For some reason, the joint and BADecker have yet to respond to my posts.
I will not stop posting the truth about man and God in this thread; it is too important!
You may wish to read my latest posts and references to better understand the form of the proof.
All atheists are humanists; also, the Eisenbeiss case strongly supports survival, which humanists reject, so I conclude that all atheists are mistaken.
Further, we now know that life is more than just complicated chemistry and this also undermines humanism.
I advise you not to call my GOD the devil until you know EXACTLY what is going on.
God's messenger Hatonn delivers a message that is both literal and rational; this is what a spiritual teaching should look like.
By the way, I still disagree with you about a "jealous/wrathful God"; God is love, and you have called my God the Devil without even so much as pointing out where God's messenger is telling you to do evil.
I am making this post so that others may also share TRUTH in this thread.