I found the following numbers:
282MH/s per chip at 6.6 W/GH/s (chip only) - 9.5 W/GH/s (whole module)
Total Hash rate: 490GH/s or 0.49TH/s
Paid: 150btc
50btc paid for 581 chips
100btc paid for ?? chips, I assume about 1100 chips.
assembly costs: private - some issues to be resolved.
Shipping NOW (september 2013).
500GH/s rigs at 0.5 W/GH/s
Total hashrate: 1 PH/s = 1000 TH/s = 1000000 GH/s
3000btc+ required for 1 PH/s? No exact numbers known.
300btc raised in CogF2.
150btc avalon refund from CogF required?
100+btc from treasury required?
Shipping in Q1/Q2 2014.
Expected hash rate by June 2014?
Garr, please resolve all the question marks so to show how significant your calculation is.
EDIT: more accurate info on http://mining.thegenesisblock.com/