Have a look at their official terms and conditions at their website (one had to accept before one can finalize the order).
First they strictly treat you as a business customer:
"1.2 The Products are sold for business use only and Purchaser hereby accepts that it has purchased the Products in order to conduct a business."
I specifically
asked KnCMiner about this point of their terms and conditions:
Q: Hi,
I read the following clause in your terms and conditions page:
"1.2 The Products are sold for business use only and Purchaser hereby
accepts that it has purchased the Products in order to conduct a business."
What does this implies?
I don't have an EU VAT number, can I still buy your products as a private individual?
A: Hi,
Yes you can still buy our products. What it means is that we don't sell consumer goods and therefore you as a customer are expected to have made an informed decision. Ordinary consumer rights legislation does not apply to the purchase. Instead the terms and conditions regulate warranty etc.
So, it appears they're effectively trying to safeguard themselves against "ordinary consumer rights legislation" but I don't think that their T&C is valid if in contrast with the EU law. I'm not a lawyer but I think there is the possibility that pretending to apply business rules to consumers by means of their T&C (the contract) could be deemed as an "
unfair contract term".
Obviously, since every "EU law" is actually an "
EU directive", what makes a (legal) point is Sweden's implementation of the consumer rights EU directives.
By buying their products you are agreeing to the T&C and thus explicitly agreeing that you are acting as a business and thus "forfeiting" consumer rights.
This is clear in Belgian law (double checked, lawyers & all) but I'm waiting for an answer re EU law (might not be fast).
The Section 75 bit *WOULD* only apply in the UK (and I'm really not sure it would stick - CC phone operators are not exactly in charge of these things and I wouldn't be surprised if their promises/word were discarded by the first judge).
if you say you are a business, you buy business only equipment, to use for a business purpose, then you want to convince your CC company/judge you're a consumer? If it quacks like a duck...
Also, if there was to be a massive refund, it would mean bankrupcy for KNCMINER and thus no money for anyone. Alea jacta est, the only thing you can do now is wait.