Gambling is just entertainment and entertainment is not our main priority, duties and responsibilities are the main things we have to complete. And of course, when we are faced with tasks and obligations that must be carried out, sometimes this makes us a little stressed and makes us feel quite depressed. However, it is not a good idea if you intend to relieve stress and depression by gambling, because gambling is full of uncertainty and if at the end of the game you lose. So, instead of these activities making us feel happy and a little relieved, they can actually make us even more stressed and depressed. This could make us unfocused when we return to work.
And when we don't have enough free time to gamble, it would be wiser if we skip gambling activities and focus more on completing our tasks and obligations. In other words, we can only gamble after we fulfill and complete the duties and obligations that we carry out.
Gambling online easily drags a player to do such things, because they've got easy access to gamble. It's not a simple thing for a player to boycott such an urge. But with a serious-minded player, he'd think of completing his tasks first before gambling. Wagering with nothing to worry about helps the player focus on his gambling method. Gambling can't help a depressed person, yes, and it's wrong as a solution. Most people get depressed due to gambling, and using it as a cure is a double trouble. Entertainment comes at a time when all tasks have been fully completed.
The gambler chooses to rest and enjoy his free time with gambling. Retirement age is quite a perfect period for gambling. It allows the person enough space to think about gambling. Gambling while in service lands the gambler into a double mental stress. When in office he thinks of the casino, and vice versa. Hence, a gambler who is not energetic enough to hold the urge to gamble while working, or a few minutes late to an event, should stop for a while. It's a good sign of addiction. Whenever something affects our important daily activities, it's a sign the gambler is closer to addiction. As it has double-crossed the important events, and gambler gets to be more important. At that stage, it grows to a level where the place only sees gambling as the only superior event or activity.