
Topic: Sell your altcoins and tokens TODAY, save yourself the frustration - page 12. (Read 5487 times)

sr. member
Activity: 868
Merit: 252
Perspectives can not be that simple to conclude just because some people think the conditions for the short term only. I am also aware that many altcoins smell fishy, ​​but I prefer to see its usefulness rather than just looking at the price.

some gambling sites are still strong with the use of eth or doge as the main utility token with daily transactions above the average, of course this will also have an impact on long-term improvement, this is only a small sample.
full member
Activity: 1120
Merit: 101
it is a principle carried out by some bounty hunters and indeed it shows the truth for the current situation. once the tokens obtained are sold there will be a decrease. it does not happen in all cases, but most of the new altcoin like that. even after the decline will take a long time to increase or restore the initial price. if an investor is late in selling, he has to wait a long time to get their money back.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1217
If I sell all my alts,  what do I do with my losses?  Remember it's not a loss until you take it, and I can bet alycoin season is just around the corner.  I can feel it.  I'd rather hodl to zero than sell,  if that will ever happen.

For how long you are planning to hold on to your alts? In case some of your alts have lost 90% of their value, are you still going to hold those coins? I am asking this because I have 7 years of experience in cryptocurrency and when some coin losses 90% of its value in a short period the chances are very slim for a recovery. In most cases, the trade volume drops to a bare minimum and gradually the coin will get delisted from the exchanges. If you sell those coins now, then you can save yourselves from complete loss.

Well... it is always a tough decision to book losses. But you need to do that when the requirement arises. Sometimes booking loss can be the most intelligent thing to do while making an investment.
hero member
Activity: 2884
Merit: 794
I am terrible at Fantasy Football!!!
You know how this is going to end. You might be trying to lie to yourself, you might be secretly hoping that some token in your "portfolio" that you have 10 million of is going to moon to $50 and make you rich, but let's be real: that is not going to happen. Even the allegedly strong altcoins like LTC or ETH or whatever is cool these days (I've been out of this game for a while) are not doing well and BTC dominance is growing. Which makes sense if you think about it. BTC can do most of what any altcoin can do and the few really useful features that BTC is missing (private transactions for example) are implemented by multiple altcoins, fragmenting their market share.

And the elephant in the room: 99% of altcoins are total garbage. They're called shitcoins for a reason.

Sell your altcoins and tokens. Take the proceeds in BTC, stick it into a cold wallet, keep some online to play around with Lightning and other things that actually matter for real-life stuff, like being able to buy something. When was the last time you were able to use for example Ethereum for something tangible, not to buy some garbage tokens or to play a game?

Do it today. Your grandkids will thank you.
While your points are correct some of those that are holding ethereum and litecoin could argue that since they are holding some of the most recognized altcoins in the market there is a possibility however small those coins will begin to present profits against bitcoin and that is when they plan to sell, they do not really care about those coins they care only about obtaining more bitcoin in return and if it works then it could be argued that what they did was better than just holding their coins.
Activity: 784
Merit: 21
I wager there will come a period soon when altcoins will be the better decision and the most discussion about on the web and this will make more financial specialists start mulling over putting resources into altcoins, the truth of the matter is there are some boss altcoins and on the off chance that you can do examine you will know them, they merit holding regardless of whether market ain't reasonable recently
Now someone is talking sense, everything about crypto is seasonal, human has the habit of giving up when things are about to change, i believe things will be different for altcoins when the time is right, i don't think its wise to give up on altcoins because they are in bad shape for now
jr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 2
I wager there will come a period soon when altcoins will be the better decision and the most discussion about on the web and this will make more financial specialists start mulling over putting resources into altcoins, the truth of the matter is there are some boss altcoins and on the off chance that you can do examine you will know them, they merit holding regardless of whether market ain't reasonable recently
Activity: 2744
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in a market situation like this it is indeed not good and is not recommended to enter Altcoin. But if you are a scalping trader, you can take advantage of every reflection and price difference that occurs. If you want to save in BTC it can also be profitable, but it takes time and must be patient until the market improves. I myself have a token from the project which is pretty good, but at the moment it only looks like rubbish, but one day it might be different and come back as before with a note that the Developer will continue to develop the project.
sr. member
Activity: 906
Merit: 263
Then a few months later the coin moons  Tongue Tongue Tongue
Honestly, you shouldn't own shitcoin in the first place and it is your own fault for being in that situation. Why do you hold shitcoin anyway? Why did you buy it? Invest in the ICO or do the bounty? You missing the whole point and that is the fact that you have the shitcoin.

