Update: Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Developer Q&A for ShadowMarket!
The Shadow Project development team is racing to finish Shadow’s decentralized marketplace and bring you a truly anonymous e-commerce platform, but that doesn’t mean we’re leaving you all on the sidelines. Now that the ShadowMarket release is drawing closer, we will try answering all of your questions so we can share with you our vision for the first truly anonymous decentralized marketplace.
The developer Q&A will provide an opportunity for non-developer end users and community members to ask questions about the upcoming ShadowMarket directly to some of the developers responsible for writing the code. Keep in mind that ShadowMarket is still under development, so we may not be able to answer all of your questions, but we have plenty of info to share, so we’re sure we can satisfy your curiosity.
For this Q&A, we’ll gather most of your questions on Slack (#ShadowQnA), so be sure to join the community to take part. You can also submit your questions via Twitter by using the hashtag #ShadowQnA, or simply by replying to this forum thread. As we’d like to get to as many questions as possible, we’ll only consider questions that use 50 words or less, and all questions must be submitted before Friday, May 8. Keep in mind that we’re focusing on the ShadowMarket for this Q&A session—questions on other topics will not be answered.
We look forward to reading and answering all of your questions.
Best regards,
The Shadow Team
This is really good to see, especially in a time that we have a lot of altcoins that have only existed for a few weeks claiming to be delivering workable marketplaces in a similar short time scale of days or weeks.
Lets see which marketplaces are better. The ones that are copied and pasted from code that many devs have found problems with and rejected or the marketplace that is being written from the ground up with community engagement and consideration of the lessons learned form the drawbacks with the various opensource marketplaces that are about to be pasted into coins that I won't name for fear of the onslaught of FUD and trolling.
I have a feeling I know which marketplace will be a long term contender.