Happy new year lol, now I hope you all enjoyed you christmas... oh boy, more ancient knowledge time...
Do you believe in Santa? Santa Clause?
Note the Claws.. you usually find that in the small print...
He certainly drained your account...
Santa is a drug dealer. Santa's suit was origionally brown, the colour of the cocain he brought, which he hid in a drink called Coke-Cain.
His drink got watered down into a genetically modified drink which you now call coca(in)-cola, and his suit was changed to red to match the tinny's this drink came in when they stopped the coke in bottles. The red is to remind you that you owe your success to the blood of you children.
The point of christmas is for the parent's to make up for condemning their kids eternal soul to hell, by buying their kids toys to make up for the fact that these witch's have no time for their brats, so they hide it by buying them what they want, just to prove to their kids that they love them, even though it's a drug dealer supplying the goodies... so many toys, prove ony that they have no time for them. History proves this.
Now as for the fact that your actually worshipping lucifer on this darkest of days... how convienient.. remember, the devils greatest trick was convincing the world he dont exist.
Picture this.. you lay on a cross, dead. Holding you on this cross is a colossal monkey king. This is why evil fears the monkey, for none can escape it.
Sebau the serpent will be cast into fire... by this monkey.
Many god's you say? Too many. oh the insanity of it...
Too many movies lately show exactly what I've written since I first wrote in this thread...
So may people condemned their firstborn to hell, so many god's.
In the plethora of movies you are about to view, you will find stories of those on a strange planet, who discover their every thought is heard by all else on this planet, this is TRUE. You will learn of the eye in the sky... You will learn you are in fact dead, and this is hell, but you did think that, didn't you?
Father, Son Holy Ghost
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva
The eye in the sky is the arch-angel GABRIEL.
All baby sacrificers see this eye in the sky... it is they who see the alien spacecraft.. it is they who see vampires in their grey skin flying about in spacecraft, which incidently, only THEY can see, or have seen. These vampires are out of time, meaning they cannot die. Rumour has it the aliens kidnap those chosen to find out why they wont die, so chop them up as we planet hop across the univers, destoying planet after planet, what we did with mars, we're doing here. who cares?
God is the one who does NOT sacrifice his own.
Those who claim to have found god hear the multitude of voices in their head, met the king of hell sitting on his throne of Iron, and make everyone else's lives a misery....
When the one is finally on his own, they are gone... cast into the burning pit.
They should stop confusing their soul for the spirit. They are two different entities. Their soul wails in hell having to watch their spirit commit such act's as we witness today.
Democracy is demonocracy!
Figure it out, burn the witch's, save the planet...
or better still, kill each other..
You just cant stop, can you?
Breath deep. The harvesting has begun. The microbial species john dee did a deal with for technology, by sacrificing us all for said techno, is eating out the lungs of thousands per day...
Like your new phone?
Ps, the vampires thought they'd be the ones doing the harvesting, when in fact, it's only vampires that are being harvested...
hence the name...
Just how do you kill something that's already dead? Have no fear, the monkey is here