I spent eth on some website scripts, web hosting and some software and a few physical items with eth within the last few months. You need to know where to look.
sr. member
Activity: 1050
Merit: 250
I believe it is true that the majority of tokens on crypto market are trash, but I am still investing in some of them, because BTC dominance would not last forever. Everything has its life cycle and BTC cycle is going to end as well.
You are right even though there are many coins that do not have a good volume in the market but there are still some profitable coins to invest, therefore you must be careful in looking for profits in them, especially for coins that can last a long time so I'm sure there is a lot of trust in them. the most important thing is looking for opportunities for profit when investing, not just putting the funds owned and hoping there are profits in it
I will sell now if bitcoin and altcoin price still go down, very risk moment for holding altcoin assets where many people try to make altcoin and bitcoin price dump, last days bitcoin have down trend and allowed by altcoin, the most lower trend price is today where bitcoin from $8,2k become $7,5k and many altcoin following with bitcoin trend become very lower price.
thats not good decision while bitcoin price drop we sell our cryptocurrency assets.we will loss our investment alot if sell it now.maybe hold and wait till market recovered will help us to avoid huge loss.our psychology must trained before investing in bitcoin or altcoin, so if we see all price drop we will not feel emotion and give up till selling all our assets .
sr. member
Activity: 1288
Merit: 253
I believe it is true that the majority of tokens on crypto market are trash, but I am still investing in some of them, because BTC dominance would not last forever. Everything has its life cycle and BTC cycle is going to end as well.
You are right even though there are many coins that do not have a good volume in the market but there are still some profitable coins to invest, therefore you must be careful in looking for profits in them, especially for coins that can last a long time so I'm sure there is a lot of trust in them. the most important thing is looking for opportunities for profit when investing, not just putting the funds owned and hoping there are profits in it
I will sell now if bitcoin and altcoin price still go down, very risk moment for holding altcoin assets where many people try to make altcoin and bitcoin price dump, last days bitcoin have down trend and allowed by altcoin, the most lower trend price is today where bitcoin from $8,2k become $7,5k and many altcoin following with bitcoin trend become very lower price.
sr. member
Activity: 1498
Merit: 326
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The reality yet painful truth that most of us have to get along with yet we still have false hopes in so many shit projects. Damn, i remember i had invested and also join a bounty campaign and earned so much TELE tokens. At DEX price it was about $0.2 and i was holding over 9k+. Now this token is worthless. I guess we have to learn our lessons from now onwards, only invest in BTC!

