But they actually target followers from stake as well, I suggested everyone who is quite active in twitter (X) and your account follow (Stake.com) twitter. You will getting tags by some random account to a scammer twitter stake fake.
- Refund
- Seeling stake token
Beware, they tag you on twitter based on the follower stake list.
I followed X's account but luckily I'm not that active in twitter and I turn my X application's notification off so I will only open X whenever I wish and I will not be distracted with any notification.
Another luck is that I just opened my X account and I do not find any tag related to the scam, perhaps because all the scammer's account has been reported and removed by X.
It is obvious that we should always careful with social media and any other online places, too many scammers out there who want to steal money.
We should responsible for ourselves by avoiding something that looks suspicious or too good to be true and not by clicking unknown link in the social media.