that's two was a good choice, binance (launch 2017 july) is a kinda new exchange if you compare it to bittrex (feb 2014).
For 4 years bittrex have a solid security system, not even get a security breach, ddos sometimes happen though and some phishing site like the other exchange get. Binance also have a good security aside from ddos and phishing site, there was some "incident" a few times ago, when via & sys get pumped, via goes from 20xsats to 100k++ I believe and sys even touch 1btc++, that's come from a user who got compromised from their api cause of phishing site. The good thing about binance was they have a good responsive a social media account when something happens like DDOS etc, their CEO or their social media account will almost state what happened, that's so rare in this kind of space.
The volume for 24h from 31/07
from now you can see that's a quite big difference on volume, almost 10x. But some coins that are only listed on trex like FLO not listed on binance, in the past bittrex addition means an insta pump, now it's binance listing that's make a pump. Many coin want to get listed there, why? because of the volume that binance can give. If you want much liquidity and often day trading, go to binance.
and yes you can buy some bitcoin low enough like 1000$ each at @8k for example and sell it at @8,1k and do it over and over again.