I'm feeling left out. All 2nd day delivery, hosted, no "in progress"
Order 294 paid June 3 with shipping
Order 865 paid June 4, hosted
Order 866 paid June 4, hosted
Order 4903 paid July 31, hosted (Oct. delivery)
A customer rep called and cancelled order 294 to refund my shipping, then re-issued my order which now shows:
Order 7313 paid September 19, hosted.
fingers crossed.
I need a sanity check here. If we
assume that those order numbers are sequential, and
assume that they're not all single Jupiters (some multiple, some Saturn, etc.) which leads to the
assumption that each order number entails on the order of 0.5 TH, then ... doesn't that mean around 3.6 PetaH?
There can't be 7 thousand orders, right?