
Topic: Slappy Statist Candidates for US President 2016 (Read 17936 times)

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Slappy Statist Candidates for US President 2016

What, did you think there would be an anti-state candidate running for President of the United States?

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Jesse 'The Body' Ventura Endorses Bernie Sanders

Ventura has sized up the candidates and is throwing his support to Sanders. Ventura went into further detail in a July 13 blog post on Ora.TV.

"Bernie believes in power to the people and the people controlling the government," Ventura wrote, saying "I think what Bernie Sanders is doing is extremely healthy." Ventura has said in the past that he refuses to back a Republican or Democrat, claiming they are too similar and bought off my special interests. Though Sanders is hoping to win the Democratic nomination, he's still an Independent.

"Hats off to Bernie Sanders," Ventura said, before noting "I’ll help him anyway I can." Ventura was once known as a conservative libertarian, but over the years has become more liberal and progressive in his political views. Knowing he has an uphill battle in front him, Ventura was optimistic about Sanders' chances, but concluded that if he fails, "maybe next year Jesse Ventura will pick up the gauntlet."

That is interesting.  The guy (Ventura) is canny politically.  I'm telling you, don't count him out.  If (or When) Paul doesn't make it, Vertura as an independent will get his voters so he needs to enlist the disenchanted Left of which there must be a huge number.

Sanders may be the type of 'socialist' that I was.  I swear the definition has shifted over the last 30 years.  Had I read the Wikipedia definition 20 or 30 years ago when I decided to consider myself a quasi-socialist, I would never have done so.  I always put emphasis on 'freedom' and 'liberty' and more power to citizens vs. govt all of which seem the opposite of what modern day Socialists exhibit.  Indeed, the current Wikipedia for Socialist would be a dead-wringer for what I considered Communist back in the day (and never had any use for.)  Anyway, I'd look into Sanders more if he had a chance.  Both I and Ventura know he has none (unless maybe Clinton has a stroke or something very bizarre.)  I see nothing which TPTB would object to about Clinton and would expect them to run a non-viable candidate against her just as they did for Obama.  Twice.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Ted Cruz and Donald Trump to meet Wednesday in New York

Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) and real-estate mogul Donald Trump -- each running for the Republican presidential nomination as anti-establishment outsiders -- are cultivating an already chummy relationship at this early stage of the 2016 race and will huddle Wednesday in New York.

The meeting was confirmed by Republicans familiar with both campaigns who requested anonymity to discuss private conversations. Aides to Cruz declined to comment, as did Trump representatives.

The meeting will take place at Trump Tower, the gleaming Manhattan skyscraper where Trump has for decades managed his business endeavors, according to knowledgeable Republicans. The building now serves as the headquarters for Trump’s national political operation.

The conclave is the latest sign of budding solidarity between the contenders, who have been friendly for several years and who have put forceful critiques of illegal immigration and their party’s establishment at the center of their bids.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Scott Walker makes lack of compromise his calling card

He tells the story without a dose of excitement or flash of charisma. Scott Walker is standing on the stage of a Denver convention center, shirt sleeves rolled up, microphone cradled in both hands. Before him is an eager audience of more than 4,000 Republican activists at the Western Conservative Summit.

Make or Break: Presidential candidates are a breed apart, often propelled by traits that have shaped their careers and have deep roots in their personal histories. In this occasional series, The Washington Post is exploring key characteristics of the leading contenders that could help make one of them the country’s next commander in chief -- or sink their presidential ambitions.

In a slightly nasal, Midwestern monotone, the Wisconsin governor talks about the furor he created. He describes how 100,000 protesters descended on the State Capitol to denounce his plan to curtail collective bargaining for public employees. And he shares, in the least fiery way possible, how he forged ahead with other polarizing policies, overcoming a precipitous slide in the polls and a fevered recall effort that inspired headlines asking whether he had become “Dead Man Walker.”

