
Topic: Scientific proof that God exists? - page 400. (Read 845569 times)

Activity: 2674
Merit: 2965
November 10, 2014, 01:47:40 PM
Bothers you, doesn't it Decky, that you don't seem to have any logical response, right? Lots of yammering. But not much logic.

There are lots of things you can do, and lots that you can't do. Believing that some science fiction writings of the past, claiming themselves to be over 64,000 years old, isn't going to make it real.

Faith moves mountains. The point is, who or what has more faith?

The devil tried to out-faith God. But it didn't work. So, how do you think that YOU are going to out-faith God? Have you ever "walked among the fiery stones" with God like Satan did before he became the evil one? The knowledge he acquired from God was exceedingly great. But it was far from sufficient to out-faith God.

So exactly why do you believe in this ridiculous story, but not the one about Roman, Greek gods?
This is all nonsense. The more detailed the explanation of the whole 'story' is, the more messed up it gets.  

I wonder what Christians will say when we get 3D printers that can print on a molecular level, and allow us to print living things, and even improve on them compared to what nature created. We would literally be using science and technology to improve on "god's own design."
'God wanted it that way'.  Cheesy
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1035
November 10, 2014, 01:47:04 PM
I wonder what Christians will say when we get 3D printers that can print on a molecular level, and allow us to print living things, and even improve on them compared to what nature created. We would literally be using science and technology to improve on "god's own design."

As for "science today does nothing but come up with the kinda theories that everyone can understand, but that there is NO proof of," that's not true. Relativity, time passing at different speeds, and quantum mechanics are used in, or are being taken into consideration when building a lot of electronics, from GPS systems to CPUs, to fiber and wireless communications systems. Without that theoretical science those things wouldn't work. And new theoretical science will let us build even smaller processor, or use new materials and technologies to build things we couldn't before, just because we couldn't compensate for the noise such small scale and fast processing devices have to deal with.
sr. member
Activity: 630
Merit: 250
November 10, 2014, 11:20:12 AM
The fact is science today does nothing but come up with the kinda theories that everyone can understand, but that there is NO proof of, written by a non-mason. FACT. There is NO proof of other universe's barring the FACT we are each an alternative universe at the same time, in the same space, all this fantastical bullshit that does nothing to feed you or I is fuckin useless in the giant scheme of things, for the only people who can get anywhere near whatever is true of these theories are the ones who made it up, then made a toy to make it 'appear' to register as reality.. If the lord is so great, why are 89% of the planet starvin to death?

Why has over 60% of all life been decimated, by those claiming belief in this 'god' that is gonna save us?

When will bible bashers learn, that when they say you will be saved, it means they will not make you a tramp, they will not devide and conqour your family by turning the mother into a field mattress, they will not steal your kid's, or ruin your life. We need saved whilst alive, from a masonic created society known as religion .

Note: masonry claims it is not a religion, despite requiring members to belong to one? This is so they can rule ALL the religions they created, using nothing more than black magic in the guise of the kind of word's coming out of the like's of BADeckers keyboard.. he, like all freemason's, are technically saying, your either with us or your fuckin dead.

Activity: 1834
Merit: 1020
November 10, 2014, 10:23:36 AM
Look at it this way. We build machines. We build cars, computers, rockets, or simple wheels. The "levers" we use in our machines are found somewhere in nature. All - 100% - of the kinds of levers we use in our machines are being used, and have been used for thousands of years, in nature. So, why would anybody NOT think of nature as a highly complicated and complex machine... since the machines in nature are where we get all of our ideas for the machines we build?

Machines have makers. The machine of the universe has a Maker.


You know how you said in your previous post that you will try to do better with the reasoning?  Well, this post gives you a good opportunity to do so.

The machine argument isn't a good argument, and it's worth considering that by using the machine argument you are actually using a kind of inductive reasoning similar to what's employed in the scientific method.  You are acting similar to a scientist here in that you are taking a set of observations (i.e. you have observed that machines are made my makers, and since you imply the Universe is also like a machine, you conclude that it, too, has a maker).  But, you are acting different from a scientist in that your conclusion is unfalsifiable.  There is no possible test or experiment you could conduct that would be able to test your conclusion.  So, even though you criticize science due to its inability to comprehensively explain the universe due to the limitations of inductive reasoning, it is you that are committing the egregious error by concluding with an absolute statement that results from inductive reasoning.

