
Topic: Slappy Statist Candidates for US President 2016 - page 2. (Read 17936 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Trump Surges in Popularity in N.H., Taking Second Place in Suffolk Poll

He’s dismissed by the political professionals, but there is no denying that the appetite for Donald Trump among Republican primary voters is real.

The New York developer and reality television star is second among 2016 presidential candidates in a new Suffolk University poll of New Hampshire Republicans – behind only former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

The poll of 500 likely GOP presidential primary voters found 14% back Mr. Bush. Mr. Trump is right behind at 11%. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio come next, with 8% and 7%, respectively. The poll tested 19 GOP candidates – a rare survey that included ultra-longshots like Mark Everson and former Govs. Bob Ehrlich and Jim Gilmore.

I call bs on Rand only having 4% in fricking NH, tho.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Ted Cruz Flips on Fast-Track

The GOP White House hopeful now says he will vote against Trade Promotion Authority because he doesn't trust President Obama.
By Lauren Fox

Ted Cruz was a fierce defender of Trade Promotion Authority. Now, he is fighting against it.

In a blistering op-ed in Breitbart, Cruz announced Tuesday he no longer plans to support Trade Promotion Authority, legislation he voted for weeks [ago] that gives Congress an up-or-down vote on trade bills the president negotiates over the next six years. Citing concerns over immigration and "corrupt Washington backroom deal-making," Cruz reversed his position just hours before the Senate was poised to hold a procedural vote on the bill.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
WSJ Poll: Jeb Bush now the top choice of 22% of Republicans, more than any other candidate

Three-quarters of GOP primary voters say they could see themselves supporting Mr. Bush or Mr. Rubio, a significantly larger share than for any other contender.

Only Mike Huckabee is close after a surge of support since the prior Journal/NBC News poll, in April, with 65% now saying they could see themselves backing him. The survey found a decline in support for Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky.

The news is particularly good for Mr. Bush, a former Florida governor, who has weathered a mixed set of developments in recent weeks. The potential support for Mr. Bush rose slightly, by five percentage points, since April and has jumped 26 points since March.
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
Lindsey Graham needs to have an anvil with the U.S. Constitution wrapped around it dropped on his pointy, and pathetically clueless head!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

That puts him in proximity with guns and gun posters, as seen in this picture from Associated Press photog Charlie Neibergall, more often than Democrats.

Still, imagine a similar situation–a U.S. Senator campaigning for President–and instead of a pro-2nd Amendment event, it’s a pro-gun control event. Imagine this Senator is standing in front of a giant poster of a pistol–one meant to demonize the weapon rather than promote it.

Imagine that this same AP photographer, instead of shifting a foot to the left or the right, framed a picture with the Senator’s nose almost touching the barrel, as a closer crop makes clear.

Imagine that this photographer, even though he took a few shots with this silly setup, took many more without it. Imagine that his editor–unnamed and insulated from public backlash–chose not one but two but three of those photos to distribute to AP’s clients.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Walker Maintains Lead in 4th Kristol Clear Straw Poll

Over the past few months, the boss has conducted an unscientific straw poll to ask newsletter subscribers (subscribe for free!) and TWS blog readers their top three choices for the 2016 GOP nominee. This morning, he sent out the results, and Scott Walker has maintained his lead.

Here's an excerpt from the newsletter:

Last but not least: the results of our straw poll.First, a caveat: The last newsletter appeared just before Donald Trump got in the race, so he wasn't on the list of candidates. He nonetheless got a fair number of write-in votes (he ended up with 2% of the first place ballots, and was on 5% of all ballots in first, second or third). I'm sure he would have done far better if he'd been listed. As I suggest in this week's editorial, while I don't think he should be the nominee or even come close to being the nominee, I do suspect the political class is under-estimating the potency of his message, and I suspect the other candidates could learn something from what he's saying.

In any case, in our latest straw poll, Scott Walker continues to hold the first place position he's had in all four of our surveys. Marco Rubio is now a clear second, and is one of only two candidates to have moved up consistently from poll to poll. The other is Carly Fiorina, who is now sixth in first place votes, but third (!) when you total first, second and third place showings. All the other candidates have more or less bounced around inconclusively, as you can see below. So the bottom line is: Walker remains strong, Rubio continues to move up, and Fiorina is surging.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Seven Reasons the GOP Should Fear Donald Trump

#1. Money Talks
Unlike the other candidates, the wealthy real estate mogul doesn’t have to worry about soliciting donors, or crafting positions to appeal to special-interest money, or meeting absurd fund-raising expectations that they foolishly set for themselves. That saves him a lot of time to devote to his favorite pastime–self-promotion. If he wants to fight all the way to the convention, he could probably find more than enough money simply by searching the couch cushions at Mar-a-Lago for loose change.

