There is too much money in deluding people. The media wouldn't show the proof of God if they were ordered to by Government.
See my post directly above to see why our best guess about where life came from is that it was created by God.
Believers in evolution have more of a religion than believers in God. You can see why in my, above, post. But you won't find the media talking about it much.
I am sorry, is your God weak when money is involved? Is that why churches need so much money? A Government can so easily defeat a God that used to kill kids for laughing at bold people, who used to kill tens of thousands just because they were a bit upset at him for killing other tens of thousands? The one who tried to kill Moses for...well, nobody actually knows why, we can presume he liked children's foreskin freshly cut and that's why he tried to kill him... that God suddenly has a conscience and he gets easily fucked by the media and a government? That is what you just implied, that your God, the one being the biggest dick in the world in the Old Testament, is now too old to have any power when facing a Government, something that human beings can easily deal with when needed. That is how much delusional you are, that's the real retard that is hidden inside you, that is why I told you to get the fuck off this topic and take your shitty Bob Dutko top proofs cd's along with you, you stupid donkey. You are so dumb you can't even maintain your own story, you mix it up, making your God look like shit when facing a human made system. Your bullshit ideas are stolen from Bob Dutko, step by step, you piece of shit cultist. How dare you insult people who have actually made something, instead of just coming up with the God excuse? How dare you compare your cult with their work and call it a religion, you dumb monkey? Get the fuck out of here, you cheap ripoff.
God is the best. He is above everything. So, you can't understand what God does and why. It's that way with all people, even though some people understand a little more.
God is righteous. He lives forever. You will die. Then He will raise you from the dead to life forever, as well. Your choice to go against Him here will seal your eternal life into eternal torment in the Lake of Fire.
Since it is your choice, turn, now, while you still have life so that you can turn, so that you have eternal life in joy in Heaven.
You are so funny. Have you been to the bottom of the oceans lately to check there for God? Many ancient peoples thought that the constellation, Orion, was the place that life came from. Have you been out there to check for God? What? You have it on authority that God doesn't exist in either of those places? What authority? Your own? LOL!
Perhaps you should take a night course in understanding how to interpret science law, so that you can see that God exists from the proof:
It might even help you learn how to stay on topic.