This is one example of what I meant earlier when I said that every time you debate you end up defeating your own argument.  In this case, you defeat your own argument by condemning the inadequacies of inductive reasoning and then using inductive reasoning yourself to form your conclusion.

The fact that you have a sort of fancy way of saying that you don't believe the evidence makes me feel a bit better.

You see, if someone came up to me and literally proved that the God I have been believing in for years was a complete and total lie, I would feel bad. And I sympathize with all those poor folks who are seeing how they can prove it to themselves that probably, almost for a fact, God exists, when, here for these last many years, they have trained themselves to feel comfortable in life by ignoring God. It pains me that they have pain, same kind of pain I would have if my God were proven false.

So, you are making me feel better by providing them a way so that their pain is relieved some... if they read your post, that is.

Thank you for posting.


It's not that I "don't believe the evidence," but rather it's that there cannot possibly be evidence that proves the existence of God.  It is a true statement to say there is no evidence that proves God, but again, this doesn't matter because evidence was never the requirement.  Neither the atheist nor the theist should argue against/for the existence of god by citing evidence because neither.

Evidence simply means "that which is apparent,"  and the scientific method is a sound way to make sense of that sense of that evidence.  You can't deny that the scientific method is a good method, but what you need to understand is that the scientific method simply has limitations, and it's only concerned about things that are observable.  This isn't bad at all, and in fact in this regard the scientific method is a perfect method.  There is absolutely nothing about it that can be improved.  It's scope simply isn't intended to explore something as comprehensive as God, and so it can't, nor does it try.

My advice is to appreciate science for what it is and all the amazing technologies it brings us, as well as a better understanding of specific events and processes as they unfold in the Universe.  Religion contributes nothing in the way of technological development and an understanding of specific physical, chemical, and biological processes whereas science is perfectly suited for the task. 

Quote from: Jan Hilgevoord link=
According to quantum mechanics, the more precisely the position (momentum) of a particle is given, the less precisely can one say what its momentum (position) is. This is (a simplistic and preliminary formulation of) the quantum mechanical uncertainty principle for position and momentum. The uncertainty principle played an important role in many discussions on the philosophical implications of quantum mechanics, in particular in discussions on the consistency of the so-called Copenhagen interpretation, the interpretation endorsed by the founding fathers Heisenberg and Bohr.

Science and, thus, the scientific method "[isn't] only concerned about things that are observable."

Quote from: Plato, Apology link=
Why do I mention this? Because I am going to explain to you why I have such an evil name. When I heard the answer, I said to myself, What can the god mean? and what is the interpretation of this riddle? for I know that I have no wisdom, small or great. What can he mean when he says that I am the wisest of men? And yet he is a god and cannot lie; that would be against his nature. After a long consideration, I at last thought of a method of trying the question. I reflected that if I could only find a man wiser than myself, then I might go to the god with a refutation in my hand. I should say to him, "Here is a man who is wiser than I am; but you said that I was the wisest." Accordingly I went to one who had the reputation of wisdom, and observed to him - his name I need not mention; he was a politician whom I selected for examination - and the result was as follows: When I began to talk with him, I could not help thinking that he was not really wise, although he was thought wise by many, and wiser still by himself; and I went and tried to explain to him that he thought himself wise, but was not really wise; and the consequence was that he hated me, and his enmity was shared by several who were present and heard me. So I left him, saying to myself, as I went away: Well, although I do not suppose that either of us knows anything really beautiful and good, I am better off than he is - for he knows nothing, and thinks that he knows. I neither know nor think that I know. In this latter particular, then, I seem to have slightly the advantage of him. Then I went to another, who had still higher philosophical pretensions, and my conclusion was exactly the same. I made another enemy of him, and of many others besides him.

