I then googled: Avalon 200 million
at the time, and surely their appeared associated news about another company called Avalon Ventures that had raised 200 million.
Then the WSJ ran with the original article, which was surprising as you expect their journalists to research thrououghly, but then the initial article was published on aSunday night, so who could they check with?
Another article appeared here;
and mentioned a web domain; Whois records that domain as being created two days earlier, on Friday, the site itself is nothing but an incomplete landing page with the Zurich address.
A fake twitter account also exists for the supposed ex-Lehman's guy behind the deal, Andrew Larson. If you look at the posting history beyond the last three tweets the account looks less and less legitimate.
Since the WSJ, and the other 'press releases' the story has gained some momentum and appeared on other sites, meaning any hoaxster has gone to and is continuing to go to considerable effort to spam.
The twitter account does have me perplexed. I don't twit, so I can dig deeper. And the name they mention is actually Andrew Laurus, not Larson.
Could that be Andrew Laurus (aka The Devil) with Sam (knc), Josh(bfl) and Yifu in that picture floating around?
Haha, I haven't finished editing that post yet! I'm still digging around. Gut says it's BS with a troll that has put in some considerable effort to then see it snowball so is still spamming pr releases over the web. Sunday eve release meant journalists could not call and dig, so they ran to be the first to break...?
Bitcoinorama, I am digging too, and I am not so sure this is fake. I hope KnC has their stuff together because if this is real....
Check this link out to those who doubt 20nm.
and by TSMC.
Now as for the author at bitcoinexaminer.....not much info...but I notice that she if it is a she which I doubt usually credits the source of the story with a link in the article....but not in this case. Not sure what to think of that.