Love the logos, so if I understand correctly, we can make a single post here which links to our username on the table right? And we can write whatever we want? Cool
Yep, we'll link it. We'd like it to be in a structured format though, so that every Club follows the same pattern.
Something in the lines of:
Insert your logo
About the Club - few sentences about you
Club history - when did you start playing, how did you finish every season
Trophies won - if you won any. It can also be freebets
Biggest achievement - if you thrashed somebody 5-0 or won something important
Greatest rivalry - pick a club and describe the rivalry
Board expectations - what do you expect from your season and in general, how dedicated are you
Strengths and weaknesses - which questions are you good at, and which not
Feel free to add to it, and then we'll announce the exact format in the coming days.