To the contrary, it would seem science primarily seeks to realize its knowledge of nothing.

This is more metaphysics than empirical science.  Quantum phenomena cannot be directly observed because the phenomena occurs at such a scale that light can't even detect it.  Sure, you can conduct some experiments to indirectly learn about quantum reality, but if you're concluding about that which cannot directly be observed, then it really isn't empirical science anymore.   
sr. member
Activity: 630
Merit: 250
November 10, 2014, 09:58:44 AM
Wow, Decky. You really need to cut back on your meds. Now you're getting hyper. C'mon, breathe, man. Deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Little bit at a time. You can do it. You'll make it. Now relax. Close your eyes. Easy does it.


See? You just cant help being wrong. I dont take any medication, and am naturally hyper.. answer the fuckin questions posed, or kindly refrain from thinking you are qualified to reply to me, in fact, keep tae fuck away..

Paedo lover..
sr. member
Activity: 630
Merit: 250
November 10, 2014, 09:56:50 AM
Ps, why ARE all the churches closing, and being replaced by mosque's?

Where are all the nun's? They joined the lesbo porn scene..

Where are all the preist's? Outscourced by who's your daddy.. father Wink
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 10, 2014, 09:49:27 AM
Wow, Decky. You really need to cut back on your meds. Now you're getting hyper. C'mon, breathe, man. Deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Little bit at a time. You can do it. You'll make it. Now relax. Close your eyes. Easy does it.

sr. member
Activity: 630
Merit: 250
November 10, 2014, 09:42:10 AM
Bothers you, doesn't it Decky, that you don't seem to have any logical response, right? Lots of yammering. But not much logic.

There are lots of things you can do, and lots that you can't do. Believing that some science fiction writings of the past, claiming themselves to be over 64,000 years old, isn't going to make it real.

Faith moves mountains. The point is, who or what has more faith?

The devil tried to out-faith God. But it didn't work. So, how do you think that YOU are going to out-faith God? Have you ever "walked among the fiery stones" with God like Satan did before he became the evil one? The knowledge he acquired from God was exceedingly great. But it was far from sufficient to out-faith God.

Your masonic writings are cute. But they lack the strength to do anything, good or evil.

God's book, the Bible, is the only thing that can save people. And, for the GOOD of all people, the Bible is available to all people. Also, for the good of all people, your masonic writings are available only to a few. Do you know what else is available to all? The whole Word of God, in the form of the universe He spoke into being.

Hey Decky man. It's okay. God created some people for destruction, just to rid Himself of them and their unbelief. It's up to you which way you are taking yourself. But understand, it is you that are taking yourself to your own destruction if you will not turn and accept and follow God.


See? In a constant state of judging. I am not masonic, so whatever of masonic/bible I chose to quote, remember it's all based on YOUR trash..turn and accept and follow god? Not as long as you do, for herein lay's YOUR problem..The rest of the world, including me, have heard this trash from day one, and it's done nothing but introduce us to idiots like you that simply cant answer who the TETRAGRAMMATON is in the bible, since although it is masonic, is scourced from which bible is it? I hope your church burns with you inside, and if you'd like to see how I can make that so, using nothing more than the spoken word, just ask.. be warned, my shit works, cause it aint shit, at least, no-where near the crap you spout.. so far, with no need, you have insulted me three times by judging me as whatever you believe I AM, yet cant admit I AM, so why would I follow you and your book?

