It's green because your opponent didn't provide a valid answer or it was submitted late, therefore you automatically get the point. I hope that makes sense.
congratulations- I'm currently tied with my opponents, and things aren't going well.
It is sad to see that all those who won the tennis question only did so because they benefitted from someone refusing to submit an answer despite not being late. I get that in @jayce case it wouldn't have mattered as he was late anyway.
Don't get me wrong here, but I would really like to understand why someone refuses to answer questions when they are totally fine in terms of time. "I have no idea about the sport" really is no excuse because I, yes me personally, I have zero idea about DOTA2, never played it, never followed it, don't know a single player from the entire DOTA2 scene and never read any articles out of interest, but the least you can do to keep the competition fair is to open up a gambling website and pick the favorites.
Now someone could say "I still didn't feel like answering the DOTA question because too complex". Alright, but then seriously, how is someone not able to fill out the tennis question? How is that possible? I mean tennis is not nice sport and seriously, putting down Alcaraz should be possible for everyone. Even if you get the seeds wrong and didn't check the brackets, it would still cost you around 20 seconds to check the outrights for the ATP Madrid and nobody would have gotten a point because everyone would have put down Alcaraz.
I see this is as a problem specifically for the H2H questions. It does have influence on the standings in the table and it often really makes zero sense when almost an entire column is filled with the same answers, but less than a handful of people score because some refuse to answer questions even when they submitted way in time. I don't know, but refusing to fill out questions should perhaps come at a penalty. I understand when someone comes late one time in a season because it can happen and so did it to me one time in round 5, but other than that penalties should become a thing.
Maybe for both, that those who come late or refuse to answer questions get a penalty in the final table, not in the head to head. That way everyone would benefit in the same way. We could also discuss a "one joker per season" solution for coming late, but I think a penalty should apply.
When it happened to me in round 5 I did have personal reasons and I certainly still wanted to win the competition as you could see and I did lose it because one correct answer wasn't counted as I was late. But not filling in two H2H questions at all is like giving the other person 3 free points on purpose.