The bruising fights once threatened his political career. But he survived a recall campaign and was reelected after that. By prevailing, Walker transformed his battles into his calling card. He says one supporter summed up his appeal in a tweet: “I like Walker because he wins without caving.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Trump Tops GOP Poll, Would Lose to Hillary

Businessman and TV personality Donald Trump tops the latest Suffolk University/USA Today poll of the Republican presidential primary. Trump has 17 percent support among likely GOP primary voters nationwide, edging out former Florida governor Jeb Bush with 14 percent. The remaining candidates earn support in the single digits.

But while Trump currently reigns in the primary, he would lose double-digits against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. In a head-to-head match-up, Clinton would beat Trump 51 percent to 34 percent, according to the poll.

"Clinton was not as strong in matchups against other Republicans," according to the Suffolk press release. "Bush was her closest rival in a matchup that included all voters polled, trailing the former New York senator by a 4 percent margin, 46 percent to 42 percent, with 13 percent undecided. Clinton led all GOP contenders but polled below 50 percent against the top six, with the exception of Trump."

Suffolk also found that among voters of all parties, Trump had the highest negative ratings of all the candidates. But, as the Washington Post's Rebecca Sinderbrand points out, Trump's support far outweighs several other GOP candidates.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Hillary Clinton takes aim at Uber economy in speech

Uber was the elephant in the room when Hillary Clinton gave her economic-policy speech on Monday, as the Democrats’ leading presidential contender called out the “gig economy.”

In a major campaign speech in New York City, the former secretary of state didn’t mention the ride-sharing service by name. But it was pretty clear what sort of companies she was talking about when she got to how some Americans earn money.

“Many Americans are making extra money renting out a spare room, designing websites, selling products they design themselves at home, or even driving their own car,” she said at the New School.

But that sort of work comes with its own problems, she said.

“This ‘on demand’ or so-called ‘gig economy’ is creating exciting opportunities and unleashing innovation, but it’s also raising hard questions about workplace protections and what a good job will look like in the future,” Clinton added.

As Mashable notes, her remarks came as startups like Uber and its competitor Lyft are under mounting scrutiny for classifying drivers as independent contractors rather than part-time or full-time employees, entitled to health-care benefits, sick time and paid time off.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Cato analysis of Scott Walker as Wisconsin governor

Monday is Scott Walker’s turn to join the crowded presidential field. Walker has served as Wisconsin’s Governor since 2011. He rose to prominence quickly after the State Capitol in Madison was overtaken by protesters opposing his labor reforms. Walker has passed a number of government-limiting measures, earning a “B” on Cato’s Governor Report Card in both 2012 and 2014, but he continues to support higher spending.*

When Walker took office Wisconsin had a $3.6 billion budget deficit and needed urgent reform. His first big legislative achievement was Act 10 which overhauled the state’s collective bargaining rules and benefit programs for state employees. Under Act 10, state employees must contribute 12 percent of premium costs to their state-provided health insurance plan. In addition, pension contributions are now split evenly between the employee and the employer. In 2015 that contribution was 6.8 percent of income.

Act 10 also limited collective bargaining subjects to base wages, removing the ability to negotiate on overtime, pension, and health benefits. It has saved taxpayers in Wisconsin $3 billion since its passage in 2011.

Walker has also passed several tax cuts while in office. In 2013 Walker signed a plan that cut the state’s personal income tax by almost $500 million a year. The plan consolidated the state’s five income tax brackets into four brackets, with the larger cuts skewed towards the lower end of the income scale. In 2014 the state made further cuts to the lowest income tax bracket. In total, the lowest bracket fell from 4.60 percent to 4 percent. Work is still needed. Wisconsin’s total income tax rate of 7.65 percent is still one of the highest in the country, and its Business Tax Climate is a discouraging 43rd in the nation, according to the Tax Foundation.

Walker has had success on labor and tax issues, but spending continues to grow rapidly in Wisconsin. From fiscal year 2012 to fiscal year 2015, Wisconsin state spending grew 15 percent. For comparison, state spending grew by 8 percent nationally during this period. So while Walker turned a $3.6 billion deficit when he took office into an $800 million surplus by June 2013, he has continued to spend excessively. His budget for fiscal years 2016 and 2017 included another $1 billion in increased spending.