You were taught the bible to put people off.. just watch n see.. your muslim ruler has a long way to go to get rid of your values before his end of term.. keep in mind your ruler is also of a religion that thinks nothing of blowing people like you up, whilst selling your kids guns and drugs.. I do not need to be saved, for MY SUPERIOR god piss's on you god's grave.. and gives me the wisdom to prove things well beyond your means.. If you cant answer any question I pose to you, kindly keep your judgemental words for someone else until you learn to BE a defender of YOUR cause, which you can only do when you stand up against YOUR followers killing and murdering, poisoning of foodstuffs, and decimation of all livestock, for no fuckin reason, you have yet to see they cannot do this without YOU and YOUR followers say so. Your religion is ruled by masons, as is known and accepted all over the world.. How many masonic grips do you entertain? How many family members are masonic? Why would you think it's ok to judge me, yet pray with those who wont admit god had a son called jesus? You only say what you can think of to save your own fuckin skin, and your realisation your religion is at it's end.. welcome to the new world order, where the 6 remaining religions will all be EASTERN religions, and ALL christians will be wiped out. If this is what it takes to be rid of you, so be it.
sr. member
Activity: 630
Merit: 250
November 10, 2014, 09:27:20 AM
Thats as fucked up as sayin we dont exist, despite the FACT we do. Y can all fill others heads with everything from the bible to quantum physics, if the animals aint interested, we should take a leaf from their book.

Have you considered the possibility of your being born into an ignorance well?

Do I look like I need to look or sound like you?

Judging by your sudden change in linguistic's, I'd say you should question yourself before you judge others Wink
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 10, 2014, 09:05:44 AM
Bothers you, doesn't it Decky, that you don't seem to have any logical response, right? Lots of yammering. But not much logic.

There are lots of things you can do, and lots that you can't do. Believing that some science fiction writings of the past, claiming themselves to be over 64,000 years old, isn't going to make it real.

Faith moves mountains. The point is, who or what has more faith?

The devil tried to out-faith God. But it didn't work. So, how do you think that YOU are going to out-faith God? Have you ever "walked among the fiery stones" with God like Satan did before he became the evil one? The knowledge he acquired from God was exceedingly great. But it was far from sufficient to out-faith God.

Your masonic writings are cute. But they lack the strength to do anything, good or evil.

God's book, the Bible, is the only thing that can save people. And, for the GOOD of all people, the Bible is available to all people. Also, for the good of all people, your masonic writings are available only to a few. Do you know what else is available to all? The whole Word of God, in the form of the universe He spoke into being.

Hey Decky man. It's okay. God created some people for destruction, just to rid Himself of them and their unbelief. It's up to you which way you are taking yourself. But understand, it is you that are taking yourself to your own destruction if you will not turn and accept and follow God.

sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Knowledge could but approximate existence.
November 10, 2014, 03:23:05 AM
Thats as fucked up as sayin we dont exist, despite the FACT we do. Y can all fill others heads with everything from the bible to quantum physics, if the animals aint interested, we should take a leaf from their book.

Have you considered the possibility of your being born into an ignorance well?
sr. member
Activity: 630
Merit: 250
November 10, 2014, 03:07:20 AM
Thats as fucked up as sayin we dont exist, despite the FACT we do. Y can all fill others heads with everything from the bible to quantum physics, if the animals aint interested, we should take a leaf from their book.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Knowledge could but approximate existence.
November 10, 2014, 02:57:04 AM
Look at it this way. We build machines. We build cars, computers, rockets, or simple wheels. The "levers" we use in our machines are found somewhere in nature. All - 100% - of the kinds of levers we use in our machines are being used, and have been used for thousands of years, in nature. So, why would anybody NOT think of nature as a highly complicated and complex machine... since the machines in nature are where we get all of our ideas for the machines we build?

Machines have makers. The machine of the universe has a Maker.


You know how you said in your previous post that you will try to do better with the reasoning?  Well, this post gives you a good opportunity to do so.

The machine argument isn't a good argument, and it's worth considering that by using the machine argument you are actually using a kind of inductive reasoning similar to what's employed in the scientific method.  You are acting similar to a scientist here in that you are taking a set of observations (i.e. you have observed that machines are made my makers, and since you imply the Universe is also like a machine, you conclude that it, too, has a maker).  But, you are acting different from a scientist in that your conclusion is unfalsifiable.  There is no possible test or experiment you could conduct that would be able to test your conclusion.  So, even though you criticize science due to its inability to comprehensively explain the universe due to the limitations of inductive reasoning, it is you that are committing the egregious error by concluding with an absolute statement that results from inductive reasoning.

