
Topic: Scientific proof that God exists? - page 14. (Read 845591 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
January 10, 2021, 03:16:36 PM
I think that everyone is allowed to believe in whatever they wish to. Be it God, Allah, Buddha or Flying Spaghetti Monster. Just don't try to enforce your beliefs onto others. Just doesn't worth it IMO.

This that you say is so difficult. Some people don't believe the same way as you do... especially the part about not forcing their beliefs on others. After all, if it is part of your belief to not enforce your beliefs onto others, why are you trying to do the exact opposite of what you believe, by ordering us to not force our beliefs on others, especially if our beliefs say we SHOULD attempt to force our beliefs onto others? Are you really trying to force this belief of yours on us? It's not fair, that you can force your belief on us but we can't force our beliefs onto others.

jr. member
Activity: 82
Merit: 2
January 10, 2021, 01:27:22 PM
I think that everyone is allowed to believe in whatever they wish to. Be it God, Allah, Buddha or Flying Spaghetti Monster. Just don't try to enforce your beliefs onto others. Just doesn't worth it IMO.
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
January 10, 2021, 09:03:40 AM
Happy new year lol, now I hope you all enjoyed you christmas... oh boy, more ancient knowledge time...

Do you believe in Santa? Santa Clause?

Note the Claws.. you usually find that in the small print...


He certainly drained your account...

Santa is a drug dealer. Santa's suit was origionally brown, the colour of the cocain he brought, which he hid in a drink called Coke-Cain.

His drink got watered down into a genetically modified drink which you now call coca(in)-cola, and his suit was changed to red to match the tinny's this drink came in when they stopped the coke in bottles. The red is to remind you that you owe your success to the blood of you children.

The point of christmas is for the parent's to make up for condemning their kids eternal soul to hell, by buying their kids toys to make up for the fact that these witch's have no time for their brats, so they hide it by buying them what they want, just to prove to their kids that they love them, even though it's a drug dealer supplying the goodies... so many toys, prove ony that they have no time for them. History proves this.

Now as for the fact that your actually worshipping lucifer on this darkest of days... how convienient.. remember, the devils greatest trick was convincing the world he dont exist.

Picture this.. you lay on a cross, dead. Holding you on this cross is a colossal monkey king. This is why evil fears the monkey, for none can escape it.

Sebau the serpent will be cast into fire... by this monkey.

Many god's you say? Too many. oh the insanity of it...

Too many movies lately show exactly what I've written since I first wrote in this thread...

So may people condemned their firstborn to hell, so many god's.

In the plethora of movies you are about to view, you will find stories of those on a strange planet, who discover their every thought is heard by all else on this planet, this is TRUE. You will learn of the eye in the sky... You will learn you are in fact dead, and this is hell, but you did think that, didn't you?


Father, Son Holy Ghost
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva

The eye in the sky is the arch-angel GABRIEL.

All baby sacrificers see this eye in the sky... it is they who see the alien spacecraft.. it is they who see vampires in their grey skin flying about in spacecraft, which incidently, only THEY can see, or have seen. These vampires are out of time, meaning they cannot die. Rumour has it the aliens kidnap those chosen to find out why they wont die, so chop them up as we planet hop across the univers, destoying planet after planet, what we did with mars, we're doing here. who cares?

God is the one who does NOT sacrifice his own.

Those who claim to have found god hear the multitude of voices in their head, met the king of hell sitting on his throne of Iron, and make everyone else's lives a misery....

When the one is finally on his own, they are gone... cast into the burning pit.

They should stop confusing their soul for the spirit. They are two different entities. Their soul wails in hell having to watch their spirit commit such act's as we witness today.

Democracy is demonocracy!

Figure it out, burn the witch's, save the planet...

or better still, kill each other..

You just cant stop, can you?

Breath deep. The harvesting has begun. The microbial species john dee did a deal with for technology, by sacrificing us all for said techno, is eating out the lungs of thousands per day...

Like your new phone?

Ps, the vampires thought they'd be the ones doing the harvesting, when in fact, it's only vampires that are being harvested...

hence the name...