Walker’s policies have targeted numerous areas of Wisconsin’s budget. He reformed the state’s labor laws as they related to state employees and saved $3 billion in four years. He cut personal income taxes. Overall, his actions have helped restore fiscal sanity to Wisconsin. But voters concerned about Washington’s debt and profligacy should be aware Walker’s record of increasing state spending even while cutting taxes.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Jesse 'The Body' Ventura Endorses Bernie Sanders

Ventura has sized up the candidates and is throwing his support to Sanders. Ventura went into further detail in a July 13 blog post on Ora.TV.

"Bernie believes in power to the people and the people controlling the government," Ventura wrote, saying "I think what Bernie Sanders is doing is extremely healthy." Ventura has said in the past that he refuses to back a Republican or Democrat, claiming they are too similar and bought off my special interests. Though Sanders is hoping to win the Democratic nomination, he's still an Independent.

"Hats off to Bernie Sanders," Ventura said, before noting "I’ll help him anyway I can." Ventura was once known as a conservative libertarian, but over the years has become more liberal and progressive in his political views. Knowing he has an uphill battle in front him, Ventura was optimistic about Sanders' chances, but concluded that if he fails, "maybe next year Jesse Ventura will pick up the gauntlet."
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Escaped Mexican drug lord threatens Donald Trump

'I'm going to make you eat your words': Mexico's billion-dollar drugs lord THREATENS Donald Trump on Twitter account 'run by his son' and taunts the world after his dramatic escape from prison

• Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman, head of powerful Sinaloa Cartel, is on the run
• He fled a prison in Mexico City through an elaborate tunnel network
• El Chapo has now reportedly taken to Twitter to gloat about escape online
• Posted threats about Donald Trump who had criticised Guzman's escape
• Trump has called in the FBI to investigate the threats made against him

Mexico's billion dollar drugs lord known as 'El Chapo' has gloated on Twitter about his escape from a maximum security jail by taunting authorities and threatening US-presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

Joaquin Guzman, billionaire head of the powerful Sinaloa Cartel, made his jail break on Saturday morning and is on the run from Altiplano jail, 50 miles outside of Mexico City, security officials said.

His audacious escape saw him dash through the mile-long tunnel system, which led to a building under construction next to the prison - from where he collected clothes left for him by his conspirators.

But following his escape he has took to Twitter and used it to hit back at Trump, who has said that the Guzman embodies 'everything that is wrong with Mexico' and added he would 'kick his ass'.

On the account, administered by Guzman's son Ivan, the escapee reportedly wrote: 'If you keep p****** me off I'm going to make you eat your words you f****** blonde milk-s*****'.

In Mexico, a milk-s****** is a homophobic slur.

The property magnate is taking the threat seriously.

According to TMZ the billionaire has called in the FBI to investigate the source of the Twitter account which warned Trump he would be sorry he spoke out against Mexico.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

The Arizona Chamber of Commerce says it wants to “Dump the Trump,” claiming that presidential contender Donald Trump “will never make the cut.”

In his weekly column, president and CEO of the Arizona Chamber Glenn Hamer called Trump’s comments about Mexico “despicable” and indicative of “an individual who, despite his billions, is astonishingly ignorant about Mexico, trade and immigration.”

Hamer’s outpouring of criticism against Trump – who is now leading the pack of GOP hopefuls – comes as Trump is scheduled to be in Arizona Saturday to give a speech about immigration alongside the state’s most famous outspoken sheriff, Joe Arpaio. Trump has had to change venues, however, from the smaller Arizona Biltmore resort in Phoenix to the Phoenix Convention Center, where his campaign is expecting at least 5,000 people in attendance. Hundreds more are reportedly on a waiting list to get into the event.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rubio Escapes From Q&A Session with Libertarians Wink

LAS VEGAS, Nevada — Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), a 2016 Republican presidential candidate, offered no policy specifics whatsoever in a speech to Freedom Fest here at Planet Hollywood filled with rhetoric—and skipped off the stage without conducting a previously-agreed-to question-and-answer sessions with the audience.

The speech, which lasted just about 20 minutes, was scheduled previously to go for 30 minutes and include 10 minutes of Q&A. Rubio, after finishing his remarks, ducked off the back corner of the stage without taking questions from the audience—which all week leading up to this moment has been critical of him. What’s more, Rubio—through his campaign spokesman Alex Conant—has repeatedly refused Breitbart News Network interview requests here at the event.


