
Topic: Slovenija (Slovenia) - page 58. (Read 1004848 times)

Activity: 1178
Merit: 1014
Hodling since 2011.®
November 14, 2013, 07:47:49 AM
Kako dolgo traja, da se preveri računa na
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
things you own end up owning you
November 08, 2013, 06:02:24 AM

Najlepša hvala za odgovore. Imam namreč težavo, na bitstampu mi še niso odobrili računa, zato sem morala odpreti račun na payeerju..

Ko sem hotela nakazati denar iz Vise me je preusmerilo na liqpay.. in mi je naredilo nekakšen error -  na supportu me prepričujejo da je error bil daljši kot je tole: "Error! Information is not transferred to the purchase.
Вы перешли по устаревшей ссылке"

Zdaj imam pa na payeerju neke dve transakcije, ki sta processing.. in so me pravkar obvestili, da so jih je liqpay zavrnil.. na liqpayu jim pa ni nič jasno.. v glavnem iz te moke očitno ne bo kruha..

mislim ne razumem zakaj toliko posrednikov pri nakazilu iz vise na btc-e.. zakaj enostavno ne morem iz vise electron nakazat denar na btc-e..


če si še vedno zainterisirana, lahko kupiš LTC na  (to je isto kot maš že 2 ponudnika iz kranja (jaz in še en drug), zadeva je čist simple, regestriraš in izbereš od koga in kolk rabiš, napiši tvoja telefonska številka (da ti lahko prodajalec kontaktira), naprej je stvar dogovora.   
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
November 04, 2013, 03:23:06 AM

Najlepša hvala za odgovore. Imam namreč težavo, na bitstampu mi še niso odobrili računa, zato sem morala odpreti račun na payeerju..

Ko sem hotela nakazati denar iz Vise me je preusmerilo na liqpay.. in mi je naredilo nekakšen error -  na supportu me prepričujejo da je error bil daljši kot je tole: "Error! Information is not transferred to the purchase.
Вы перешли по устаревшей ссылке"

Zdaj imam pa na payeerju neke dve transakcije, ki sta processing.. in so me pravkar obvestili, da so jih je liqpay zavrnil.. na liqpayu jim pa ni nič jasno.. v glavnem iz te moke očitno ne bo kruha..

mislim ne razumem zakaj toliko posrednikov pri nakazilu iz vise na btc-e.. zakaj enostavno ne morem iz vise electron nakazat denar na btc-e..

hero member
Activity: 806
Merit: 507
Trusted Campaign manager
November 03, 2013, 08:40:48 AM
najlažje je BTC-je kupiti lokalno pri katerem izmed "proizvajalcev"-minerjih..
Če seveda želite, lahko kupite tudi na in plačate direkt SEPA-prodajalcu(seveda pri teh "uradnih" plačate neko provizijo)

Ko pa enkrat imate BTC-je, potem lahko kupujete-pretvarjate,... v različne digitalne valute... teh je že kar nekaj..
in seveda spremljate vrednosti:

Trenutno je zelo "zanimiva" nemška marka DEM oz. eDEM, ki se je šele začela in ima potencial glede nemških nostalgikov..
Activity: 108
Merit: 10
November 03, 2013, 06:10:23 AM
Na btc-e je malo težje poslati denar, najbolj enostavna opcija je da na bitstampu kupiš BTC in ga pošlješ na btc-e kjer z BTC kupiš LTC.
Čeprav je mogoče ok kupit par LTC se jaz nebi sekiral če mi ne rata, ker je praktično enak BTC razlika je samo v par malenkostih in načinu mininga.
Sinhronizacija lahko traja zelo dolgo, tudi en dan, ker mora bitcoin/litecoin potegniti dol vso zgodovino transakcij od začetka (blockchain), ki zasede veliko prostora.
S temi free bitcoinsi se lahko malo igraš ampak nekega profita verjetno tu ne bo. Tudi ni rečeno da bo profit z nakupom BTC ali LTC tako da vlagaj samo denar, ki si ga pripravljena izgubiti - to je investicija z zelo visokim tveganjem, ki pa se lahko močno obrestuje.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
November 03, 2013, 05:25:00 AM

Sem nova na forumu. Bitcoin sem slučajno odkrila preko cekina Cheesy 

Tukaj sem zato, ker želim poskrbeti za otrokovo prihodnost. In mislim, da bi kupila kakšen BTC ter LTC.

Registrirala sem se na bitstamp (čakam odobritev), pa na BTC-e..

Naletela sem na eno težavo.. če hočem kupiti LTC, moram najprej položit EURe gor, mar ne?.. no in sem odprla account na OKPAY, ker ima najnižji fee.. ko vse naredim naletim na to, da omogočajo samo bank transfer, ki bo najverjetneje trajal 3-5 dni.. zanima me kateri gateway naj uporabim da lahko iz kartice (VIsa) položim EUR na BTC-e in potem kupim LTC..še danes.

