No matter how you spin it, your method doesn't work. Sorry.
You must yourself prove that God exists because God dwells within; that is where the proof will come from--within you! Does it bother you that I have proved to myself that God is real by reading Dharma's writings (and thinking upon the same)?
One can see from the AECES top 40, taken altogether, that a process conducive to survival (of some 'aspect') apparently exists. An adequate explanation of the Eisenbeiss case must be simple; it follows that professor Eisenbeiss is telling the 'truth' (valid message) by way of the 'surviving personality' (source) and medium (signal). The message (chess game) was transmitted; Hence, the afterlife is valid truth, and it is supported by the now-recognized fact that life is more than just complicated chemistry; belief in the afterlife is both scientific and in accord with 'information theory'. Actually, the elucidation of the content-source problem (so necessary for evaluation of inspired writings) is but an exercise in information and communication theory; the simplest and most adequate signal transmission mechanisms are posited because science evidences signal transmission all throughout nature, and in science the simplest explanation is best.
Joint, would you Kindly reference the bit about Pascal's Wager from this book? I advise you to search through the text:
Back to quoting Journals; once you have read about the Wager, you can see that the Journals are highly "suggestive"!
If MAN can keep you from communion with GOD, he can control you! If you are ever to find God and be WITH GOD--YOU MUST COME INTO COMMUNION WITH GOD--AND BYPASS THE INPUT OF MAN. Since your time as man is short indeed and your time with God is long indeed--infinite, would it not be worthy to learn to talk with God and get His instructions for passage and cease and desist listening to the misguided and misguiding ones from the pulpits and thrones of "authority" and "expert blatherings"? If they be MAN--THEY DO NOT KNOW! THEY ONLY PRESENT THAT WHICH IS ALREADY THRUST UPON THEM AND YOU--BY MAN! I AM NOT MAN IN FLESH--AND DHARMA IS NOT ME.
What is that you don't understand about the limits of empiricism precluding any logical possibility of forming empirical conclusions about God?