Ok. I can see that my beliefs are considered "crazy."
Not necessarily 'crazy', you are, after all, only the result of your theist conditioning. Your delusions are real to you, yet the reason they feel so real is because you have been trained to only perceive that which supports the theist perspective and to readily accept any article or prose that also serves to support your conditioning or those that attempt to rubbish objectively-reasoned arguments that run counter to it. It is an insidious state of mind, indeed.
Like most middle-aged atheists I, too, was once afflicted with theist conditioning and I spent decades trying to figure out why none of it ever seemed to fit properly or make sense. I even once roundly declared that, surely, no atheist could ever truly believe that there was literally nothing waiting for us when we die, I felt that it would drive a person insane to live without the belief that their sentience would continue on after their physical form expired.
I sat on the fence of agnosticism for many a year until, eventually, I could no longer ignore the fact that, like deities and demons, there was no evidence for the existence of what we call the human 'soul' either.
Then everything made sense.
I didn't exist before I existed in this life and that doesn't appear to have been a problem, so there's little reason to believe that not existing anymore after I die will be a bother either. At least I got to exist. That's pretty damn cool.
So let's say for the sake of argument that you are right and I am crazy. I live my entire life believing the Bible is true and then I die. Well if atheism is true then what will it matter?
After you die? Nothing will matter, whether you were a decent person or a monster, nothing will matter to you anymore, only those who are left behind in the ripples of your actions.
but I feel like God has spared me from many horrible choices and kept me from hurting myself along the way.
How about, instead, the person to thank for making the right choices and keeping you safe, was you all along?
How about, instead, the cause of misery and suffering in this world isn't a mythical force we call 'Evil' but, rather, simply the toxic dysfunction we reap and sow through our delusional and disordered psychologies resulting from the normalisation of harmful sociofamilial environments we are raised in?
http://developingchild.harvard.edu/key_concepts/toxic_stress_response/The brains of adults who have experienced sustained periods of toxic stress during childhood nurture are physically different from those who have been raised in an emotionally healthy and positive sociofamilial environment. Put simply, messed-up children tend to become messed-up adults, many of whom like to cite, "It didn't do me any harm" as they fail to be able to see the harm it actually did do while they go about repeating it and inflicting it on their children.
But even so, let's say that I missed some "good times" that is the worst thing that will happen if the Bible isn't true then, isn't it?
Come on, you're smart enough to be clearly considering both of our words, why go ruining it now by ignoring the reality of life living amongst 7 billion other individuals on this planet: "Good people do good things and bad people do bad things, but for a good person to do bad things, that takes religion."
But let's say that a person who believed in what the evolutionary scientists said was true and that they evolved from "primordial soup." This person would then live their life doing whatever they felt was right to them and perhaps enjoy the perceived freedom this brings. But what would happen when they die if they were wrong?" The Bible warns of incredible suffering where there will be "weeping and gnashing of teeth" for all of eternity.
Do you genuinely believe that atheists cannot live a decent and constructive life?
Do you genuinely believe that, if you did not have your God you would choose to live a dysfunctional and destructive life? If so, don't let me change your mind.
I Will the scientists be able to help the people after death if they misled them? Will these people be able to barter with God and say, "Oh sorry. My bad. I just believed in what the scientists taught me?"
Don't fall into the trap of 'Scientists say . . .' Understand the the Scientific Method is there for all to employ. Don't accept a fact because of the authority of someone, accept it because it is a well-reasoned position with objectively supporting evidence that can be tested by anybody.
You know I am right about lightning being electricity, but you know that because you understand the testing that can be done to prove it to be so. You don't have to test it yourself but you could if you wanted to. That's science.
Theism tells you to believe because theism tells you to believe. The Bible is holy because God says it is Holy and God is real because The Bible says so. That is called circular-logic.
Who do you want your reality to be shaped by, the guy who explains to you not to go walking out on the hill in the lightning storm because of the risk that your body may cause a lightning charge to go to ground through it, or the man in the silly hat who tells you it'll be fine because he's mumbling magic words to an invisible deity while holding his hands in a special symbol to keep you safe?
You don't need a deity to make the right choices in life, you've already proved that to yourself.