Ker sem popolnoma nova v tem, mining sploh ne štekam kaj je.. sem pa takoj odkrila neke spletne strani, ki ponujajo free bitcoins.. npr. je to ok?

Naložila sem tudi LITECOIN-QT program (za maca), ampak tole se nikakor noče sinhronizirat.. v čem je težava?

Prav tako uporabljam multibit - s temi stranmi kot so sem pravkar prejela 0.00007600 BTC..

kje si lahko kaj več preberem, naučim? škoda, da sem zamudila srečanje v kiberpipi .. dajte mi kakšne nasvet, sem vam hvaležna Wink

Activity: 70
Merit: 10
November 02, 2013, 08:42:45 AM
So I plan to file a formal complaint to the Slovenian Central Bank if I do not receive a definitive answer and solution from BitStamp/UniCredit until next week.
I will post updates here.

I have submitted the following complaint to Slovenian Central Bank today:
sr. member
Activity: 442
Merit: 250
October 24, 2013, 07:17:31 AM
Glede kakšnega uradnega stališča s strani naše države, ki bi vključeval bitcoin in podobno, bo treba očitno še mal počakat.  Undecided
Activity: 43
Merit: 0
October 23, 2013, 10:58:40 AM
Se vidimo v torek 29.10. on 18h na Kiberpipinih "POT: Bitcoins" v Knjižnici Otona Župančiča[/b][/i][/b], in sicer v kletnih prostorih Mediateke

Bitcoin talks

Torek, 29. Okt 2013 18:00

Ob letu osorej Kiberpipa pripravlja drugo srečanje na temo Bitcoina. S predstavitvami bomo pokrili nekaj zanimivih tem, najbrž pa bomo odprli še več vprašanj. Za debate, ki se bodo nadaljevale v kavarni po predstavitvah, bo vsekakor na voljo dovolj sogovornikov.

    Žiga Vidmar: Praktična predstavitev, zanimivosti
    Aleksander Kucler: Bitcoin - plačilno sredstvo v vsakdanjem življenju
    Luka Pušić: Bitcoin - varnost in zasebnost
    Matija Mazi: Protokol Bitcoin - igra brez sodnika
    Graeme Tee (, Skype live chat): Bitcoin mining
    Peter Ambrož: Silk Road

Pokrili bomo še druge teme, kot so formalnosti glede bitcoina v Sloveniji, bitcoin za razvijalce ter pregled najpomembnejših dogodkov v zadnjem letu.

Predavanje se bo odvijalo v torek, že ob 18.00 v Knjižnici Otona Župančiča, in sicer v kletnih prostorih Mediateke (takoj, ko pridete čez vhod, zavijete na desno in po stopnicah navzdol). Priporočamo, da zaradi velikega zanimanja za dogodek pridete nekoliko prej in si zagotovite sedež!

Vljudno vabljeni!
Activity: 674
Merit: 522
October 22, 2013, 05:56:06 PM

Ce bo tako zabavno, kot je bilo prvic, bo super!
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1004
October 22, 2013, 12:51:32 PM
Slovensko predavanje o Bitcoinu. Predavanje se bo odvijalo v torek, 29.10.2013 ob 18h; lokacija Kiberpipa, Slovenska c. 47, Ljubljana. Več na:
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
October 17, 2013, 06:24:45 AM

This is really interesting answer... Because I'm also interested in quick transfers, which I think they should work with no delay, I can assuru you that I will open this topic on Slovenian Bitcoin conference on 29.10.2013. I think Bitstamp representers will be there 100%.

Ok! Raising this issue at the conference would surely help.
I'm not totally sure if this is an issue of BitStamp or of UniCredit, but I assume the latter.

Yesterday I have received an other answer from BitStamp support telling me that they will investigate this issue further with UniCredit.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 325
October 16, 2013, 03:44:26 AM
Sorry for the interruption everyone,

Would anyone like to help us translate our GPL-licensed Mac OS X wallet Hive into Slovenian? There is a general thread about that here:;all

Hvala za razumevanje!
-Hive team
sr. member
Activity: 442
Merit: 250
October 15, 2013, 04:34:55 PM

This is really interesting answer... Because I'm also interested in quick transfers, which I think they should work with no delay, I can assuru you that I will open this topic on Slovenian Bitcoin conference on 29.10.2013. I think Bitstamp representers will be there 100%.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
October 15, 2013, 09:33:40 AM
I have received an other answer from bitstamp. They say as an excuse that same-day transfers would not work, since they are a foreign company and have a foreign residing entities account at UniCredit.

This excuse is totally crap, since a domestic transfer is a transfer between two Slovenian banks, regardless if payer and/or payee are residents or non-residents. Slovenian Central Bank has confirmed me this.

So I plan to file a formal complaint to the Slovenian Central Bank if I do not receive a definitive answer and solution from BitStamp/UniCredit until next week.