Just how do you kill something that's already dead? Have no fear, the monkey is here Smiley
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
December 09, 2020, 05:28:09 AM
Hi guys
There are too many gods in the history of mankind. Every religion have 1/2 or many gods, it really depends in what do you believe. In many of the known religions everything will lead you to the sun god or the sun, so there is a one proof Cheesy
Activity: 150
Merit: 0
December 09, 2020, 12:11:15 AM
It doesn't need to be prove by anyone. It's  a fact that God exists. If someone doesn't believe that god exist he either don't believe in religion or he don't need god.
Activity: 310
Merit: 0
October 31, 2020, 10:53:21 AM
Yes there are gods. As a citizen of a country which follows Buddhism, I believe there are gods.

One example is that in my country you can find some boys and girls where the spirit of God enters on his/her body and talks everything. Also, there are Lamas and Jhankris in the form of god found manly in villages which treat the patient at the time of sick.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
October 30, 2020, 05:22:00 AM
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the source of all humanity had to be from two humans and is nothing to do with whether God exists or not.
Where did the humans come from, so that they work together so well that the complex systems of the human body could reproduce?

Back in the 1980s, science suggested that by 2010 or so, people would have built a machine the size of a football field, that if you fed it raw materials, it could reproduce itself in a year. Japan has actually made some robots that can produce "offspring" if you give them the ready-made parts to put together. But nobody has figured out a machine that can reproduce itself from the raw materials of nature.

The human species has evolved over many tens of thousands of years, through a process of natural selection (survival of the fittest).
The point? Simple, dumb nature is way smarter than people. In fact, people are just now figuring out the complexity of nature, so that we can see that the amount of time that it would take for evolution to produce people by-the-odds, is so long that the 13.5-billion-year supposed age of the universe is a drop in the bucket compared to how long it would take.

There were several human-like species which evolved from animals before them. The human species managed to conquer all of them, likely due to our larger brain mass - allowing more critical thinking and evaluation.
In fact, since the idea of "bad" mutations is always with us when considering evolution, the longer the time involved, the greater the number of bad mutations which overcome the good.

It's difficult to wrap one's head around this comparison between good and bad mutations regarding evolution. The reason anybody thinks that evolution is possible is, good talkers, talking it up better than honest talkers figuring out how to say it honestly.

In other words, the science used in evolution theory isn't evolution science. Rather, it's political science. But people who are against evolution think that they have to prove that evolution never happened using evolution science. So, they are talking a talk that the evolutionists don't talk. "Anti-evolutionists" talk evolution science. Evolutionists talk political science with just enough evolution science in it to make one think they are talking evolution science.

It is hard for people who have spent their whole life believing in fairytales written by other people to open up their minds to the possibility of real science. It's really weak trying to make science fit into the boundaries of books like the bible.

It is difficult for people who have spent their whole life believing in evolution fairy tales... to understand courtroom records. Nobody is alive who remembers what went on in the courtrooms of the late 1700s. But we know what went on, because we have the records written down. The eye witnesses in courts of the late 1700s wrote the records down, and we believe what is written, and base our laws on them.

The Bible is simply the "courtroom" records of the Nation of Israel... eye witness reports of what happened in the past. Science doesn't really have these kinds of records. Science records can be interpreted many ways. Bible records can be interpreted by what they say.

Activity: 2688
Merit: 1192
October 29, 2020, 04:03:42 PM
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the source of all humanity had to be from two humans and is nothing to do with whether God exists or not. The human species has evolved over many tens of thousands of years, through a process of natural selection (survival of the fittest). There were several human-like species which evolved from animals before them. The human species managed to conquer all of them, likely due to our larger brain mass - allowing more critical thinking and evaluation. It is hard for people who have spent their whole life believing in fairytales written by other people to open up their minds to the possibility of real science. It's really weak trying to make science fit into the boundaries of books like the bible.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
October 29, 2020, 10:23:23 AM
Tide goes in, tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can't explain that!
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
September 24, 2020, 09:28:26 PM
Soul is actually the modern word for the egyptian 'sould' which is the 'soul' seen as the eye's in the djed pillar, fact. The egyptians make it clear that the soul is trapped in the djed pillar, and why the apprentice pillar of roslyin chappel was attacked by a masonic freak who thought there was something valuable contained within, he just couldn't see his own SOULD soul. It is also worthy to note that when you were born, these vampirical wiccan masonic jews like to take a sample of blood from the soul of your feet, for drinking, duh, now if you got two feet, why dont they say you have only one, albeit left or right, soul of the feet???

