As we known, gambling is strictly restricted by law in China. I just want to know if it is also restricted in Russia.
Because of the prohibition of gambling, this project was created.
п. 1 cт. 4 aзapтнaя игpa - ocнoвaннoe нa pиcкe coглaшeниe o выигpышe, зaключeннoe двyмя или нecкoлькими yчacтникaми тaкoгo coглaшeния мeждy coбoй либo c opгaнизaтopoм aзapтнoй игpы пo пpaвилaм, ycтaнoвлeнным opгaнизaтopoм aзapтнoй игpы;
Cиcтeмa ГAPAHT:
Gambling is a risk-based win agreement concluded by two or more parties to such an agreement with each other or with the gambling organizer in accordance with the rules established by the gambling organizer
There is no risk of losing money, which means there is no gambling.
Or is there any risk from local law for this project?
Highly professional legal support and no risk to the investor excludes any risks. Law enforcement agencies did not find in our actions a corpus delicti.
Great! I have get the answer and I will buy some tokens when the ICO starts.