What does this mean? If you cannot answer, or choose not to, you have no right to speak of said diety.. since you clearly know nothing of your god, despite your knowledge of a bit of dead tree.. albeit a page..
Often a person's brain uses a three-letter code when speaking between its parts. Speaking spirit to Spirit with God is the thing that is important in life. The language that people use between themselves usually weakens the meanings of the spirit-to-Spirit language.
Meaning your word's mean nothing, not just to me, but everyone.. you have zero argument's for the proof of god, consideing your evidence is nothing more than a cleverly written peice of science fiction.. that's so out of date, I'm surprised you aint got food poisoning..
Wow, Decky. You are getting just like the atheists.
Make a hand. Can't? Well make a blade of grass. No, I don't mean grow one. I mean formulate and manufacture one, and set life to it. Can't? Well, what can you do that is marvelous? Anybody can yammer.
Modern medical research has found methods to manipulate the healing abilities of the body to some extent. They can cut out cancers. They can help bones grow better and stronger after they are broken. They actually have some vaccines that really work. But modern medical science hasn't come close to making a real live hand from scratch. They haven't even found a way to regrow a new one on a person who lost an original.
Why hasn't modern scientific medicine been able to make a hand? So far, it's because the process is way too complicated. In fact, they don't really have a working, feasible process for doing it in mind at all!
Look at the prosthetic hands science has created. The computer controlled prosthetic hands are wonderful. There are even methods coming into being where real bionic hands can feel pressure and heat. Marvelous stuff. Costs billions to develop... especially if you consider all the past research that makes the present research possible.
Yet, an average, healthy person is born with two hands that he/she received for free. Modern science can't make them. But they are given free, naturally.
Nature is way smarter than medical science. In fact, nature is so smart that modern science goes to it just to find out what questions they should ask, so that they can properly review nature to look for answers.
So, how did nature get so smart? I mean, if blades of grass, or even hands, were all the smarter that nature had become, nature would still be smart beyond understanding. After all, science still hasn't fully understood how blades of grass and hands come into being entirely.
But nature didn't stop with blades of grass and hands. Nature was so extremely smart that it produced eyes, and brains, and thousands upon of thousands of species of plants and animals, all of them having marvelous reproductive systems, things that the smartest people are only starting to emulate in the machine shop a little bit today.
How smart is a rock? How smart is entropy? A rock has no smarts or non-smarts. And entropy is the breaking down of the things that smart nature has produced. And we, the product of smart nature, because our brains and minds themselves are products of nature, don't even really know if we won't destroy ourselves off the face of the earth before we have the chance to find out all the marvels of smart nature.
How "dumb" can you smart people get? Here's smart nature doing all kinds of fabulous things that smart people can't even come close to doing, and the smart people are dumb enough to contradict their own dictionary definition of "God," even though they work with the super-smart things of nature that God has produced.
It's gotta be entropy that has made these smart people of science so stupid.