Each day the number of participants lottery continues to increase of course the smaller chance to win from the first only about less than 100 participants now more than 200/300.
poplolnman may I know how mbtc you place bets for each bet maybe it affects your victory lol
It does not affect anything, one ticket per person. It seems that he can hit 1,000mB or nothing
Odds are almost same as hitting x999 at Luckybit 1/36192
I also do not believe this affects but it is not wrong if we try all could happen because this is really a fortune
So I mean I wanted to emulate luck poplolnman lol howling, ndhc, poplolnman these names are familiar as lottery winners
as far as I know 2 ushered name it win more than 5 times
I also had the thought that the amount bet, or always active on the website it will affect. but maybe that's just my feeling. when in fact it's purely about luck