CH, I suggest you stay away from the stock exchange. Many public corporate entities only communicate to shareholders every quarter.
This is a small community. It shouldn't be hard for us all to be on the same page.
p.s. DO u really think a NASDAQ company CEO would not make a public statement or communicate with shareholders if his company's share price had more than halved in 2-3 weeks? Interesting your mind is.
SDC isn't a company. Developers aren't CEO.
Team isn't here to babysit anyone. Apart from core developers, we give our freetime to Shadow and we aren't paid for that. So stop asking as if we owe you something.
Seriously, a small search on google/duckduckgo and anyone would have found that this day is important in SA. (and in NL too, so crz and edu aren't present today too)
I already hate Bitcointalk (shitty forum, shitty trolls, etc...), and those discussions aren't helping -_-
I was not comparing SDC to a company. I was responding to WC's comment about how stock exchange companies are less commutative than the Team.
I am grateful for all you guys do and only want to improve the things I observe could be improved. It is meant to be for the betterment of the entire project.
Vis-a-vis "baby-sitting" and your hatred for BCT I am quite frankly saddened you feel this way. Whether you like it or not BCT is still very important for Shadow.
As a rather new investor, I can't understand why you guys are killing child_harold. He makes a valid point. Not everyone will join slack, nor any other resource provided for many reasons both valid and banal. Whether you like it or not, the BTCtalk thread is a major resource that is the so called honey to your slack pot. This thread has to be maintained with the same alacrity as slack or whatever the heck there is. You guys kill him when he gets amped, you guys kill him when he wants news, you kill him when he questions the devs....Jesus christ. His questions are reasonable and valid. In this thread, half the time it feels like everbody's too cool for shit, the other time it's a gotta stay in lock step and not question anything, shout down the dissenters! I want to know these things as well. NO, I will not join slack. Yes, I expect updates to be posted here as well, perhaps by bot or dev or community member. This community at times feels, well, strained. C_H takes care of troll slaying, but mostly its a hipsterish attitude.
P.S Give me a second, preparing for blow back.
Totally agree. While i can understand some of the reasons for slack, i personally do not like it. It's yet another form of social media to get to grips with and monitor along with all the rest. I prefer to browse through here for information and updates. I would consider this far more important and usefull, yet we seem to be getting bloody slack forced down our throats at every turn.
Thanks darkproton