I advise to read the book"The God Delusion; 2006 ,Book by Richard Dawkins"
Very good choice, a truly masterpiece. 'The selfish gene' is also a good read.
Cause and effect show us that God is the only way this universe could happen. Dawkins is becoming a delusion the more he writes crap like this.
You said yourself that cause and effect alone can't prove God, are you losing your memory? Why do you even comeback to this thread where all your crazy ideas have been debunked already. You come here just to say the same thing now, God did it. Save yourself the trouble, you are not convincing anyone, at this point it seems like you are trying to convince yourself.
I said that cause and effect combined with universal entropy combined with complex universe prove God.
You aren't losing your memory on this. Why not? You never checked it out to remember it in the first place. Check it out:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.10718395https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.14047133https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1662153.40https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.16803380Really quick Episode 15 from our famous retard, Badecker. Here we can observe how superficial he actually is and also how stupid he gets day by day. Astargath told him how his affirmations are contradictory regarding cause and effect and asked him if he is losing his memory. The poor idiot responds by saying he meant something else and accusing Astargath of never checking out his links in order to remember them in the first place. Three or four pages earlier, Astargath did a step by step rebuttal of those exact links to which the retard, Badecker, responded. Need anything more to say? Let's just calmly wait for Badecker's reply in order to have an episode 16 of the proof of how supernatural Badecker's stupidity is. Remember kids, don't do drugs or religion. You might end up a retard like Badecker.
Perfect example of how BADecker ignores the truth and pushes his own agenda. He cant argue a single point without making assumptions or completely ignoring facts.
Mr T says it best: "I pity the fool"
Notice how
stats can't bring any rebuttal to the proof that God exists, but he finds it easy to attempt defamation of
BADecker.Wow.... talking in a 3rd person.... is that a new skill or are you tying to avoid the reality of the situation.
As for rebuttal...... since you are so good at looking at links, search your own links and ye shall find.
That's just another one of the things YOU aren't smart enough to do... search my links and find rebuttal in them.
You lost your fuel badecker, I'm still waiting for your response to my latest post, not to mention that I already debunked all your ''proof''. Maybe it's time for you to abandon this thread and search for another because you have been destroyed here, just saying, as friendly advice.
There is no reason to respond to your posts. When you talk religion like you do, you will simply believe and blab anything that you want no matter what is said.
Pick a point that you have debunked, and list it and the debunking... in simple, brief language, from your own understanding.
Cause and effect alone has almost proven that God exists. Almost all scientific investigation has as its goal, a way to debunk cause and effect, by finding something that is pure random. The particular scientist doing the research on a particular science project may not know that his science will be analyzed for proving cause and effect to be false, but it will.
Cause and effect shows programming of everything in the universe... even so-called free will. Programming needs a Programmer.
To debunk God scientifically, you will have to debunk cause and effect, entropy, complexity, or at least one of them.
Interlude: The eternal sunshine of a retard named Badecker.
After hundreds of pages in which it has been stated and proved clearly that religion means believing in a deity, not acknowledging scientific facts, Badecker still calls atheists, the exact opposite of the term, religious. He also accuses others of something that he does, sometimes on purpose, sometimes just because he is stupid, and he goes so far that he accuses people that actually gave attention to his links. Example: 'you will simply believe and blab anything that you want no matter what is said.' That is what Badecker actually does with every post and he accused Astargath of doing it although Astargath actually countered really well and on point to anything he said. Further on, there is a new side to our little redard (little as in puny, his retard is big): conspiracy. Somehow he came up with the idea that science and everything we have today (including the computer that our retard uses) are only there to debunk cause and effect because he believes cause and effect prove God. Of course, anyone who actually studied cause and effect understand that it has many theories, including the theological one, which is also the most illogical one since it's a copy of causal determinism that solely replaced the word 'cause' with the word 'God'. He then goes into a subject that he knows nothing about, free will, also proving in the same time that he knows nothing about cause and effect (again, anyone who actually studied cause and effects understands the classical problem between it and free will). He ends up in his fanatic way, proving the point of my last episode: he claims that in order to debunk the God idea, you need to prove that this world is actually fake, it does not exist. That is what debunking scientific laws that work would mean. He implies that God exists because the world exists, no further explanations. He is basic, poorly documented, stupid and hypocrite. He can not argue, he can not debate, he can barely speak in a reasonable way. Yet, his stupidity never fails to amaze us. Indeed, we are witnessing the eternal sunshine of a retard named Badecker. Stay tuned, he's getting dumber!