Actually cars kill A LOT more people than guns. Too bad all your bullshit bureaucracy does nothing to stop that.
Actually, my chosen bureaucracy does a great deal to stop that. I'm a Champion level supporting member of
Transportation Alternatives.
When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.
Oh I see, thats how it works is it? I point out a flaw in your logic the size of a watermelon, so then you just talk about something else like thats what you meant the whole time. Got another fallacy you are guilty of: licenses for drivers.
-No car registration
-No mandatory car insurance.
-Education for misdemeanor offenses? Probably a good idea for both.
-don't treat people badly because they drove while under the influence of alcohol (or other drugs).
Let's take a moment look at the effect strict motor vehicle laws have had on public safety:
Even with these laws protecting us in place, still we lost 32,719 Americans - enough to fill a football stadium - to car wrecks in 2013.
That number could easily be ten times larger, if we had unscientific morons crafting public safety policy.
In my city over 20,000 have already been injured or killed by cars so far this year (January - June 2015).
I love when naïve libertarians describe their dystopia with absolutely no irony.
So you are scientific then? When you learned science, do you remember the lesson about correlation does not equal causation? Were the traffic deaths going down because of regulations... or because actual safety technology used to build vehicles has vastly improved? Of course you just assume all these regulations are what made people safer. Good thing you are so scientific. Here is another real fallacy you are guilty of:, none of those regulations prevent people from getting access to a car in any way, they are simply punishments after the fact for breaking the law, therefore they don't prevent anything, and your analogy with gun ownership is not applicable. There are laws against murder. There are laws saying you need a insurance to drive, but that wont stop you from going on Craigslist and buying a car with zero regulation and running 20 people down. Your so called safety measures operate 100% on deterrent. Too bad murderous psychopaths don't care about going to jail.