I thought you could mine sha256 coins the same "base' as bitcoin also sha256 ...others on here with more knowledge then myself what do you think?
Yes you can i am just saying i might not tweak and poke my unit due to all the bbqing and breaking down i am seeing on the forum .....
yeah this will be when the knc unit reaches its bfl self life death may look at this for fun
Great , will try iy till i break even, lot of alt sha 52 cons that we can try and than trade back ....
with all the "outdated' and soon to be asic miners....I can't see them going in a closet ...I can see other foo...er I mean enlightened types like myself just using them with alt256 coins .at least until "reality" sets in.....gonna be a lot of us in 9 months with nothing worth mining in bitcoin realm..perhaps we should invent a new coin call it "Titanic Coin" ....yeah it looks pretty and is ahead of its time but it too will sink.
Titanic coin.....lol....i guess thats what BTC is to us miners right now .....