^^^ As you stated, nobody can prove the existence or non-existence of God by not proving it.
Keep on talking in muddled ways about junk that doesn't really exist, and you will only prove how muddled your thinking is.
Says the baby sacrificer that hopes jesus will destroy this galaxy, create another, and save him, without explaining where they go while the new one is being created. Says BADecker who believes a half human, half angel need's saving... Do I sound muddled to you? This is intentional, it's for those with eye's to see the truth hidden between the lines I write, knowing masons are pissed with me for revealing, in my earth monkey aquarian way, their TRUTH.
Muddled ways.... oh boy, seems you and your bum chums are ever so muddled with your clearly off topic answers, arguing about science as opposed to proof of GOD, arguing about masonic knowledge, taken from masonic books, those masons that cant even find a cure for a virus that's out to get them... notice the same names in this thread, always rinsing and repeating the same bullshit, none of which leads anyone to anywhere BUT finding proof. Not one of them has actually responded to paths that lead to the truth... always coming back to the same 'we know science, but cant prove anything other than our masonic' bullshit, bullshit FORCED on people in an education system designed for masonic paedo's to teach... confuse and lose, education.
Teaching what will never actually be used by 99% of those this education is forced on.
Notice not ONCE have any of these same NAMES, or members of this site, reacted positively to answers regarded as truth by the majority of human beings. Oh, and dont forget the science lol. Hear BADecker speak of living to three hundred years. That's easy, BREATH. (properly) Hear BADecker's answer to the sequoia tree's living for 10.000 years and more... (still waiting) Hear BADecker's answer to Pinus Longavious living in excess of 27.000 years (even these tree's are bored waiting on BADeckers answer...) Remember, according to his book, ALL living things DIED. He says nothing of the NEPHILIM that survived the flood, and to quote the bible, there were giant's in those day's, even AFTER the flood. He says nothing of the NEPHILIM, because the NEPHELIM are half human, half ANGEL. And he is scared of them. To afraid to speak of them, world ender's.
BADecker wont admit, jesus was not the son of the one true god who can traverse the circle, as only he (that GOD) can. In fact, he wont admit that SET, a GOD of DEATH is a combination of THREE god's, Jahweh, (Jesus's father, and 7th from the throne of the almighty GOD who CAN traverse the circle, yahweh CANNOT traverse the circle.), BAAL, the cananite diety who DEMANDS child sacrifice, and cooked women in a brass bull, while alive, and ON, aka Osiris. The women were burnt for causing adam to eat the apple, correct? Man blaming woman for his eating of the apple, or quite simply, eating from the tree of knowledge. This is why women will never gain power if freemasonry has anything to say about it. Oh, but wait, now we have the women's version of freemasonry, lot's of little wiccan witch covens going by the names of Northern, or Eastern star, to name a few... lot's of little deplorable clintons being refused presidency over, well, anyone.
In the movie gods of egypt, GOD is killed by SET, and while set impails GOD on a spear, (just like jesus was, note the angle of spear) GOD state's this is impossible, no god can kill a god, to which SET replies, I'm not just ONE god. They dont put secret's like these in movies for just anyone with eye's to see and ear's to hear. They are publicly broadcasting their so called secret's, so proud have they become of their world domination, but hey, there's hope... pride comes before their fall.
And now for an empiracle truth. In the movie risen, jesus walks with the roman, up a hill, as they talk, a hoard of bat's circle them. THIS is a clue, jesus did a deal with the de'il, (as did the catholic church, sacrifing all their follower's in the hope of containing EVIL) and hence forsake'd his father. Vlad the impailer, aka, vlad dracul, aka dracula, is the queen of britains great great great great great grandfather. Hence ike's truthful claim to them being of a serpent race, for they gave away the higher monkey inelligence in exchange for the base serpent intelligence, both inherent in man. The monkey creates fear to save you from your base serpent intelligence which is the pure evil in man.
Notice how the serpent will stand by while it's young are devoured by another serpent, and do nothing.
The good thing is, they are of lower intelligence, and hence require technology.
It is TRUE that the masonic god, JABOULON is JAHWEH, BAAL, and ON.
And they know it.
This is proof of GOD alone.
But it's not scientific. Forget the bitcoiners claims to know science, reading from their brethrens books of lies.
Let them show proof without their brethrens books.
They CANT.
But I HAVE shown how to see proof for yourself.
The aliens you all seek, are naught but the oldest vampires.
The universe is mental.
And they are in YOUR mind.