You just need to be grateful for still getting a monthly bonus, yes even with a very small amount obtained from the number of bets that have been made at Stake, don't be discouraged and make your scheme more fun with stake.
Unfortunately I didn't get a monthly bonus this month, because I didn't make any more deposits after reaching platinum account level III, I don't know if I've been spending a lot lately and don't have much more money to bet, I hope next month it can return to normal and I can bet and gamble again, use your monthly bonus by having fun in the English premier league friends.
Since the basic bonus was changed, you have no other way to get the bonus unless you actively play
Previously Bronze accounts always got $1 reload bonus for 4 days even if $0 wager + 0 deposit but not for now account with no activity only gets $0.02 for 4 days. I also remember some local groups players sell Bronze accounts for $10 but currently no one wants to buy it
by the way my monthly bonus is not bad I get $30 total wager for a month is around $4k but I lost some of my campaign payments.
yeah, you are right about the account with no activity stuffs, I must confess that it's been over a month or so since I last played on stake, and also have not made a deposit for quite some time now, my rank is bronze, and this morning, i got to claim a $0.02 dollar worth of shiba inu, i actually choose to receive the bonus in shiba inu since $0.02 dollar worth is a little above $2000 shibs, having this gives a feeling of having something big, at least.
And talking about losing campaign payment, i would say that this is nothing out of the ordinary, this is something most of us experience from time to time, though for me, I've been out of gambling for some time now mostly on stake, i have a lot of things going on with me at the moment and can't afford to lose any of my campaign funds, this actually is the reason why i have been avoiding gambling lately, so i believe you will make the money back pretty soon as soon luck comes your way.