hello ^^
I ve just downloaded the sky wallet for windows 64. I succeeded in sending one sky to the wallet but I don't understand. Is there a private key or it is just linked with something else ?
I will send more of them if I someone can explain why it's safe ^^
Sorry I am a neophyte in online/paper/harware wallets.
yes there is a private key.It is very good that you are concerned about this. the most important thing about cryptocurrency is that people take their own responsibility.
Any "cryptocurrency" where it is possible to freeze or confiscate your coins must be avoided at all cost.
I am going to guesss that you think that because it does not require a password to open the wallet that there is no private key, this is not how it works.
the private key is what keeps an enemy from spending your coins. your coins remain on the blockchain and you must use the private key to authorize spending.
the password you are expecting is usually used to encrypt the file containing your private key.
with the current version of skycoin wallet you will need to encrypt the .wlt file manually or securely delete it from your system.
(do not delete your wallet file without writing down your recovery seed first)
follow this link to read the blog post about it. there is a link at the bottom of the article for a guide on how to encrypt your wallet.
CGO_ENABLED=0 go get github.com/skycoin/skycoin/...
Thanks a lot.
I was able to install and run the wallet.
The UI is very nice and simple I like it.
I have question about security.
The wallet does not require any password to open also I see
the .wlt file is a json file containing the seed and other data in plain text.
After wallet backup can I remove this file from the computer or delete the seed from it
or this file should be always present in
Never delete the seed. This is the most important concept - the private key is derived from the initial seed function.
Treat the seed as a private key.
Ok I understand that concept but my question was if I could make a backup of the seed and private key and remove it from the computer.
The seed is currently there in plain text so I was wondering if there will be some kind of encryption available prevent stealing like in bitcoin or litecoin wallets?
Yyea Please view the link above, i think it is alot more convenient to choose the manual encryption method with symlink.
alternateively you can access it from an encrypted virtual machine or if you are on linux you can use a command line argument to set the locateion of the wallet file to an encrypted container.