If you would like to support my efforts in making Slovenian same day transfers from BitStamp working, feel free to donate to

I would not have much costs besides post-stamps and an envelope for the complaint, in the beginning. Donations would be rather a sign of support by the Slovenian Bitcoin community.

I will post updates here.
Activity: 43
Merit: 0
October 14, 2013, 04:01:28 AM
Dear slovenian bitcoin friends!
Sorry for not speaking slovenian (but I understand a bit Wink ).

I want to ask about experiences with bitstamp in Slovenia: Do withdrawals from bitstamp to a Slovenian bank account work on same business day in general?
I came to Slovenia and opened a bank account here some weeks ago in order to accelerate my cashflow. But right now, SEPA withdrawals to it are even slower then they were to my german account: a withdrawal was confirmed at 13:45 yesterday, at it still has not arrived today.

What are your experiences with withdrawals in Slovenia?

Usually is next day... but if you have an account at Unicredit Slovenia is the same day (if you withdraw in the morning)

Ok. Why is this so? Every bank and the Slovenian Central Bank tell me that slovenian domestic transfers must arrive the same day...
I think about complaining to UniCredit Bank and/or to the Slovenian Central Bank.
My latest personal experience with withdrawal with Bitstamp:
I requested the withdrawal on Tuesday 8 Oct 2013 afternoon (around 15:00 GMT+1)
The withdrawal was confirmed on Wednesday 9 Oct 2013 at around 10am.
I received the money to my bank account on Friday 11 Oct 2013.
So it took 3 to 4 days.
My bank is not Unicredit but another Slovenian bank.

Maybe after 30 Sept - after the requirement the have a verified account at BitStamp they became slower with withdrawals?
Before, I could sometimes get my money to my bank account even in the same day (to another Slovenian bank) or 24 hours.
sr. member
Activity: 243
Merit: 250
October 13, 2013, 02:02:20 PM
Dear slovenian bitcoin friends!
Sorry for not speaking slovenian (but I understand a bit Wink ).

I want to ask about experiences with bitstamp in Slovenia: Do withdrawals from bitstamp to a Slovenian bank account work on same business day in general?
I came to Slovenia and opened a bank account here some weeks ago in order to accelerate my cashflow. But right now, SEPA withdrawals to it are even slower then they were to my german account: a withdrawal was confirmed at 13:45 yesterday, at it still has not arrived today.

What are your experiences with withdrawals in Slovenia?

Usually is next day... but if you have an account at Unicredit Slovenia is the same day (if you withdraw in the morning)

Ok. Why is this so? Every bank and the Slovenian Central Bank tell me that slovenian domestic transfers must arrive the same day...
I think about complaining to UniCredit Bank and/or to the Slovenian Central Bank.

It does if you use the bank in the same country it is in the same day... if you make the transfer before 16:00 if you do it later then it is  next day...
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
October 13, 2013, 01:48:45 PM
Dear slovenian bitcoin friends!
Sorry for not speaking slovenian (but I understand a bit Wink ).

I want to ask about experiences with bitstamp in Slovenia: Do withdrawals from bitstamp to a Slovenian bank account work on same business day in general?
I came to Slovenia and opened a bank account here some weeks ago in order to accelerate my cashflow. But right now, SEPA withdrawals to it are even slower then they were to my german account: a withdrawal was confirmed at 13:45 yesterday, at it still has not arrived today.

What are your experiences with withdrawals in Slovenia?

Usually is next day... but if you have an account at Unicredit Slovenia is the same day (if you withdraw in the morning)

Ok. Why is this so? Every bank and the Slovenian Central Bank tell me that slovenian domestic transfers must arrive the same day...
I think about complaining to UniCredit Bank and/or to the Slovenian Central Bank.
sr. member
Activity: 243
Merit: 250
October 13, 2013, 11:24:41 AM
Kaj pa Rudarjenje z

s štirimi naenrkat? je računica? Smiley

Js ti prodam minerja... posebej odprto ohišje (domače izdelave, lahk daš not 4 grafe) not pa: Ati Radeon Sapphire 7970 3gb, AMD Sempron (145) 2,8 Gh, 2 GB ddr3, 550w napajalnik, plata: asrock 970 extreme4!. Wink grafa stara leto in pol ostalo pol leta...

sem ti poslal sporočilo na zasebno.

sr. member
Activity: 442
Merit: 250
October 13, 2013, 08:27:46 AM
Kaj pa Rudarjenje z

s štirimi naenrkat? je računica? Smiley

Js ti prodam minerja... posebej odprto ohišje (domače izdelave, lahk daš not 4 grafe) not pa: Ati Radeon Sapphire 7970 3gb, AMD Sempron (145) 2,8 Gh, 2 GB ddr3, 550w napajalnik, plata: asrock 970 extreme4!. Wink grafa stara leto in pol ostalo pol leta...
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