This is one example of what I meant earlier when I said that every time you debate you end up defeating your own argument.  In this case, you defeat your own argument by condemning the inadequacies of inductive reasoning and then using inductive reasoning yourself to form your conclusion.

The fact that you have a sort of fancy way of saying that you don't believe the evidence makes me feel a bit better.

You see, if someone came up to me and literally proved that the God I have been believing in for years was a complete and total lie, I would feel bad. And I sympathize with all those poor folks who are seeing how they can prove it to themselves that probably, almost for a fact, God exists, when, here for these last many years, they have trained themselves to feel comfortable in life by ignoring God. It pains me that they have pain, same kind of pain I would have if my God were proven false.

So, you are making me feel better by providing them a way so that their pain is relieved some... if they read your post, that is.

Thank you for posting.


It's not that I "don't believe the evidence," but rather it's that there cannot possibly be evidence that proves the existence of God.  It is a true statement to say there is no evidence that proves God, but again, this doesn't matter because evidence was never the requirement.  Neither the atheist nor the theist should argue against/for the existence of god by citing evidence because neither.

Evidence simply means "that which is apparent,"  and the scientific method is a sound way to make sense of that sense of that evidence.  You can't deny that the scientific method is a good method, but what you need to understand is that the scientific method simply has limitations, and it's only concerned about things that are observable.  This isn't bad at all, and in fact in this regard the scientific method is a perfect method.  There is absolutely nothing about it that can be improved.  It's scope simply isn't intended to explore something as comprehensive as God, and so it can't, nor does it try.

My advice is to appreciate science for what it is and all the amazing technologies it brings us, as well as a better understanding of specific events and processes as they unfold in the Universe.  Religion contributes nothing in the way of technological development and an understanding of specific physical, chemical, and biological processes whereas science is perfectly suited for the task. 

Quote from: Jan Hilgevoord link=
According to quantum mechanics, the more precisely the position (momentum) of a particle is given, the less precisely can one say what its momentum (position) is. This is (a simplistic and preliminary formulation of) the quantum mechanical uncertainty principle for position and momentum. The uncertainty principle played an important role in many discussions on the philosophical implications of quantum mechanics, in particular in discussions on the consistency of the so-called Copenhagen interpretation, the interpretation endorsed by the founding fathers Heisenberg and Bohr.

Science and, thus, the scientific method "[isn't] only concerned about things that are observable."

Quote from: Plato, Apology link=
Why do I mention this? Because I am going to explain to you why I have such an evil name. When I heard the answer, I said to myself, What can the god mean? and what is the interpretation of this riddle? for I know that I have no wisdom, small or great. What can he mean when he says that I am the wisest of men? And yet he is a god and cannot lie; that would be against his nature. After a long consideration, I at last thought of a method of trying the question. I reflected that if I could only find a man wiser than myself, then I might go to the god with a refutation in my hand. I should say to him, "Here is a man who is wiser than I am; but you said that I was the wisest." Accordingly I went to one who had the reputation of wisdom, and observed to him - his name I need not mention; he was a politician whom I selected for examination - and the result was as follows: When I began to talk with him, I could not help thinking that he was not really wise, although he was thought wise by many, and wiser still by himself; and I went and tried to explain to him that he thought himself wise, but was not really wise; and the consequence was that he hated me, and his enmity was shared by several who were present and heard me. So I left him, saying to myself, as I went away: Well, although I do not suppose that either of us knows anything really beautiful and good, I am better off than he is - for he knows nothing, and thinks that he knows. I neither know nor think that I know. In this latter particular, then, I seem to have slightly the advantage of him. Then I went to another, who had still higher philosophical pretensions, and my conclusion was exactly the same. I made another enemy of him, and of many others besides him.

To the contrary, it would seem science primarily seeks to realize its knowledge of nothing.
sr. member
Activity: 630
Merit: 250
November 10, 2014, 02:13:40 AM
When in fact, none of this would be able to take place if we got rid of those who worship the TETRAGRAMMATON, Ie, BADecker.. what are you doing about your books followers commiting murder everyday? Nothing.