Looks like youve been hoping for a good source of income from TELE not gonna blame youre frustrations, I heard also how good TELE during their kick off start and I was also impress with their system but suddenly turn into nothing once that CEO was announced leaving. That time, I know already it will go down very hard. Lucky those who monetized at a very early stage of the price. Able to trade some also and win some profit, good thing I didn't hold of it.
Activity: 2758
Merit: 1004
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Presently bitcoin keeps losing its value, those who sold altcoin for bitcoin whatsup? as you can see altcoins are following the down fall as well, if you hold good altcoin there will be no difference right now, only those who hold bad coins will be at total loss
well, this person might feel that the potential of bitcoin will be better than altcoin in the future, so by selling altcoin and tokens that he has, it might be able to save him from the frustration that occurs due to the decline in altcoin prices. cryptocurrency cannot be predicted, even when you use bitcoin. if you want to save yourself from the frustration of falling prices, it's better to exchange in fiat form.
Activity: 882
Merit: 13
If i can sell my altcoins i would but the problem is that most of it has no value because it never get listed on exchanges. Hoping one day there will be a platform that would literally buy shit coins, well i think it will never happen.
sr. member
Activity: 896
Merit: 251
This is 💯 true, BTC dominance is really geting wilder day and night and the uproar of btc will come like a thief in the night, but while saving or storing some btc like you said i take delight in trying to multiply my btc by trading some shitcoins. Without them my multipier level is low
Well this depends on the coin if you have a good coin and to invest your money you have been concerned to research then your coin will give you profit but if you will invest your money in such useless coin then it will surely Dump and give you all lose so better invest in trustworthy coin and keep holding soon market Will again pump so wait.
I tend to agree, if we are holding a shitcoin, then it is probably the best if we could dispose of it before we frustrate ourselves.
But if we are holding a popular altcoin and we have invested in it, we should have resist the current situation of market to avoid frustration. It's better to hold it than to have more losses.
yes I agree it's better to forget about shitcoin and focus more on popular altcoin. if you still have shitcoin I think it will stress your mind because of their prices, so you should just forget it. and if you still can sell shitcoin, you should exchange it with a more popular form of coin to invest
hero member
Activity: 1204
Merit: 509

You are also overlooking risk/reward. If someone puts $100-1000 into some dinky alt hoping it'll turn into ETH years from now, so what? That's a risk they feel worthwhile and isn't so much as to really hurt their finances... yes, most likely they will lose, but if they win, they win big. So who is to tell them they are wrong?

Ethereum was not a dinky alt BTW, it was a truly innovative concept, flawed tho. I can't think of any serious innovation of that scale at this time.

Also people seem to be basing a lot of hopes the assumption that the hypothetical next altcoin rally will follow the same pattern as the previous one, for example some sub-$1 coin will moon to $1400 and everyone holding a few thousand of those will become instant millionaires. I think a bigger chance is that the next rally, if there is one, will play out completely differently. Maybe a completely new concept, some quantum coin maybe Wink, will blow everything out of the water. Maybe some regulatory pressure will force coins to switch to some specific technologies, and those that do will boom, others will fail.

The point is, the chance of "winning" in this market is worse than the chance of "winning" gambling with OTC penny stocks.

Hey, folks gamble with actual lottery tickets, so if they want to gamble with a longshot alt, so be it. I don't think anyone here is under any delusion that the odds aren't against them, nor think their current #1000+ ranked coin is a sure thing to hit the top 5.  I'm also not sure that many are basing their hopes that the next altcoin rally will repeat like the last one did. Perhaps those holding longshot coins think that. I won't say they are absolutely wrong, but personally I think the odds are extremely, extremely unlikely.

But could BTC dominance decrease if BTC falls below 7K and it spurs on a mini-altcoin recovery? Sure, I see no reason why not. It's actually been decreasing since you started this thread.

Would I tell folks to chomp up alts for this possible mini altcoin season as btc falls? Of course not. Same way I wouldn't pretend to be an expert and tell them it's nearly impossible to occur and to run for the hills, sell everything into btc. It's all guesswork -- the one thing we can learn from crypto and its history is that there are no such things as experts and nobody has a clue where the markets will go.

 If we look at your advice, we can already see it was incorrect -- folks shouldn't have sold their alts into btc, they should have sold both alts and btc into fiat. But that's just an example of nobody knowing how this will play out.
Activity: 504
Merit: 16
Presently bitcoin keeps losing its value, those who sold altcoin for bitcoin whatsup? as you can see altcoins are following the down fall as well, if you hold good altcoin there will be no difference right now, only those who hold bad coins will be at total loss
Activity: 3416
Merit: 1225
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You know how this is going to end. You might be trying to lie to yourself, you might be secretly hoping that some token in your "portfolio" that you have 10 million of is going to moon to $50 and make you rich, but let's be real: that is not going to happen. Even the allegedly strong altcoins like LTC or ETH or whatever is cool these days (I've been out of this game for a while) are not doing well and BTC dominance is growing. Which makes sense if you think about it. BTC can do most of what any altcoin can do and the few really useful features that BTC is missing (private transactions for example) are implemented by multiple altcoins, fragmenting their market share.

