"2 circles of approx 555 and a half feet produces a triangle witha height of 480 and a half feet...." What does that mean? And don't just call me an idiot for not knowing what you are talking about. Spell the explanation out. What do you have to do to "2 circles of approx 555 and a half feet" to get a "height of 480 and a half feet?"
Before that, what is a circle of "approx 555 and a half feet?" Are you talking the diameter, radius, circumference, or something else? Are you talking a sphere and simply saying "circle" when you mean sphere?
It's okay. You are free. You don't have to answer. But if you took out all your cussing and condemning of other people, and replaced it with what you really mean, you just might be saying something that is not gibberish.
2 circles of approx 555 and a half feet produces a triangle witha height of 480 and a half feet, or 280 cubit's, eah side = 755 feet, or 440 cubit's, with a perimeter of 3020 feet, or 1.746 cubits (height of origional twin towers, read my earlier posts on this part), A tetrahedron with a base angle of 51 degree's, 51 minute's, The circle'(s) of 555 and a half feet, have a circumference of 1.746 feet.
Your bible is nothing without the sacred grain of mustard seed. This is the 'old' proof of spirituality. What you have been shown in total, is THE maths behind every church. Behind every major structure you see today.. the pyramids.. stonehenge.. twin towers.. and not forgetting the new (twin) tower that had the extra 1.746 feet added onto 1.746 meters.. go on, tell me I'm as fucked as you.. I am giving you mathematical proof of spiritual existance, to deny this is to deny your soul. Not just YOUR soul, but the soul of jesus, AND god.. since it is in fact an ancient representation of their knowldge of fractals etc.. A fractal image akin to the russian doll within a doll within a doll, but you should stick with your bible, for you dont desrve to know why they build YOUR churches using this EXACT scientific equation, for it is the spiritual equation governing all things spiritual.
This is nothing more than the same maths I produced earlier.. would you like a different version?
Oh, and my explanation was exactly how it is written if you cant understand it, you have no right to speak fom the bible in the way you do.