Navajo coin and VericCoin are booming.
ShadowCash community is very well known for their FUD campaigns. Why don`t you go and FUD these 2 prosperous coins?
O RLY? Because i've barely heard a whisper about SDC that I didn't go try and dig up myself. Nor have I seen anyone I can identify as affiliated with SDC flinging FUD or mud. Methinks that possibly SDC's issue is actually 'marketing'.
The wallet works well and is easy to use and understand from the get-go. The android client IMO could use some work but seems functional, just a little clunky. Looking forward to the marketplace; several coins have similar aspirations and none seem well-implemented, the first to do this in a way that attracts more than the dangerously curious to hawk goods may blow up overnight.
Blackcoin has a nice looking product in BlackHalo/BitHalo, but from what I can tell it's a ghost town. Seems like we have the hammer maybe, just no nails or projects to use it in.
Truthfully, the SDC I do have I was discussing dumping the other day, but a careful "I'm not sure what I think about does seem pretty stable albeit undervalued" forced me to reconsider. Now, I may buy more instead. I'm definitely not coming off of it.
This is another one of those (IMO) quite possibly very undervalued coins into which someone has channeled a great deal of work. Honestly it is a plus in my eyes that their PR seems to be a lower priority than other things (you know, like ANONYMITY and FUNCTIONALITY and USEABILITY). Fuck getting all hyped up, watching a pump, selling, and pocketing a small profit as the air is let out of the balloon; I want secure, private means of transferring value, and the more stable that value can be, the better.
DOGEcoinDARK is doing the same thing, from a completely different angle with another set of tools and it's drawn a naysaying lot as well, chuffing and scoffing at the very idea of the thing, belittling the 4 satoshi price (nevermind that that is 4 times what its value was a couple weeks ago). That coin I was also going to dump off but popped into its IRC room on freenode and fell in love with the good people I met there, a group of likeminded, lighthearted souls, not a bunch of scammers or wannabe BAWSE HOGG day-traders looking to spread hype and FUD and profit from the resulting confusion.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, and I'll keep on staking!
P.S. Becoming popular does not a "sell-out" make, but being understated...
...that's downright *sexy*.