CoinVault is a secure, multicoin, multiaccount HD wallet for Bitcoin and Altcoin Crypto-Currencies.With CoinVault the user is in control of their private keys, and can easily import and export wallets using the BIP39 mnemonic standard.Wallets are HD and derived using the BIP32,BIP44 protocols and users can stay anonymous (no email required for registration).
Big Community Stratis has here, keeping a close eye on this one!
Also thoose wondering about staking, the more coins you have, the more "luck" you will have in getting a reward, POS favours large holders, just like in life, the more coins you have, the more you will make. The less coins you have, the more you will struggle.
If you are serious about staking, buy more coins, you need 100k+ really to get decent rewards.