These freaks you support and are clearly ONE with, take the sample of blood from the soul of the feet to gain access to your soul knowing full well the soul enter's the body from this part of the body, so they dont just take a sample to drink your kids blood, they take a sample of your own soul before you ever get the chance to sell it...

There's more than one bible for a reason...

Remember... The MONKEY is king.

You'll see soon enough.

And for the record, I've been saying t from day one in this thread... we WOULD be god if we all got together under one prayer, sung the same song. But then we'd be one and boring. God devided himself up into the plethora of us, giving us a choice... light or dark... I chose the white, you chose the blue.

Ps, I can prove the second coming of your jesus has happened, where were you at the time? I did mention the second coming, a while back, did I not, did you answer? No. All you did was try to bring me down. But you know nothing of the nephelim world ender's... and I wont forget.

Let's surmise that Jesus came back, would he even remember he was called Jesus? In this day and age? In this world of wiccan masonic jewish lies (not the real jews who were wiped out) what would he know?

It's not me that cant prove god, it's you that wont accept his proof's!!!

And BADecker, as for you saying you can hear me, I KNOW you can, for your bro's cant keep their mouth shut! This is my weapon, KNOWING every wiccan masonic jew on earth can hear me. They just cant figure out which of them said 'what?', can they? Privacy?

Watch Dr sleep.

I know I am an angel. I have been told so by so many...

Why cant they see my aura? Because it's all around them, you, and everyone else... too busy looking for a darker colour than the light, true transparent light.

Let's get with the numbers.





8 + 2 + 6 + 9 + 1 + 1 = 27, truth revealed.

Have you ever taken part in a wiccan masonic jewish ritual, knowing or un-knowingly? The kind where you may realise YOU are the jesus they intend to be reborn in 2012? You'd have to start on 22nd of october the previous year, let's say as a dj they gave me a gig. Start on the 22nd of the 10th. No more gig's, but offered a residency. Let's start residency on the 6th of January (Thanks, Cosima!) (for the record, the actual day of jesus's rebirth...) = Jesus Reborn.

Now your birthday is the 8th of february, so the numbers would be 8 + 2, you'd have to be born in the year 69, in order to turn the age of pisces on it's head. You'd have to have a mother whose birthday is the 2nd of february, in order for the math's of the bible to work, you see, to be born on the 8th of febuary 1969 is to be born under the 11th day of the moons cycle, making you the monkey king. With 144.000 second's between birthdays of mother and child. The bible tells us when he will be reborn. As does the mayan calendar, at the end of it's time, 22nd of december, 2012. This is when they tried to drag me into the void, but being fore-warned, and advised to curl into a ball... They tried everything, from the wet dreams of two women trying to have sex, one trying, the other sitting at the bottom of the bed... the woman trying to mount has the snake like hair, and is very determined... Thankfully the wise paint their sleeping quarters the darkest purple, the cornices and skirtings white, mixed with salt. In the dream, the wise will conciously waken in said dream, and recognise simple things like.. that's not me ex... nor her.. nor her.. and when returning to sleep after a piss in the bathroom, not her... so then they try the blue... the deep sky blue water, a strange dream, for in the middle of this water you look down into, a great big stone. Not floating, but not at the bottom, suspended in the water, waiting, just waiting, for you to grab on to, but the mind point's out, if you grab the stone, you'd be pulled deeper into the water, as deep as you would the void to avoid. Now why would the monkey wanna see himself before he dies?

Think about it... you brethren have shown this monkey what lies beyond death... not the faked death you have succumbed too, but the one point of no return that you all fear the most.. remember, evil will see itself, and it shall DIE. but hey, my soul is eternal. Just what is needed to crush you all forever in the fire created by your desire to kill your firstborn.

I am the first human being to KNOW what awaits beyond the gate of death. It is written in my birthdate. It is what the sphinx looks to, the 9th lunar sign, the monkey. The 9th magic square is the square of 8. ah... that same square known as the square of mercury. Did you know the truth behind the madness of the mad hatter was mercury poisoning? oh look... the 2080 total of said sq, showing clearly, february the 8th. Remember in hebrew, 0 does not exist!

I write what god wants you to read. Pay attention. The truth is now. You wont get a second chance from this monkey, that's for sure... no brethren will.

