There are so many other people who deserve to be punished more than Ross that get away with hurting millions and millions of people. All the big bankers that that the US government bailed out are a few examples. They didn't get punished at all for ruining millions of lives; in fact, the US government rewarded them for their greed and dishonesty.
What you're doing is similar to a non-visual gestalt psychology. You see patterns that aren't there and rationalize actions based on that false perception.
The earth is flat because when I stand on a beach I can see the ocean is flat. When I stand on a mountain top I see the land is flat so the earth is flat.
The individual in society is responsible for his actions. The government is comprised of all voting people in a democracy. In your mind, the government becomes an individual that can be equally judged alongside the individual.
What you should say is, we are all collectively guilty as a society of crimes far worse than the crime Ulbricht committed. Does that knowledge release the individual from the responsibility for his crime? No.
Your argument would be valid and sound, if the government were comprised of all voting people; however, it is not. The US government is comprised of those representatives funded by the big banking moguls. Most of the decisions made in the US are not voted on by the "people." They are passed by those who are placed into congress by super political action committees and lobbiest backed by big money. And, if you were standing on that "mountain top" and looking out, you'd see that for yourself.
That's the excuse the voting public uses to be lazy. I have many friends that bitch about the government constantly but ask any of them if they voted in the last election and they start giving you excuses why they were too busy. The USA has pathetic voter turn out numbers. 57.7 percent of eligible voters turned out for the 2012 elections. If you don't vote then you get the government you deserve.
I'll change the statement above to suit you. What you should say is, 57.7 percent of society are all collectively guilty of crimes far worse than the crime Ulbricht committed. Does that make him any more or less guilty or invalidate his punishment. No!
You are of the delusion that your vote does anything. It might, a little. It might actually be the deciding factor in getting some guy elected. But then he goes out and does what the big corporations and the lobbyists want him to do anyway, no matter what you and most of the other voters want. So, what's the difference? Nothing!
Since there is no difference whether or not you vote, show that you are not supporting the system. Do it by not voting. Here's what I mean.
If you vote, you are essentially saying that you will play ball with whatever outcome happens. By not voting you are essentially saying that you are not in favor of any of the outcomes that are going to happen. You don't have anything to do with it, and you are not agreeing to play along.
When the people get together and show that they are against what the system is doing, the system will change. The people will change it. Let's hope that they know what they are doing. Whatever, it is starting now -
An abstained vote is still a vote. What you're talking is abstention and your view on it is incorrect. An abstention may be used to indicate the voting individual's ambivalence about the measure, or mild disapproval that does not rise to the level of active opposition. Abstention can also be used when someone has a certain position about an issue, but since the popular sentiment supports the opposite, it might not be politically expedient to vote according to his or her conscience. A person may also abstain when they do not feel adequately informed about the issue at hand, or has not participated in relevant discussion. In parliamentary procedure, a member may be required to abstain in the case of a real or perceived conflict of interest. Abstentions do not count in tallying the vote negatively or positively.
I know voting works. I lived during the time when black people in America were less than human and women were nothing more than pets to be kept at home and fed along with your dog. If the laws don't change to suit you one of two things is happening.
1. You and other people like you are failing to do anything about it and make a difference. You should become more active for change and vote.
2. There's not enough people like you to change the system. You should leave because this isn't a country you will ever like.