Big surprise for neocon cheerleader and fraud conservative, even in a fiscal way.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Hillary Clinton says a woman needs her own bill - $$

A woman should have her own piece of U.S. currency, Hillary Clinton said in an interview with CNN, and making her share space on the $10 is "second class."

Clinton wouldn't name the woman she thinks should be on the redesigned ten, but she bashed Treasury Secretary Jack Lew's decision to keep Alexander Hamilton's portrait and make the leading lady share space.

"I don't like the idea that as a compromise you would basically have two people on the same bill," Clinton told CNN's Brianna Keilar. "That sounds pretty second class to me."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Chris Matthews: Donald Trump Can Be as Dangerous as Saddam Hussein

“He has a lot of information on everybody,” Matthews told moderator and Meet the Press host Chuck Todd. “He’s ready to go after a guy like Charles Krauthammer,” a popular commentator on the Fox News Channel. Trump “has already done the oppo (opposition research) on every journalist around. He’s ready with the worst stuff to throw at you.”

It’s like you used to read about in the days of Baghdad under (former Iraqi dictator Saddam) Hussein (who was executed on Dec. 30, 2006).

You didn’t want to be in a restaurant with one of his kids because they might make eye contact with you, and you might make eye contact with their girlfriend at the time, and you’re dead the next day.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Lindsey Graham Not Happy Over Debate Restrictions

Presidential candidate and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) is furious about Fox News' rules for the first GOP primary debate.

In a Fox News interview on Friday, Graham blasted the right-leaning network's "dumb" rules, which will limit the participants to 10 candidates polling the best in an average of the five most recent national polls.

"I think that this is a dumb way to weed out the field," Graham declared.

Many critics say the August 6 debate's rules harm the candidates campaigning in the early voting states and elevate those who have been getting those most national TV exposure or who have run for president before.

With around 17 Republican candidates running, there will be a number of furious White House hopefuls left out of the crucial opportunity to be heard before a major television audience. Graham, who is lagging in national polls, clearly agrees with that assessment. He argued that July 2015 is too early to even pay attention to polls.


Well, his sole reason for being in the race is to antagonize Rand.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Trump: Last Thing We Need is Another Bush

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump “the last thing we need is another Bush” and argued Jeb lacks “gravitas” in a wide-ranging interview broadcast on Wednesday’s “CNN Tonight.”

Trump began by talking about his polling numbers compared to Jeb Bush, stating, “Well, I’m not happy being behind Jeb Bush, to be honest with you. Because I don’t get, he’s in favor of Common Core, he’s very weak on immigration, extremely weak on immigration. He thinks people come over for love, and I’m not at all happy. I don’t understand how he’s at first place, but I’m certainly honored by the poll, and people are understanding my message, which is basically make America great again, and we’re doing very well.” And that he has “absolutely no idea” why he’s behind Bush, “maybe it’s the Bush name. But the last thing we need is another Bush. But I will tell you, I’m a little surprised that he would be in the position he’s in, and look, I’m right behind him, and I think we’ll do very well. But, I’m surprised, if anybody, I’m surprised it would be him.”
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Jindal: 'Let's just get rid of the court'

Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-La.) condemned the Supreme Court on Friday following its ruling legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide.

“The Supreme Court is completely out of control, making laws on their own, and has become a public opinion poll instead of a judicial body,” the 2016 contender said in a statement.

“If we want to save some money, let’s just get rid of the court,” Jindal added.

Friday’s historic 5-4 ruling ensures that states recognize same-sex marriages under the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause.

Jindal later said that the ruling fundamentally redefined the institution of marriage.

“Marriage between a man and a woman was established by God, and no earthly court can alter that,” he added.

He also argued that protecting same-sex marriage would open the door to discrimination against people of faith who oppose its practice.

“Hillary Clinton and the Left will now mount an all-out assault on religious freedom guaranteed in the first amendment,” Jindal said of the Democratic 2016 front-runner.