Excluding those who support the monkey in life.

 tata for now.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 18, 2020, 02:09:01 PM
Possibly the best scientific proof for God is "1." The Bible says that God is one, and there is one God.

What does "1" have to do with it? One is a basic number that is used "one" way or another in all of science. It has to do with mathematics.

All of math except the number "1" is an abstraction. Why? Because there are no two of anything. And there certainly aren't more than two of anything. What do I mean?

Take two pencils, for example. They might have been made by the same manufacturer. They might be the same color. They might have come off the assembly line one right after the other, so that they have graphite from the same batch in them. and wood from the same segment of the same tree. But still they are different.

These "two" pencils are different because, if nothing else, they hold different places in the universe. You can lay them down right against each other, but they still are different. If you look at them closely under a magnifying glass, you will find that they have at least slight differences in their makeup.

This means that there are not two pencils. Really there is one pencil, and another one pencil. In fact, there is only one of everything, because everything is at least slightly different than everything else. All of math is an abstraction that we use to make life easier in one way or another. But it's all a lie, because there really is only one of anything.

Who can say, "See? Here are two things that are exactly the same, so that we can say that there are two?" God did this to give supreme evidence of Himself, of His existence. As there is only one God, so He made only one of everything... so that He is shown to exist in all of nature and everywhere else.

And God did it in an area where people tend to calculate the things that they do... in mathematics, the foundation of all science. "One" is the best scientific proof for God. Nobody can make two or more things that are exactly the same. So there is only one of everything that people make. God is in the whole universe. God is One.


So lame... god existed BEFORE the universe, nuff sed. What was before the existance of WHERE the universe is? GOD. So god is both in AND external to the known and unknown universe, regardless of dimensions. God is YOUR soul. Your god is MY soul, because god is the ALL soul.  You sold your god, and have an empty spirit dwelling in a dead shell called the human body. Aliens to most, evil to the wise. Wiccan masonic jews in every day life. For those with eye's to see. Putin + Trump - jew brethren. Feel sorry for 6 million jews. Then burn the rest, for burnin witches is still legal.

Thou shall not suffer a (wiccan masonic jewish) witch to live.

Badecker, Let me quote your book again: You shall not suffer a witch to live. Now do you believe in your book, or are you a witch pretending to love jesus? Cause you should be burning witches should you not? Until you do, you'll always be known all over the world as a sick dick.

Seems to me that soul is similar to sole in sound if not more. "Sole" means "one alone."

When God breathed the breath of life into us, He did the one thing only God can do. Make more ones. None of us are the same. We are each individual. We are each one. Yet the only way we are held in existence is by God, the Great ONE.

What's the matter? Can't find any scientific proof for God? It's all around us in the machine of machines we call nature. But you just can't (don't want to) understand it, do you? You really are laughable, the way you twist around in your adopted, self-administered ignorance.

Do you realize that the word "you" is plural? Why? Because at the same time you say you to me, I hear you. Cheesy

Activity: 100
Merit: 0
September 18, 2020, 08:36:23 AM
Possibly the best scientific proof for God is "1." The Bible says that God is one, and there is one God.

What does "1" have to do with it? One is a basic number that is used "one" way or another in all of science. It has to do with mathematics.

All of math except the number "1" is an abstraction. Why? Because there are no two of anything. And there certainly aren't more than two of anything. What do I mean?

Take two pencils, for example. They might have been made by the same manufacturer. They might be the same color. They might have come off the assembly line one right after the other, so that they have graphite from the same batch in them. and wood from the same segment of the same tree. But still they are different.

These "two" pencils are different because, if nothing else, they hold different places in the universe. You can lay them down right against each other, but they still are different. If you look at them closely under a magnifying glass, you will find that they have at least slight differences in their makeup.

This means that there are not two pencils. Really there is one pencil, and another one pencil. In fact, there is only one of everything, because everything is at least slightly different than everything else. All of math is an abstraction that we use to make life easier in one way or another. But it's all a lie, because there really is only one of anything.

Who can say, "See? Here are two things that are exactly the same, so that we can say that there are two?" God did this to give supreme evidence of Himself, of His existence. As there is only one God, so He made only one of everything... so that He is shown to exist in all of nature and everywhere else.

And God did it in an area where people tend to calculate the things that they do... in mathematics, the foundation of all science. "One" is the best scientific proof for God. Nobody can make two or more things that are exactly the same. So there is only one of everything that people make. God is in the whole universe. God is One.


