Depends what you mean by dapp, since strictly speaking Stratis has had dapps for years (Stratis Identity is a dapp, for example, but obviously people aren't counting that). As for businesses using the Stratis platform, you can see a list here: Some are using the Stratis consultancy (Gluon, BGT & MEDI), which is complementary to the Stratis Platform itself. All of these are in an early iteration. This is because Stratis Group Ltd is not yet encouraging people to use the smart contracts until a few bugs are ironed out. The fact that there are "no dapps" (as I said, depends on how you're defining dapp) is a direct result of Stratis' state of development, not its measure as a useful platform.
The idea of value here is an interesting one. Firstly, I would argue that no cryptocurrency has value, in and of itself, including (at the moment) Bitcoin. Thus I would say, with regards to value, that use is currently immaterial. However they
do have a market value. This market value is informed by scarcity. Stratis' market value is currently wholly informed by scarcity which is driven by speculation. The reason that Stratis has any market value at all is due in part to the "big hopes" that you mention people had. Nothing has changed. If anything, the value proposition has only grown stronger as the fundamentals improve.
What we're really talking about here is inducing scarcity to Strat through usage of the services of the platform. Right now, immediate usage of the platform by clients is not being actively promoted by the internal Startis team. They are, however, promoting development of client applications for future usage of the services. Examples of this include Gluon's product and Medi's prescription tracking solution.
We are not seeing "no dapps" because no one is interested in Stratis' platform. We are seeing "no dapps" because Stratis is asking people to hold off until they are confident in the security of the smart contracts offering, and accompanying sidechains
Well, but they launched smart contracts in May last year as i remember. So 1 year passed and they cant fix the errors and bugs? It sounds strange...