#2. Expectations
He’s a nuisance, a hothead, totally unqualified, a spoiler. But enough about Pat Buchanan, whose surprisingly strong, populist, “mad as hell” primary campaign against George H. W. Bush in 1992 left the Bush faction reeling all the way to their defeat in the general election. That nobody thinks Donald Trump has any hope of winning a primary, much less a single debate, makes it all the easier for him to surprise reporters simply by doing better than expected. If Donald Trump can manage a clever quip or two in the first debate, poke fun at himself, and not set his lectern, or the moderator daring to question him, on fire, he’ll impress the hell out of nearly everyone. Besides...

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Donald Trump has the least interventionist plan

ISIS revenue is from the oil. Trump wants to bomb and take the oil. No need to go and topple Syria like the interventionists want, no need to arm the Kurds as in Rand Paul's plan.

Ideally I would want a non-interventionist, but from what we have available we can only choose the least interventionist, and that is Donald Trump. Rand Paul wants to redraw the map to give the Kurds a homeland, involve Turkey and a lot of crap. Given the options, I'd prefer just taking the oil. O'Reilley w/Trump

At first I wanted Hillary to win so the whole country would explode in her face and Rand wouldn't be blamed for it. At least Rand isn't in the bombing camp like most of the rest of them, including Trump here.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Mediaite: Trump Campaign Reportedly Hired Actors at $50 a Head to Attend Campaign Launch

“There’s never been a crowd like this,” Donald Trump declared of the few hundred people gathered in Trump Tower on Tuesday to watch him announce his 2016 Republican presidential campaign. While that comment, among others he made, wasn’t exactly true, we are now learning that some of those in attendance were likely paid actors.

More at link...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Trump vows to press Ford to cancel Mexican plant

Republican presidential candidate and billionaire Donald Trump threatened Ford Motor Co. with punitive taxes if the Dearborn automaker proceeds with a new $2.5 billion Mexican plant that will “take away thousands” of U.S. jobs.Trump, who announced his plans to run at an appearance in New York on Tuesday, vowed to impose 35 percent taxes on imported Ford vehicles and parts coming from the new Mexican plant.

Trump said he would call Ford CEO Mark Fields — whom he identified only as “the head of Ford” — to explain the “bad news.”

“Let me give you the bad news: every car, every truck and every part manufactured in this plant that comes across the border, we’re going to charge you a 35 percent tax — OK? — and that tax is going to be paid simultaneously with the transaction,” Trump said. “They are going to take away thousands of jobs.”

In April, Ford said it would add 3,800 jobs in Mexico as part of a $2.5 billion investment — on top of the 11,300 Ford already employs in Mexico. The investment will include a new engine plant and new transmission plant allowing for exports of engines to the United States and elsewhere.

Trump has been pitching the proposal to tax Ford in a series of speeches in Iowa, North Carolina and around the country since May.

Trump said Ford would try to get donors and lobbyists to pressure him not to act. But Trump said he would not listen. He said the automaker would decide against the plant: “They’ll say, ‘Mr. President we’ve decided to move the plant back to the United States — we’re not going to build it in Mexico.’ That’s it. They have no choice.”

He said Ford was a good company and that he knew the head of Ford personally.

Asked about Trump’s criticism, Ford spokeswoman Christin Baker pointed to the Dearborn automaker’s U.S. investments.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
“Rent a Crowd” Company Admits Politicians Are Using Their Service

Did you listen to Jeb Bush make his announcement yesterday? Did you hear loud cheers from a crowd that seemed excited at the prospect that there could be another Bush as President? Was I the only one confused? I don’t know one person who doesn’t threaten to leave the Country if it’s Bush vs Clinton for President again. Can’t imagine folks actually excited and cheering for Jeb.

It got me wondering, would someone like Jeb, or another candidate that’s been struggling like he has, hire a crowd? Pay people to attend their rallies to make them seem like their gaining in popularity? We have seen Hillary Clinton stage appearances, knowing ahead of time the people she’d interact with. Would a staged rally be out of the question for a struggling GOP candidate? According to “Crowds On Demand”, not at all.

