The sad thing is, that whilst everyone is either for or against god, I see it like this.
At one point I did NOT believe in God.
Then something happened.
Then I had to decide, which was which?
Turned out I had a plethora of choice's.
I wanted a God that did not make people CHOOSE between each others diety, but was THE god.
I wanted a GOD that does what he say's in his book, allows miracles.
Now, people here would say that what appears to be, is nothing more than a mere co-incidence, for they believe their god is more superior to mine. Yet the time (very important in this thread) of when I wrote what I wrote, if in a court room, would show that someone requested someone feed their kid, and VERY soon after, they did. NOw lemme hear y'all..
God sent a portion of his light when a single soul requested it, in writing. The timing of this co-incidence cannot be refuted. But those who claim they have love in their hearts, will say I must be mistaken, and know nothing of love, for if they did, they'd have seen a miracle taking place in this, the 21st century.. but nah.. they pretend to believe.. they'd probably prefer to say (if anything at all) that it was a fluke of timing..
But an un-escapable fact.
I totally believe in miracles and I believe that God speaks to us and wants to speak to us.
But like I said earlier, knowing God, believing in God and following God can be two completely things.
It is about God's Spirit living in us and working through us. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. The Bible goes on further to say that you will know a tree by it's fruit. If the fruit is evident in someone's life then chances are that they follow God. If not, they are not saved and run the risk of being the one God warns about. They will get to heaven and say, "Lord, I did all these things in Your name." Then God will say, "Depart from me for I never knew you." They might have a knowledge of God, they might even believe in God, but His Spirit is not living and working in that person.
Also, it is not about creating a god in the image we want him to be. Many people do that all the time. It is about seeking the one true God, the great I AM that is, and was, and is to come.
Ok, so I would say just for the mass's of course, that in this thread, I produced, with intent, a miracle.
I requested that god show his love by feeding his kid.
Note no-one has said anything to the contrary?
How many people read back enough posts to find the proof?
I note the plethora of things your diety require's..
I require NO conditions. All I know is I AM (writing here) talking to you, whom-ever is reading.
I obviously believe enough to get a response, from the light of OUR soul, but then, maybe as BADecker say's, maybe I'm practicin some kind of black art.. pmsl... all I did was put it in writing in front of the world.
Those who claim to believe in GOD whilst insulting one of his messengers are doing nothing more than acting like the roman's with their big spears. Now it's big Guns, bombs, and money.
The difference between me and you is this: knowing God, believing in God and following God can be two completely things.
I know God, dont need to believe, and cant follow, cause everytime I try using methods unacceptable by the church, I'm cast down no?