Edit: S'funny how the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he does not exist, yet no-one asks for proof of the devil. Because we know he is god. This is the TETRAGRAMMATON of the bible, that very book that is what, 2000 years old? Well, here's a spanner in the works of truth, which as we know shall prevail:

The right's of mithras, claimed by freemasonry to BE freemasonry proves that the characters in the bible are ALL over 64.000 years old, based on one undeniable fact. All freemason passwords are from YOUR book, and have NOT been changed since, lol, god knows when. And if the masons did indeed carry out the rite's of mithras (as is in the book of enoch) then the bible itself must be older than 64.000 years at least.
Evidence? Ask a mason a password.. shall I mention the first artificer in metal's as proof? You know nowt.

Brass is only 2000 years old? HAHHAHA
Yeah, you said some nice things. But if you go through this thread, there is no reasoning with such persons, or with him specific.
Blind followers will stay blind no matter what, from the looks of it.
Believing in God is one thing, believing the church and the Bible is another.

+1 for your last sentence Wink
sr. member
Activity: 630
Merit: 250
November 10, 2014, 02:10:58 AM
Hey BADecker.. Gotcha!!
sr. member
Activity: 630
Merit: 250
November 10, 2014, 01:59:19 AM
Lol, seems he is the bibles judge, despite the quote, dont judge, lest ye be judged.. all I read is his flaming anyone, (if it's not me) that goes against his view of thing's, but will he admit he's judging me based on my higher intelligence regarding said matter's? NO. Because he's too blind to realise, he aint goin to be saved, he's gonna be sent back to the cave from whence he came, solely because he is not just judge, but executioner.. sittin there thinkin I even view myself as perfect, when in fact, it's him that thinks he's so perfect in his knowledge of bullshit.. it would'nt be so bad if he produced something that came from an external scource other than his own follower's, ya know, like my own..? He's forever quoting freemasons, nearly every link he has posted is a direct link to freemasonry, not his own particular cult, and this I find very strange indeed..The guy's so up himself, he deserve's wing's.. just to learn that no matter how many time's he flap's them, he'll never get as high as me.. for every step upward's he takes, I'll create a mountain on top of the one the step's were built on, just so he can see that WE ARE, he aint, as neither am I, and that until WE accept WE ARE, then people like him will keep speaking drivel until he realise's (is this possible) there wont be ANY saving, for by his own WORK, he promotes masonic links MORE than his own book.. shall I tell him of his use of the internet, in itself, demand's www (latin for 666) for every address he visit's? What? They took the 666 out of the internet? Nah, all they did was encode it in the browser's we all use, so you all forget what I just said Wink

Comon BADecker, why do you use the mark of the beast every single day, yet think you can save me?

Would you like me to save you from your lack of any sense?
Activity: 2674
Merit: 2965
November 10, 2014, 01:39:15 AM
When in fact, none of this would be able to take place if we got rid of those who worship the TETRAGRAMMATON, Ie, BADecker.. what are you doing about your books followers commiting murder everyday? Nothing.

Edit: S'funny how the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he does not exist, yet no-one asks for proof of the devil. Because we know he is god. This is the TETRAGRAMMATON of the bible, that very book that is what, 2000 years old? Well, here's a spanner in the works of truth, which as we know shall prevail:

The right's of mithras, claimed by freemasonry to BE freemasonry proves that the characters in the bible are ALL over 64.000 years old, based on one undeniable fact. All freemason passwords are from YOUR book, and have NOT been changed since, lol, god knows when. And if the masons did indeed carry out the rite's of mithras (as is in the book of enoch) then the bible itself must be older than 64.000 years at least.
Evidence? Ask a mason a password.. shall I mention the first artificer in metal's as proof? You know nowt.