Crowds on Demand is an American publicity firm. It claims to be the only “rent a crowd” service, providing its clients with the ability to hire actors to pose as fans. I decided to contact them, pretending to be an employee of a GOP candidate running for office. Their Founder/CEO, Adam Swart, responded. Here is our exchange…

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Hillary Recounts FDR's Four Freedoms

Hillary Clinton held her first big presidential rally in New York City over the weekend. Her supporters gathered on Roosevelt Island’s Four Freedoms Park for the event, and the location tied directly into the content of the speech. While Hillary embraced the progressive freedoms that defined FDR’s presidency as an example of government’s power to help the people, Glenn explained the real effect “freedom from want” can have on a people.

“You know, President Roosevelt’s four freedoms are a testament to our nation’s unmatched aspirations and a reminder of our unfinished work at home and abroad. His legacy lifted up a nation and inspired presidents who followed,” Hillary said during the speech.

“No,” Glenn corrected. “It’s called the Great Depression here in the United States. It’s only called the depression worldwide. Because it lasted longer here because of the progressive policies of Franklin Roosevelt.” “The four freedoms take us and reverse the Constitution. It makes it from a charter of negative liberties to a charter of positive liberties. The things the government must do. And that, by the way, is exactly the charter of positive liberties that you would find enshrined in the communist constitution of the former Soviet Union,” Glenn said.

“[The Four Freedoms were] FDR’s way of completely reversing the Constitution. He said, you have the freedom of speech. The freedom of worship. The freedom from fear. And the freedom from want. The last two don’t exist. You cannot have freedom from fear,” Glenn said.

“It would be nice if none of us were afraid. But no government couldn’t make it so that you’re not afraid. Because if they’re big enough to make you not afraid of anything, they’re big enough to make you afraid of something, usually them,” Glenn said.

“Freedom from want. There will always be the poor among us. How do you get rid of the freedom from want? In the nicest utopian society, the Pilgrims tried to do this – it ended in cannibalism. The Pilgrims tried to share. They tried to live the Gospel principles. It cannot be done by man alone. It must be done by God. And the Pilgrims came over and they tried to do it. It didn’t work. They gave up. Because what the Pilgrims found out was, there was even in such a morally steadfast group as the Pilgrims, once everybody put their stuff in a pile and took according to their needs, once that happened, they realized there are people in society that it just won’t work. So the whole thing fell apart. The same thing was tried down in Virginia. In Jamestown. The Indians actually fenced those guys in and said you’re a disease. They were so screwed up. But they started with this idea that we’re all going to share. We’ll take according to our needs. So they tried the socialist thing. It ended in cannibalism,” Glenn continued.

sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
 Lindsey Graham, a 59-year-old senator from South Carolina, says he is running for president "because the world is falling apart".

Mr Graham is one of the party's most outspoken foreign policy hawks, and advocates sending 10,000 US ground troops to Iraq and Syria to take on the Islamic State.

He is a close ally of Senator John McCain, the 2008 Republican nominee, and a critic of the Tea Party.

Mr Graham is the only candidate in the field to have never been married.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Jeb Bush Increased Spending 31.9% while Governor of Florida

Spending in 2000 - $48.808 billion
Spending in 2008 - $64.379 billion
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Donald Trump will declare $9 billion in assets as he reveals 2016 plans

Donald J. Trump, the billionaire real-estate mogul, on Tuesday will release a summary of assets that total about $9 billion as part of his likely entry into the race for the Republican presidential nomination, according to people familiar with his plans.

The two-page document — which will be published after he holds a political rally at Trump Tower in New York — will provide a valuation of his hotels and other properties. It will also show hundreds of millions in cash on hand and an outline of his debt, the people said.

The details he will reveal Tuesday will provide one of the first looks at the worth of the real estate and television empire that the colorful impresario has amassed — one whose value has been avidly debated.

Trump’s declared assets are more than double the estimate of his net worth by Forbes, which currently pegs his net holdings at $4.1 billion. And it would make him the wealthiest Republican contender.

Trump’s longtime financial advisers and Donald F. McGahn, a partner at Jones Day, have finalized the report about his finances in recent weeks as Trump has moved closer to jumping into the 2016 contest. Three people briefed on those discussions Monday requested anonymity in order to talk about the process.

