I been saying it over and over.. I see god as the ALL SOUL. This could be defined as the universal consciousnous.. I dont believe we have 'seperate' soul's from each other, but that we have a PART of ONE soul, and THAT would be god, and any religion speaking in the name of god that CHOOSE's to grant THEIR member's right's over any other as a cult or sect, like say, freemasonry, rosicrucian, illuminate, judaism, bhuddism, catholic, protestant.. yeah, ya get the idea..
As for those nippy git's who think or make out that when I say I believe in god, means I believe in their's, is to make me understand why so many other religions want them dead.
God willing of course
By "the universal consciousness" do you mean "the
zero-point field."
What, then, are you saying?
That collectively, our SOUL's are god
These are interesting perspectives; however, it would seem His entropism has not been heard.
Entropism, dervied from solipsism, starts at the belief that nothing exists beyond one's own mind. From their, it then proceeds to assert that the sentience of that mind deomonstrates the existence of that required for it - some tendancy or tendancy to become less orderly, the consciousness occupied another state. From there, it is then postulated that this/these tendencies, begetting entropy, could, in having propagated a state of a mind out of nothing, are sufficient for some form of ex nihilo generation.
From this, entropism proceeds unto an absolute tendancy to become less orderly. In considering this, and the capabilities of those tendancies previously mentioned, it is determined that absolute entropy of this tendancy would prove sufficient for ex nihilo generation of everything, including its own self.
From that, it is determined, within entropism, that, by an absolute tendancy to become less orderly, the sum of existence is absolute entropy.
(See that text emboldened.)
What do you believe "the sum of existence is absolute entropy" to mean there?
Sorry, but entropy is LAZINESS used to explain what only I can. Try being me without any understanding of entropy, and figure out as I do..
If ya really want to boil it doin to zero point, start praying for implosion, for only then will we know that after said implosion, all that will exist is what went before..
Water, (where we came from) Darkness, (Form exists only to thine eye's) and OUR spirit, that spirit of GOD.