege' of maybe eventually getting a land line phone installed back in the '80s, even in central London, before Magie kicked some complacent arses in to actually even first hearing about the concept of customer service & open market competition.
sr. member
Activity: 325
Merit: 250
Our highest capital is the Confidence we build.
Putting Hashking on your dartboard I can understand. But what's wrong with Maggie?   Cry

There was a coal mine and a steelworks in the town I grew up in until the early 1980s. Now there is no work and lots of heroin addicts.

Some of my people, here in Argentina, also could tell you some of what was wrong with her, but meh....
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