Brass is only 2000 years old? HAHHAHA
Yeah, you said some nice things. But if you go through this thread, there is no reasoning with such persons, or with him specific.
Blind followers will stay blind no matter what, from the looks of it.
Believing in God is one thing, believing the church and the Bible is another.
sr. member
Activity: 630
Merit: 250
November 09, 2014, 11:36:14 PM
It's one thing to sit there sayin I'm 'attacking' a certain god, but another to realise my attacks are on those idiot's who allow their own kindred to steal faith, and hope, using charity, by praying on those who HAD faith (in themselves till you lot turned up), Hope (judging by you and your fellow followers, the rest will need it..) and charity (which you lot have clearly stolen from the heart's and mind's of men (and woman) by expecting us to pray to an external diety who's son clearly state's WE ARE. This is why the christian/catholic/protestant god will not answer any christian prayer. Their lot is provided by those they keep in power, those who claim to believe in god, but kill EVERY SINGLE DAY. They invade countries and medicate babies with drug's never tested. They invade and destroy everything they can so YOU cunt's can get a job, note the poor are expected to starve? Correct me if I'm wrong, but in your bible bashin country it is now illegal to feed the homeless? Correct me if I'm wrong, but anyone imprisoned is sterilised? This is the bible's follower's actions, no-one else's, and if you dont agree, you know your charitable status is suddenly null and void.. when your old gran decides to cross the road, it's not faith in god you need, or hope someone will help her, or a charitable mood from someone who knows nothing of what charity now truely represent's, the evil spreading across the land. This is the product of the bible, and I hope that if god exists, he wipes your kind from the anuls of history. Why? Because suddenly you blame it all on man.
When in fact, none of this would be able to take place if we got rid of those who worship the TETRAGRAMMATON, Ie, BADecker.. what are you doing about your books followers commiting murder everyday? Nothing. What are you doing about saving anyone when all you do is sit and wait for my next sentence in the HOPE I'm charitable enough to follow YOUR faith? Your faith is in a book, NOT the god you keep talking about, as proved by the FACT you are bettered by a single man, a human being who knows that when jesus said I AM, he was on his own. If he had anyone that knew what the fuck he was talking about, or cared for anyone else, he'd have used the plural, ie, WE ARE.. you go take a good read of a book that is mathematically perfect with no spelling mistakes, no numerical error's, and tell me that not one of the thousand's of scribes, actually made a mathematical error in said book.

You never thought of that.. all those spelling mistake's, al;l those remix's through the ages, but the maths is retained? I would suggest you take a page out that book, stick it to your forehead, look in the mirror, then say I AM.

For only then will you realise you are not, for I AM.

Edit: S'funny how the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he does not exist, yet no-one asks for proof of the devil. Because we know he is god. This is the TETRAGRAMMATON of the bible, that very book that is what, 2000 years old? Well, here's a spanner in the works of truth, which as we know shall prevail:

The right's of mithras, claimed by freemasonry to BE freemasonry proves that the characters in the bible are ALL over 64.000 years old, based on one undeniable fact. All freemason passwords are from YOUR book, and have NOT been changed since, lol, god knows when. And if the masons did indeed carry out the rite's of mithras (as is in the book of enoch) then the bible itself must be older than 64.000 years at least.
Evidence? Ask a mason a password.. shall I mention the first artificer in metal's as proof? You know nowt.

Brass is only 2000 years old? HAHHAHA
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1020
November 09, 2014, 11:02:21 PM
Look at it this way. We build machines. We build cars, computers, rockets, or simple wheels. The "levers" we use in our machines are found somewhere in nature. All - 100% - of the kinds of levers we use in our machines are being used, and have been used for thousands of years, in nature. So, why would anybody NOT think of nature as a highly complicated and complex machine... since the machines in nature are where we get all of our ideas for the machines we build?

Machines have makers. The machine of the universe has a Maker.


You know how you said in your previous post that you will try to do better with the reasoning?  Well, this post gives you a good opportunity to do so.

The machine argument isn't a good argument, and it's worth considering that by using the machine argument you are actually using a kind of inductive reasoning similar to what's employed in the scientific method.  You are acting similar to a scientist here in that you are taking a set of observations (i.e. you have observed that machines are made my makers, and since you imply the Universe is also like a machine, you conclude that it, too, has a maker).  But, you are acting different from a scientist in that your conclusion is unfalsifiable.  There is no possible test or experiment you could conduct that would be able to test your conclusion.  So, even though you criticize science due to its inability to comprehensively explain the universe due to the limitations of inductive reasoning, it is you that are committing the egregious error by concluding with an absolute statement that results from inductive reasoning.

