The more important bit of info from this is that, as believed by some of us here to begin with, KNC is having folks physically transport the chips during these transits, in order to bypass customs delays.
In my experience it's not always optimal to do things different than the regular procedure as you will deal with people which have no experience on how to handle the situation.
What will the Arlanda customs officers do when someone arrives with a huge box of heavily packaged commercial merchandise worth thousands of dollars sealed in foil? They are used to search for drugs, alcohol, and other stuff among dirty underwear. What if they insists on keeping it for further inspection? Or what if they open the sealed bags and you have to re-bake the chips and get another delay?
Hopefully they have checked out this in advance.
I'm sure Arlanda customs will be more than willing to oblige native residents with local businesses only a few miles down the road that pertain to the exact product being transported, especially as it clearly isn't a substance, but a necessary component. That is if it is arriving by this means at all...
*If* that's the case, they will probably arrange clearance ahead of time by informing customs as to the exact nature of their goods. In any case most customs care less about legality, of which this isn't even remotely a concern, and more about duty and levy, of which KnC are doing everything by the book. They are paying tax and not breaking rules either legal or ethical with respect to queue order. They want a legitimate long term business, not a throw at a roulette table with customer funds, otherwise they would have avoided accountability from third parties securing payment and fraudulently lied telling you whatever you wanted to hear with respect to promised power consumption, theoretical, not realistic hashrate and bullshit, now 'anticipated' bullshit delivery times, to make you part with your cash for indefinite periods of time like other companies doing this right now.