Update: Thursday, June 11 2015
It’s time for another development update to bring you up to speed with recent changes in the Shadow project. For the past weeks our development efforts were mostly focused on bip32 development, adding security improvements to ShadowCore and working on ShadowMarkets front-end. We expect some exciting development updates in the upcoming month. For now, let’s look at the changes implemented last month.
-Added new HTML address lookups and edit dialogues
-Added new HTML sign and verify dialogues
-Removed qt address, sign and verify dialogues
-Added preparations for gitian builds
Security UpdateIn light of the unfortunate incidents involving crypto malware hacks; going forward before we release any further Shadow updates we are implementing gitian builds into our releases so that we can distribute safe and secure executables to prevent any fake builds going out to the public for the purpose of malicious activity. We strongly advice you only download from official websites and if in doubt double check.
ShadowMarket DevelopmentDue to the recent unfortunate malware hacks in the crypto community we decided the work we were doing on ShadowCore including the addition of hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet required more time and resources to ensure that it was ready to support services such as “hardware wallet” in the future. This involved going back to the drawing board and redesigning the implementation. The good news is that once complete this will be the first native implementation of a hierarchical deterministic wallet within the satoshi forked codebase. In the mean time our developers are getting closer to finishing the front-end (html/css/js) of ShadowMarket and are building the best user-interface experience. Our goal is to finish the ShadowMarket front-end before the end of Q2 so that we can show you a sneak preview of how everything will work.
ShadowMarket Q&A and RoadmapTo answer some of your questions, we have answered a first round of questions that you asked us during the ShadowMarket Q&A last month. The answers can now be found on on the
ShadowMarket section of our website. To summarize all progress and make things easier to understand we have created a
very clear roadmap for ShadowMarket. As we progress we will actively update this roadmap so that everybody can follow exactly where we are in terms of progress.
Upcoming ReleasesOur Android wallet (ShadowGo) is nearing a beta testing stage. QT5.5 beta just got released which, with its new qtwebengine will make everything much easier and faster to develop and get out onto the Android platform. The new version of ShadowGo will include the following new features:
-Latest HTML5 Interface
-Thin mode (lite wallet)
-Anonymous Chat
-Anonymous Transactions
That covers our development updates for this week. If you have any questions regarding recent or upcoming changes you can contact us via IRC, slack, shadowtalk or github.
The Shadow TeamRynomster (lead developer)