by Kyle Butt, M.Div.
The Universe exists and is real. Every rational person must admit this point. If it did not exist, we would not be here to talk about it. So the question arises, “How did the Universe get here?” Did it create itself? If it did not create itself, it must have had a cause.
Let’s look at the law of cause and effect. As far as science knows, natural laws have no exceptions. This is definitely true of the law of cause and effect, which is the most universal and most certain of all laws. Simply put, the law of cause and effect states that every material effect must have an adequate cause that existed before the effect.
Material effects without adequate causes do not exist. Also, causes never occur after the effect. In addition, the effect never is greater than the cause. That is why scientists say that every material effect must have an adequate cause. The river did not turn muddy because the frog jumped in; the book did not fall off the table because the fly landed on it. These are not adequate causes. For whatever effects we see, we must present adequate causes.
The evidence is sufficient to show that this material Universe needs a non-material cause. That non-material Cause is God because...?? Yet again a stupid christian webpage claiming that God did it without not one single shred of evidence. Look I can do it too.
The evidence is sufficient to show that this material Universe needs a non-material cause. That non-material Cause is the (Pick any God from any religion you want)
If there is to be a deity that is the exception from the requirement that all existing things need a cause then the same exception can be made for the sum of all energy that exists, considering that it manifests in different forms.
The point is that through scientific observation, we know very little about the characteristics of God. Many religions have elements of truth regarding the characteristics of God, because the religious info has been passed down or written down from the beginning. Science has a long way to go to find out as much about God as religion has found out about Him.
Science is going in the wrong direction. Used to be that science searched for truth, and only accepted it as truth when it was proven. Now science accepts as truth the unproven big bang, and an unproven 13 to 14 billion year old universe, when religion shows us that the universe is less than 6,200 years old. Science is going the wrong way, and will ultimately fail if it doesn't change.
Let's get back to real science, both in this thread, and in scientific observation. Real science proves God exists. The proof is found through combining the basic scientific facts/laws/principles of cause and effect, entropy, and complexity. These could not exist together as they do in the universe without God, Whatever He may be.
Nope, stop it. Science doesn't prove any god at all. You haven't shown a single piece of evidence pointing to a specific god. Complexity? How does complexity point to your specific god? You have to define what god means which you haven't. You always talk about the god from the bible because thats your belief, a belief based on faith, not science.