that fud artickles here have some more of them. they all came out at the same time. Its almost as if they were a paid hit piece campaign.
I like this part.
Agreeing to elect one's leader (or a temporary ruler, we contend, is not a very intelligent behavior either. Here is why. Leader election is a natural adaptation in situations when group's survival requires high intelligence, while the average intelligence of group members is low. Hence the group, in order to survive, has to find a member who can make intelligent decisions for the group. Such behavior is modeled after sheeple, or after species that have a predilection for being led, which does not seem to be congruent with cryptocurrency community.
Does this sound like "algorithm design" to you? Or what are your thoughts on section 0.3.4 "Before Consensus Trials"
Its fun because its interactive, prompting thoughts on section 0.3.4.
Thats right, like Ellon Degeneras said, "nobody understands".
The section is talking about designing the consensus algorithm, Obelisk. What does consensus even mean? we dont understand, it certainly cant have anything to do with human behavior. A computery computing document about computers could only be related to mathematics, science, or robots.
When a government wants to enforce their policy on all the people do they achieve consensus? Nah. They come in with bribery, kidnapping, torture, murder.
Its not like this is going to make people scared and step in line u know.
Take any form of governance involving humans throuought our history as an example. Even small organizations that have only internal policy. All of them have employed human actors to take the constituent roles within the organization, and seek to manipulate the behavior of these participants so that their conduct follows along with policy.
In software, the code dictates policy to the machines, but machines are perfect slaves. Where we wish to interact with the system, there needs to be an interface to the human organism. Where there are humans, there are hostile attacks, similar to what we are seeing with this series of articles. Even in the face of attackers; participants, human or machine, need to be forced to continue following policy.
Have we chosen to station armed soldiers within each of your homes, ready to shred your meat and bone? I hope not.
In Bitcoin the policy of the network is enforced by requiring miners to expend large resources in order to publish a block. Theoretically, the miners are therefore compelled not to defraud the network. The miners are human beings demonstrating human behavior.
The Obelisk consensus algorithm seeks to better avoid centralized corruption by using soverign nodes, each having upstream and downstream peer relationships. These nodes maintain their own whitelisting of peers to form a web of trust and marginalize malicious actors.
This need for a consensus algorithm in the creation of organized decentralized ecosystems for human beings cuts to the core of the cryptocurrency movement. It is a political movement coupled with technological innovation. The type of stuff that separates civilization from barbarism.
Also dont forget that you are encouraged to build your own DIY skywire miner.