So lame... god existed BEFORE the universe, nuff sed. What was before the existance of WHERE the universe is? GOD. So god is both in AND external to the known and unknown universe, regardless of dimensions. God is YOUR soul. Your god is MY soul, because god is the ALL soul.  You sold your god, and have an empty spirit dwelling in a dead shell called the human body. Aliens to most, evil to the wise. Wiccan masonic jews in every day life. For those with eye's to see. Putin + Trump - jew brethren. Feel sorry for 6 million jews. Then burn the rest, for burnin witches is still legal.

Thou shall not suffer a (wiccan masonic jewish) witch to live.

Badecker, Let me quote your book again: You shall not suffer a witch to live. Now do you believe in your book, or are you a witch pretending to love jesus? Cause you should be burning witches should you not? Until you do, you'll always be known all over the world as a sick dick.
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
September 18, 2020, 08:32:13 AM
There is no 'second' life after death, for death is eternal. There is however the distinct possibility that 'damned' is having your firstborn have to re-live the misery created by the parents, in the next repetition of the same life lived, again, eternally, over and over and over ando over... de-ja-vu anyone? No? Tough... REMEMBER....

The only proof you need. There is no afterlife, just the same repetitive life after life, like monday returns to monday...
full member
Activity: 938
Merit: 101
September 13, 2020, 07:36:50 PM
Even there isnt enough proof that god exist i still beleive in god that there is second life after death.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 13, 2020, 05:22:02 PM
Possibly the best scientific proof for God is "1." The Bible says that God is one, and there is one God.

What does "1" have to do with it? One is a basic number that is used "one" way or another in all of science. It has to do with mathematics.

All of math except the number "1" is an abstraction. Why? Because there are no two of anything. And there certainly aren't more than two of anything. What do I mean?

Take two pencils, for example. They might have been made by the same manufacturer. They might be the same color. They might have come off the assembly line one right after the other, so that they have graphite from the same batch in them. and wood from the same segment of the same tree. But still they are different.

These "two" pencils are different because, if nothing else, they hold different places in the universe. You can lay them down right against each other, but they still are different. If you look at them closely under a magnifying glass, you will find that they have at least slight differences in their makeup.

This means that there are not two pencils. Really there is one pencil, and another one pencil. In fact, there is only one of everything, because everything is at least slightly different than everything else. All of math is an abstraction that we use to make life easier in one way or another. But it's all a lie, because there really is only one of anything.

Who can say, "See? Here are two things that are exactly the same, so that we can say that there are two?" God did this to give supreme evidence of Himself, of His existence. As there is only one God, so He made only one of everything... so that He is shown to exist in all of nature and everywhere else.

And God did it in an area where people tend to calculate the things that they do... in mathematics, the foundation of all science. "One" is the best scientific proof for God. Nobody can make two or more things that are exactly the same. So there is only one of everything that people make. God is in the whole universe. God is One.

Activity: 100
Merit: 0
September 13, 2020, 08:30:13 AM
It's easy to prove god Exists.

It's all about the universal conciousnous. A.K.A. the unified energy field.

So many people unified in their belief's. If they fake it they might make it.. to hell... yes the followers of the lucifarian way, the catholic baby sacrificers, have actually proven god's exist, by dumping BADecker's god in favour of sacrificing their firstborn. Yup, that means nothing to you, or so you may think, but to know that you also have to choose a side.. BADecker's masonic wiccan christian sect... oh that's right, we dont actually die. We get reborn. Is it the same leaf that falls from a tree of life the year after it previously fell? So far, kid's, (most likely to tell the truth until corrupted) say yes.

I'm alive. A new Human with an extraordinary ability, like many... I have a memory of the journey we must all take from death to life. I can go into the void, and come out at will. I can go into the light and wake up without fright. I can rise up to the light, look down and see a tree... now what would happen if I took that tree from darkness where it stands, and took it into the light? ah, the bird's will be severed from the skies... the tree will be torn in half, To understand god is thus:

God cannot be anywhere in this universe, or any other for that matter, for to create it, and all, he must be external to it and all. Only Darkness can do this. This allow's other dimensions to exist out-with the one we see, only it's not like that for those who have sold their soul. To them it's a blue light they see, and upside down inside out world. With a big eye in the sky, sitting in an envelope shaped seat, the real scource of the design of the envelope is thus revealed. Their spirit lives in the aether. it is this spirit that was set free, when they lost their soul while dying in initiation. The aether is the dreamworld. Now you know. Your dreams of a black hole are very fuckin real. Your panic in the dream as you try to escape this gravitational pull is well justified, their IS a reason you want to get away from it. You KNOW it's not the path for YOU. All else will be naysayers, too late for them...