Trump’s speech announcing his decision is likely to center on his career and fortune. He is expected to cast himself as an entrepreneur and outsider eager to tangle with the party establishment and U.S. economic rivals abroad, such as China.

The financial statement drafted by his office is aimed at demonstrating his success as a businessman, as well as proving to skeptical GOP leaders that he is serious about running.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Jeb Bush To Repackage His Brother's Compassion Conservatism Mantra

Jeb Bush will be announcing his presidential candidacy this afternoon, finally ending all the edge-of-your-seat mystery and speculation about whether he really is running. And from what we’ve learned in advance, Bush may be charting an interesting and somewhat risky path to get his party’s nomination.

Instead of doing what we might have expected from someone in Jeb’s position — bending over backward to convince base Republicans that he’s a true conservative — he seems to be going in the opposite direction. It’s almost as if he’s already running a general election campaign.

We won’t know all the details until he gives the speech, and I’m sure there will be a reasonable amount of massaging of the conservative pleasure centers on things like tax cuts and reducing regulation. But Jeb’s first notes as an official candidate sound a lot like his brother’s “compassionate conservatism.”


+ video...[url=]
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Mitt Romney: Republican presidential ticket could be 'two women'

On the day Hillary Clinton formally launched her presidential campaign with a rally on Roosevelt Island in New York City, and gave a speech laden with promises and appeals on women’s rights and other progressive causes, failed 2012 Republican candidate Mitt Romney told a GOP gathering his party could have an all-woman ticket in 2016.

Speaking at his own closed-to-the-press conference in Park City, Utah, Romney reportedly praised the former Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina, a declared candidate for the GOP nomination, and said he would not be surprised if the Republicans turned out to be “the party that has two women on the ticket”.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Hillary Clinton's Official Spotify Playlist

“Believer” American Authors
“The Fighter” Gym Class Heroes
“Roar” Katy Perry
“Break Free” Ariana Grande, Zedd
“Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)” Kelly Clarkson
“Best Day of my Life” American Authors
“Happy” Pharell Williams
“Let’s Get Loud” Jennifer Lopez
“Pumpin Blood” NONONO
“Wake up Everybody” John Legend, The Roots, Common, Melanie Fiona
“Brave” Sara Bareilles
“Fighters” Kris Allen
“Beautiful Day” Jon Bon Jovi
“Vivir Mi Vida” Marc Anthony

I wonder how many people fall for this.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Hillary Clinton Paid by Jeb Bush’s Education Company

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton received nearly a quarter of a million dollars last year for a speaking engagement on behalf of Academic Partnerships, a for-profit education company in which Jeb Bush held an ownership stake and on whose board he served.

Clinton’s newly filed personal financial disclosure shows that she was paid $225,500 on March 24, 2014 by Academic Partnerships. At the invitation-only event in Dallas, Texas, Clinton reportedly said, “today a student doesn’t need to travel to Cambridge, Mass., or Cambridge, England, to get a world-class education.”

Academic Partnerships assists universities in converting their academic degree programs into online versions that can be taken by students around the world.

In 2011, Bush joined Academic Partnerships as an investor and as a paid advisor. He helped the company host multiple conferences and has appeared in online videos encouraging others to consider the Academic Partnership business model. Though he did not share the stage with Clinton, Bush spoke at the same conference.

Preparing for an expected bid for the Republican nomination for president, Bush resigned from Academic Partnerships in December.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Hillary Clinton's 'talking points' for 'friends and allies' just leaked

Clinton's campaign strategy involves answering one key question

There's something hilarious about Hillary Clinton's new office

Email dump reveals how Team Clinton deals with 'pain in the a--' reporters
Hillary Clinton's campaign spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod sent out a memo containing "talking points" for "friends and allies" on Friday afternoon.

Business Insider obtained a copy of the memo, which includes a preview of Clinton's speech Saturday and details of the campaign's early efforts in primary states.

There has been much speculation about the role Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, will play in his wife's campaign. The memo notes Clinton is "expected" to attend the speech, but will not be speaking.

"President Clinton and Chelsea Clinton are expected to attend, but the speaking program will feature Hillary Clinton exclusively," the memo said.

The memo, which was designed to help Clinton's supporters and campaign surrogates stay on message, also credits Clinton with taking "bold progressive stands on key issues" including "criminal justice reform," "immigration reform," and "voting rights," and "equal pay." The preview of Clinton's Saturday speech echoes what a Clinton campaign official told Business Insider about the remarks on Thursday.

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