He lied to me & investors about beaxy, which he was shilling constantly until I exposed his lies, then he disappeared. It's not a vendetta, it's a case of him lying to investors for profit. That's Fraud.
I didn't get him banned & have never said I did, he got himself banned.
I'm warning investors here that the projects main promoter & lead shill has been caught lying & banned from posting because of his activities on the forum, which puts question marks on the legitimacy of any other projects he's involved in. You should be thankful.
More to the point though, why is a noob with 100% post rate in the BitBay thread so concerned about a lying shill who's banned from posting in a different thread? Is there a connection between Stratis & BitBay I wonder?
Ask yourselves, what else has he been lying about? Then ask the team here WTF is going on? Do some research apart from BS posts on medium, ask questions. I have a feeling you'll be glad you did.