- Added support for Italocoin new algo (from block 55.000)
- Auto intensity for Vega cards improved, also managed to increase hashing speed on Vega cards for about ~1-1.5% (mainly on heavy algos)
- If user uses non existing GPU id in gpu_conf, it will be ignored, no error will be thrown
- Fixed miner crash when using a non AES capable CPU on some algos
- Added Windows version and build in log
- Added video driver version in log
- Added info about CPU AES support in log
- Statistics now shows number of stale shares that were accepted by pool
- Added parameter 'min_rig_speed_duration' that can set period for 'min_rig_speed' parameter (minimum is 30 sec), default is 5 min
+ I finally bought a Vega 56 card, so in the next releases i will try to improve the performance for Vegas. For now a little speedup of about 1-1.5% is achieved, mainly on Heavy based algos (Heavy, Haven, Bittube, Italo)
+ If you use a non existant id in gpu_conf, it will now be ignored, only id's that exist in your system will be used
+ There was a bug in soft AES that caused miner crash on Stellite and Haven algos, this is now fixed
+ Added accepted stale shares number in statistics. It can't know the number of real accepted stale shares on pool side, but the logic is simple, if a new job is received, but the miner sends a result in the mean time that is for the previous job, and this share gets accepted by the pool, miner will treat this like an accepted stale share.
+ min_rig_speed_duration can set the time you want to check the average hashrate for 'min_rig_speed' parameter. Default is 5 min.
Looks like you included Imperdin's heavy optimizations for that small bump. Did you include that GPL3 code in your miner?
It just looks like, but dont worry imperdin, as i already told you i dont need to use your crazy insane mega giga optimisations. I already got even more speed increase since we talked, so if you plan releasing another mega giga optimisation please dont do it before i release the next version of miner.