Unfortunately, people who have steeped themselves in a particular religion, mostly find it difficult to set it aside when they find out it is a false religion.
Can you compile a list for us all of all these false religions?
How do you recognise a false religion?
No, I probably couldn't. I would probably miss at least a few. Besides, I don't have the time that it would take to investigate and compile. You could probably search Wikipedia for a list of main ones.
Well, with Christianity all around you, and with all the talk about the Bible I have been doing in this thread, start there, the Bible, and ask God to direct you on your journey into this kind of religious seeking.
But you have to be sincere in your testing for God. Ask Him to prove Himself to you if He really exists. But do it from the standpoint of really asking sincerely. He doesn't cater to people who are simply playing around or attempting to mock Him.
I would be particularly interested to hear you respond *directly* to his question about how you are able to recognize a false religion.
The direct instructions for such would probably be similar to the instructions Moses gave the people of Israel for determining if a prophet was a prophet of the Lord, or a false prophet. This would be to match the things that he said with what happened. You could say similar about matching a religion with the way things work.
In fact, in this and other threads, I have been pointing out that the things we call science don't always match all the scientific ideas that should be applied to them. A lot of what we call science (I'm not talking about pure science, or the scientific method, here) simply doesn't have enough information behind it to say that it is absolute truth, or often very near the truth.
The Bible is full of prophecies that were fulfilled. There are others that have not been fulfilled yet. Other religions have few prophecy listings, and few that are fulfilled. One of the greatest prophesies of the Bible that has been fulfilled is that of the fall of Israel as a nation because they disobeyed God. The fall lasted around 1,900 years. They have only come back according to other prophesy, and not with the glory that they held in the past.
Are you joking? Those "prophecies" are general and anyone with an IQ over 83 can make them. The roman empire fell, the byzantine empire fell, etc and etc, all of which were far, far more powerful than Israel could ever dreamed of being back then. All empires eventually fall, so that prophecy about Israel falling is laughable(I actually made a smirk when I was reading what you typed).
Now everyone reading this can fully conclude that everything you've said has been bullshit with this statement: "One of the greatest prophesies of the Bible that has been fulfilled is that of the fall of Israel as a nation because they disobeyed God. The fall lasted around 1,900 years"
Thank you for typing that.
You poor child. Having a bad day, right? You have just found out about Bible prophesy, and since there isn't anything you can say to contradict it, you simply yammer.
Imagine a scenario for a moment, one that doesn't have anything to do with this thread. Imagine that you had used the product, Duralube, in the past, and found that it didn't work. Next, let's say that you just found out that there was a special way you had to add it to your car, and that if you did this simple little "trick," it would literally triple your mpg. If you were an average driver, and if you tested it and found out it worked, wouldn't you use it? I mean, maybe you are the kind of person who loves to help support the gasoline companies. So, maybe you personally wouldn't use Duralube, even if it worked this well. So, what's your problem with Bible prophesy?
Here, I have found for you, a method that you can use to virtually prove to yourself that God is real, because nobody can make prophesy that is as accurate as that which is in the Bible. And all you have to do is Google "Bible prophesy" to prove to yourself that you can trust the God of the Bible for your own salvation to eternal life in Heaven with Him and many others, and you would rather throw it away?
God has left that up to you, of course. But it doesn't make any sense. Come. Join us in accepting the salvation that God offers through Jesus, that can virtually be found in no other place besides the miraculous Bible. Prove it to yourself that the Bible is the real deal, by checking out Bible prophesy in detail.