Poker is alive and well at SwC
But for some reason [not Seals' fault],
the cash games are drying up.
WTF, I'll blame it on summer, see if things pick up in Sept.-Oct.
You can see actual data at're down from the peak, but no drop in the last month, and maybe a little tick upwards that doesn't quite show on the chart yet from this last week.
I'm working hard to promote. I should have a break through once my meetup has it's first meeting at the first restaurant in Ohio to accept bitcoin.
Not sure if
Seals will make the first meeting agenda, but perhaps if there was some incentive thrown my way, I could see to it.
Also, I have a golf outing that I sponsored a hole and raffle prize in the name of Bitcoin Magazine (back when I worked for them last summer). Perhaps, we can join forces to sponsor a hole and/or have a prize pack related to
I got some buttons in a giveaway from the San Antonio Bitcoin Conference (early last year or perhaps even in 2011, but I think 2012). Could I get my hands on more of those? The only thing is that I don't get referral credit for handing stuff like that out b/c it just leads them to the site. However, if you were willing to sponsor some activities, then I'd be happy to promote your site even in lieu of referral credit.
Feel free to reach out to me if you're interested in any of this. I'm sharing this info here in case anyone is in Cleveland and wants to join my meetup or is in another city and wants to try similar antics.'ve been promoting bitcoin in general for over two years, so if you need help or are looking for ideas and/or want to loop
Seals into the mix, reach out!