This is one example of what I meant earlier when I said that every time you debate you end up defeating your own argument.  In this case, you defeat your own argument by condemning the inadequacies of inductive reasoning and then using inductive reasoning yourself to form your conclusion.

The fact that you have a sort of fancy way of saying that you don't believe the evidence makes me feel a bit better.

You see, if someone came up to me and literally proved that the God I have been believing in for years was a complete and total lie, I would feel bad. And I sympathize with all those poor folks who are seeing how they can prove it to themselves that probably, almost for a fact, God exists, when, here for these last many years, they have trained themselves to feel comfortable in life by ignoring God. It pains me that they have pain, same kind of pain I would have if my God were proven false.

So, you are making me feel better by providing them a way so that their pain is relieved some... if they read your post, that is.

Thank you for posting.


It's not that I "don't believe the evidence," but rather it's that there cannot possibly be evidence that proves the existence of God.  It is a true statement to say there is no evidence that proves God, but again, this doesn't matter because evidence was never the requirement.  Neither the atheist nor the theist should argue against/for the existence of god by citing evidence because neither.

Evidence simply means "that which is apparent,"  and the scientific method is a sound way to make sense of that sense of that evidence.  You can't deny that the scientific method is a good method, but what you need to understand is that the scientific method simply has limitations, and it's only concerned about things that are observable.  This isn't bad at all, and in fact in this regard the scientific method is a perfect method.  There is absolutely nothing about it that can be improved.  It's scope simply isn't intended to explore something as comprehensive as God, and so it can't, nor does it try.

My advice is to appreciate science for what it is and all the amazing technologies it brings us, as well as a better understanding of specific events and processes as they unfold in the Universe.  Religion contributes nothing in the way of technological development and an understanding of specific physical, chemical, and biological processes whereas science is perfectly suited for the task. 
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 09, 2014, 10:23:08 PM
Look at it this way. We build machines. We build cars, computers, rockets, or simple wheels. The "levers" we use in our machines are found somewhere in nature. All - 100% - of the kinds of levers we use in our machines are being used, and have been used for thousands of years, in nature. So, why would anybody NOT think of nature as a highly complicated and complex machine... since the machines in nature are where we get all of our ideas for the machines we build?

Machines have makers. The machine of the universe has a Maker.


You know how you said in your previous post that you will try to do better with the reasoning?  Well, this post gives you a good opportunity to do so.

The machine argument isn't a good argument, and it's worth considering that by using the machine argument you are actually using a kind of inductive reasoning similar to what's employed in the scientific method.  You are acting similar to a scientist here in that you are taking a set of observations (i.e. you have observed that machines are made my makers, and since you imply the Universe is also like a machine, you conclude that it, too, has a maker).  But, you are acting different from a scientist in that your conclusion is unfalsifiable.  There is no possible test or experiment you could conduct that would be able to test your conclusion.  So, even though you criticize science due to its inability to comprehensively explain the universe due to the limitations of inductive reasoning, it is you that are committing the egregious error by concluding with an absolute statement that results from inductive reasoning.

This is one example of what I meant earlier when I said that every time you debate you end up defeating your own argument.  In this case, you defeat your own argument by condemning the inadequacies of inductive reasoning and then using inductive reasoning yourself to form your conclusion.

The fact that you have a sort of fancy way of saying that you don't believe the evidence makes me feel a bit better.

You see, if someone came up to me and literally proved that the God I have been believing in for years was a complete and total lie, I would feel bad. And I sympathize with all those poor folks who are seeing how they can prove it to themselves that probably, almost for a fact, God exists, when, here for these last many years, they have trained themselves to feel comfortable in life by ignoring God. It pains me that they have pain, same kind of pain I would have if my God were proven false.

So, you are making me feel better by providing them a way so that their pain is relieved some... if they read your post, that is.

Thank you for posting.

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