Is it too late for you?

Well, that depends. Allow me a short version of the journey from death to life. I open my mid's eye. I move over the deep. I go through a mist. I enter a ball of billions of colour's, shiney shiney. At the center of this sphere, a ball. Move closer to the ball and shift conciousnous, for size is relevant. At this point see the world in you. But the world cant fit in you because you stand on it. No you dont, because the only part of you that physically touch's the surface of the earth is your shadow... You stand ABOVE earth. Held between heaven and Earth by the monkey mind, forever shaping your appearance. That part of you that says uhuhhhh to the black hole. Oh, that'll be the eternal part of you. The spirit dies. The Soul does NOT. The spirit is a flame, and can be snuffed out. This spirit is what those who force religion on folks, claim is GOD. It is the spirit of what they claim to be god. So Yes, God is proven to exist by this fact alone. The eye of providence, also known as the all seeing eye is seen by some to be the  eye of god, whatever, you have your opinion, the utchat, eye of ra etc... so yeah, god is indeed proven, too many people describe the same thing seen after tried and tested scientific methods. Just ask BADecker for proof of his god. All he'll be able to provide is written by baby sacrificers. This he cant deny. In Fact, you'll know when you have a mason by the balls, they go all shite bag quiet! Blank you yet talk to another bro in the hope of being saved from the reall awful truth... blanked by a so called legit business lately? How will you get that money back? Note: God STOPPED the baby sacrificin did he not?

The spirit is the fire that burn's in all our being. It makes us warm. The soul IS god. Did you sell your GOD? No wonder we have to read BADeckers masonic pish followed by his brethren of lower stature... To worship LUCIFER as freemasons do (those you do business with here) is to know the first three passwords of freemasonry are Jachin, Boaz, and Machbenna, most dont go past this, KNOWING after the fourth, your drinking babies blood. Like prime minister David Cameron, who got to stick his dik in a dead pigs mouth... initiation... saville taking kids on the queens boat to the queen or to swim with the fish's, after being ram-rodded by these wiccan scum. Providing babies and anyone else to the trump, epstein, weinstein, saville, It's all self explanetory when you get to the 18th degree to discover the password HOSE-ANNA represent's your acceptance that you not only sold your firstborn's eternal soul to a life of damnation, so have to go to hell, you killed said soul WILLINGLY, but that you also sold YOUR soul to LUCIFER for the murder of your firstborn, in effect, double wammied by the devil.

More and more, the earth is gettin it's arse cleared of the masonic wiccan clingons...

Watch gods vengeance live here https://AllOverTheWorld.NOW

Now take all post's by decksperiment, and Pachacouti, KEEP them in order, but subtract the slanderish banter, and see just how you really do know about god, cause if you do it right, you'll see what I really wrote Smiley

I believe God is the collective SOUL

I also believe what we call OUR spirit is but one spirit we all share, and call god once initiated, shame he cant save you once you've SEEN the other world.

I'll finish with this:

What does it profit a man, to leave his own world, and suffer the loss of his own SOUL?

copper member
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
September 08, 2020, 09:33:51 AM
The usual garbage full of fallacies and misinformation...
Honestly, I've come to terms with the "agree to disagree" thing. They can't prove that god exist but we also can"t disprove that god exist, y'know?
copper member
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
September 07, 2020, 04:38:23 PM
yes without any guidance or God, how the universe will run, like at any office, without a boss , how will run the office, so for the whole world , without any guidance how will it run.
Activity: 4438
Merit: 3387
September 06, 2020, 11:55:59 PM
Black energy is also a living proof of existence of God. Even scientist also believe that dark energy is the God.

The term "dark energy" describes a phenomena whose cause is currently unknown. Please explain how it can prove the existence of God.
copper member
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
September 06, 2020, 04:51:22 AM
Black energy is also a living proof of existence of God. Even scientist also believe that dark energy is the God.
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