More condescension, awesome...
Again if you wouldn't have used your own coin in the example you were trying to make, it wouldn't have been advertising and I wouldn't have an issue now would I?
Except in
your comment (where you first responded to me) it was to a comment where I never mentioned Monero, CryptoNote, or any other cryptocurrency. Here's the comment you were responding to -
"Not sure if I'm misunderstanding Longenecker or everyone else is. My initial comments were made after reviewing 1 of the 2 commits to the "anon" branch, the 2nd commit didn't exist at the time. It would be impossible for me to have foreknowledge as to what would be contained in the commit, and any idiot can look at the first commit and also observe that it didn't contain generateRingSignature(), nor were the verification functions wired up. I'm certainly not "busted" or "fudding", and if that's anyone's takeaway from me making a clear observation then they need to seriously revisit that persecution complex of theirs."I never compared it to anything. I commented directly on my immediate observations. Your response was: "Also, are you really trying to advertise for Monero here?"
Chin up, chum. You made a mistake, you overstepped,
and it's ok. We all get sensitive (sometimes overly so) when defending something we believe in. There's no disrespect here, and you don't need to continually bash this topic to defend yourself - I certainly don't hold any ill-will against you, and I 'm certain nobody else does:) Let's leave it be as it is, and you can stop with the silly accusations of me "advertising", ok?
And in my first post reply to you
"The review: "I don't understand it, so I don't like it."
Why don't people just go into IRC when they have a question? Trolls just post randomly and it turns into wack-a-mole by the dev hitting different sites. Anyone that reviews and has questions and doesn't go into IRC while dev is on for answers, loses all credibility IMO.
What really sucks here is that it seems like devs are trolling devs most likely to grab cheap shadow."
I clearly didn't mention monero thereI first mentioned monero in response to :
"Yep, that's correct. I made the first two comments with respect to commit 94bfb03. Thereafter (the following day) commit 317b9b1 was made and pushed to the repo, and subsequently pointed out to me. I reviewed that, and thus updated that thread with the additional comment.
Honestly, I don't really care to get into a this-coin-that-coin debate. Kudos to the dev(s) for actually putting in effort to implement a very simplified ring signature system. If they add bad utxo blacklisting and also provide a suitable fix for the chain reaction privacy reveal outlined in Monero Research Lab's MRL-0001 research bulletin they are well on their way to implementing one half of the two core privacy principles espoused in Monero's cryptography (that is to say, they would then be able to provide a measure of cryptographic untraceability, but not cryptographic unlinkability)."
Which IMO
is advertising.
You are starting to annoy me.
*edit* Now you are just lieing and slandering so I don't even care to respond anymore. Anyone smart enough will read through it and see your
first advertising stone cast @ Today at 03:15:26 PM