And the elephant in the room: 99% of altcoins are total garbage. They're called shitcoins for a reason.

Sell your altcoins and tokens. Take the proceeds in BTC, stick it into a cold wallet, keep some online to play around with Lightning and other things that actually matter for real-life stuff, like being able to buy something. When was the last time you were able to use for example Ethereum for something tangible, not to buy some garbage tokens or to play a game?

Do it today. Your grandkids will thank you.

We really don't know if your grandkids will really thank you, we are entitled to our opinion and own analysis but, not the fact, Cryptocurrency is evolving and changing, Ethereum has it's high and so do majority of the coins in the market, but we never know what's going to happen next year or five years from now maybe altcoins glory days will come back, it's always a good strategy to not put all your eggs in one basket, it applies to all investment.
sr. member
Activity: 868
Merit: 333
This is 💯 true, BTC dominance is really geting wilder day and night and the uproar of btc will come like a thief in the night, but while saving or storing some btc like you said i take delight in trying to multiply my btc by trading some shitcoins. Without them my multipier level is low
Well this depends on the coin if you have a good coin and to invest your money you have been concerned to research then your coin will give you profit but if you will invest your money in such useless coin then it will surely Dump and give you all lose so better invest in trustworthy coin and keep holding soon market Will again pump so wait.
I tend to agree, if we are holding a shitcoin, then it is probably the best if we could dispose of it before we frustrate ourselves.
But if we are holding a popular altcoin and we have invested in it, we should have resist the current situation of market to avoid frustration. It's better to hold it than to have more losses.
sr. member
Activity: 1236
Merit: 252
This is 💯 true, BTC dominance is really geting wilder day and night and the uproar of btc will come like a thief in the night, but while saving or storing some btc like you said i take delight in trying to multiply my btc by trading some shitcoins. Without them my multipier level is low
Well this depends on the coin if you have a good coin and to invest your money you have been concerned to research then your coin will give you profit but if you will invest your money in such useless coin then it will surely Dump and give you all lose so better invest in trustworthy coin and keep holding soon market Will again pump so wait.
sr. member
Activity: 532
Merit: 302
However, the same way we can't say what coin will be #2 years from now, we can't even say where most alts will be even 1-3 months from now. Sure, perhaps btc dominance increases, every alt flounders, and folks will wish they have sold. Or btc crumbles back to 6K, alts have a run, and we are kicking ourselves for selling our alts at their bottom when if we waited a month we could have gained 2-3x as much.

Obviously nothing is 100% guaranteed but I think the probability of alts staging a comeback is so miniscule that it's not worth the risk.

You are also overlooking risk/reward. If someone puts $100-1000 into some dinky alt hoping it'll turn into ETH years from now, so what? That's a risk they feel worthwhile and isn't so much as to really hurt their finances... yes, most likely they will lose, but if they win, they win big. So who is to tell them they are wrong?

Ethereum was not a dinky alt BTW, it was a truly innovative concept, flawed tho. I can't think of any serious innovation of that scale at this time.

Also people seem to be basing a lot of hopes the assumption that the hypothetical next altcoin rally will follow the same pattern as the previous one, for example some sub-$1 coin will moon to $1400 and everyone holding a few thousand of those will become instant millionaires. I think a bigger chance is that the next rally, if there is one, will play out completely differently. Maybe a completely new concept, some quantum coin maybe Wink, will blow everything out of the water. Maybe some regulatory pressure will force coins to switch to some specific technologies, and those that do will boom, others will fail.

The point is, the chance of "winning" in this market is worse than the chance of "winning" gambling with OTC penny stocks.
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