“Regardless of your views on marriage, all freedom-loving people must pledge to respect our first amendment rights,” he added.

Clinton praised the Supreme Court's landmark decision on Twitter Friday morning.

“Proud to celebrate a historic victory for marriage equality – & the courage & determination of LGBT Americans who made it possible,” she wrote.

Justice Anthony Kennedy served as the swing vote, siding with the court’s more liberal members.

“It is demeaning to lock same-sex couples out of a central institution of the nation’s society, for they too may aspire to the transcendent purposes of marriage,” Kennedy wrote in his 34-page decision.

Chief Justice John Roberts, in his dissenting opinion, argued that the ruling had “nothing to do” with the Constitution.

He said the majority had bypassed the voters and lawmakers.

“Indeed, however heartened proponents of same-sex marriage might be on this day, it is worth acknowledging what they have lost, and lost forever: the opportunity to win the true acceptance that comes from persuading their fellow citizens of the justice of their cause,” Roberts wrote.

Jindal formally launched his 2016 Oval Office bid earlier this week, becoming the 13th candidate formally vying for the GOP nomination.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
John Kasich to announce presidential bid July 21

Ohio Gov. John Kasich will jump into the crowded Republican presidential field on July 21 at the student union at his alma mater, The Ohio State University, in Columbus, advisers tell POLITICO.

Kasich, 63, who was overwhelmingly reelected in November, will aim to appear less scripted and guarded than the leading candidates. Advisers say he combines establishment appeal with a conservative record going back to his stint as House Budget Committee chairman, during his 18 years as a congressman from Ohio.

Despite his late start, Kasich will be one of the most closely watched candidates — partly because Ohio is such a crucial presidential state, putting Kasich on many short lists for vice president.

Kasich briefly pursued a presidential bid in the 2000 cycle, but got no traction and dropped out in July 1999, endorsing George W. Bush.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Joe Biden may run for president

Vice President Joe Biden’s sons reportedly urged him to run for the White House in 2016, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Biden’s son Beau, who died last month of brain cancer at the age of 46, wanted his father to get into the race, according to the report.

“It’s no secret that Beau wanted him to run,” Dick Harpootlian, a former chairman of South Carolina’s Democratic Party and a longtime Biden supporter, told the Journal. “If he does what Beau wanted him to do, he’ll run.”
Biden’s other son, Hunter, has also urged his father to get into the race, the Journal reports.

“He feels strongly about his dad running and serving,” James Smith, a Democratic state lawmaker in South Carolina, told the paper. According to the Journal’s report, several in the vice president’s corner expect him to decide on whether he will run by August.

If Biden does jump into the race, he would be a heavy underdog based on polls that show former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton far out in front, followed by independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Reached for comment by the Journal, a spokeswoman for Biden responded: “The Biden family is going through a difficult time right now. Any speculation about the views of the vice president or his family about his political future is premature and inappropriate.”
Biden previously ran for president in 1988 and 2008.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
NBC: Done With Donald Trump, Miss USA, Miss Universe

NBC just announced:

At NBC, respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values.

Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump.

To that end, the annual Miss USA and Miss Universe Pageants, which are part of a joint venture between NBC and Trump, will no longer air on NBC .

In addition, as Mr. Trump has already indicated, he will not be participating in “The Apprentice” on NBC.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
Sen. Rubio cast the deciding vote for Obamatrade on Tuesday as it squeeked through the U.S. Senate 60-37, and his Senate office is still outright refusing to answer whether he even knew what he was voting on.

Rubio, a Republican presidential candidate, was the deciding vote necessary for the U.S. Senate to clear the final 60-vote threshold and eventually, later this week, send to President Barack Obama’s desk the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill that would fast-track at least three highly secretive trade deals that Obama has been negotiating for years.

TPA will, now that it’s going to pass, effectively ensure the congressional approval of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP). The text of the TiSA and T-TIP agreements is currently entirely secretive, even to lawmakers on Capitol Hill and their staffs, though WikiLeaks did uncover several TiSA documents that leaked and prove the deal would surrender congressional power over U.S. immigration policy to the executive branch and perhaps to a newly created transnational entity.

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